How would you say you are coping mentally?

Steven fella,i dont drive and im 55
where i work its impossible to social distance we have no choice,
either take the piss and go off ( 14 self isolation full pay ) , every nhs worker as this option,but most dont through pride
me and my wife have had to sleep apart.her downstairs me upstairs for the last 4 weeks,to protect ourselves and our nipper
get out and walk,jog indoors,burn some energy away
Not one person would begrudge you or your wife staying off work after what you've already done.
You can also be very proud of that as well.
One of you must take up the self isolation offer.
Not one person would begrudge you or your wife staying off work after what you've already done.
You can also be very proud of that as well.
One of you must take up the self isolation offer.
you are wrong !
social responsibility comes into it full stop
and my wife is a foreign national too,she nor me will never play that game
my son has to go to school next tuesday and wednesday because we both have to work the same day and its impossible to swap shifts etc
take that into consideration,we have no other option and he is gutted
as the Thai's say " mai pen rai " ,which she is, it means,it doesn't matter,life goes on
up the blues
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Honestly keep trying and it makes me more anxious that before I headed out! Ha. Just joggers absolutely *everywhere* (understandably given everyone lives in flats around here) and people are absolutely naff at keeping their distance, so the whole walk is me crossing roads constantly to not be near people and that just bugs the hell out of me. I live just behind Oxford Road station, so literally bang in the middle of town. Wish I lived near a coast or out in the sticks or something right now! heh. You're right though of course... maybe I need to find a time to go out when there's no one around. Really early or something.

Just seen squirtyflower advice
Was going to say early or later,but earlier probably good for your mind mate..
But no fking jogging.
I have said this before but the best advice i have been given to cope with my anxiety is to not look foward at things i have no control over,it takes so much mental energy to do that,the best thing to do is to only be concerned with things that you can contol in the here and now,focus on what you can do now,can you volunteer and take food and medications to the vulnerable,if not can you volunteer to be one of the telephone helpers,talking to other people who have nobody and helping them can help you as well
It is a bad time for those of us who have mental heath problems already,it is not going to get any easier but look ahead too much as nobody knows what the landscape will be later on

Yeah, sound advice. To be honest, I had no real mental health problems before this, which is why I've been so surprised! I've been thinking about it, and I reckon my problems stem from never really felt out of control in life before, which is why its hit me so strongly I think. For the first time I feel totally helpless I think. In my family I've always been the one that people go to to solve problems. My mum always says I'm the unflappable one and it hits her hardest when I'm upset, cos I'm the one who fixes problems in my family - was never intended to be that way, but just how it ended up being. My mum and dad fall out, i speak to them, my brother has problems with work, I help him organise his finances, my missus doesn't know what to say to her boss, I help her write the email etc... I never asked it to be that way, but its just worked out that way. Most families have one like that I guess.

I reckon this is the first time most of us have ever felt a bit useless? Certainly feels that way for me, as I've got no idea what to do. I can't help them really. There is no solution, and I reckon the back of my mind has probably exploded as a result, and its hit hard. Never before in my life has there been something this dramatic that can't be fixed, and it feels weird. And to be honest, I've felt quite embarrassed by my own reaction it, and almost a bit ashamed tbh. Though I know that's not really fair. I guess when the core foundations on which your life are built suddenly just start to crack then its only natural that things will start to fall down.

Anyway, I'm just waffling here, but just trying to understand my own head I guess. You're spot on. I 100% need to stop worrying about the future, and as others have said, get outside in some way. Cheers for everyone who replied. Really appreciate it. I feel like a tit, but it only honestly helps getting it off my chest. Ta!x
you are wrong !
social responsibility comes into it full stop
and my wife is a foreign national too,she nor me will never play that game
my son has to go to school next tuesday and wednesday because we both have to work the same day and its impossible to swap shifts etc
take that into consideration,we have no other option and he is gutted
as the Thai's say " mai pen rai " ,which she is, it means,it doesn't matter,life goes on
up the blues
Good attitude! Keep doing your bit, hope you all stay well.
Badly. Slowly sinking in that things probably wont ever be 'normal' again. Whatever normal is. Kinda accepted I'm gonna lose someone in my family from it before any vaccine is available, and that scares me. Struggling with not seeing my family. Struggling as my career and aspirations have been stopped. Struggling because I doubt my wedding in September will go ahead. Accepted the money I had saved extensively for years for a house will probably now have to be spent due to the substantial loss or earnings. Also losing more faith with the general public. There are a lot of good people but ive never been more convinced that we're surrounded by genuinely selfish, idiotic people. Feel like I'm developing mild agoraphobia too. Every day there is a new report that suggests something like '2 metres isn't enough, joggers are a risk as they spread it everywhere and the virus can last multiple days on any surface'. I just can't see any positives at all currently. There's something quite depressing about having to accept everything is shit and it's out of our control.

Head is in a fucking dark place today.
Sorry for that mate. Feeling a bit similar today which is unusual for me. I agree with you re too many people. Had to pick up a prescription today and must have had to warn at least three people to get the fuck out of my space. Joggers, kids on bikes, pedestrians all acting like it was business as usual. This lock down will not work the way it is being implemented, just far too many opportunities to be infected. Hope I’m wrong.

I do try and live in a bubble day to day and not try and overthink the future. Has worked ok until today and hopefully it will work tomorrow.
It sounds a bit like you are trying to work out future scenarios and with the best intentions you really can’t just now. Best wishes. Love your blogs.
Today wasnt great for me. Been working all week supporting food banks, ie work for the local council and we drive 50 miles round trip ever day to transport cheap food to all the food banks in our area and also deliver to care homes etc in our area.

But for some reason today being off I was very short tempered, dont really know why. I had to go and do the shop as although my missus is on furlough I wont let her do it as she is diabetic. I wasnt looking forward to the queueing in this heat and sun. I chose the farm foods which didnt have a queue and was in and out in 30 minutes and got 90% of what I needed.
I am really missing going for a drive with the roof down and a pub lunch !

I feel better now I think I allowed the the thought of doing the shop get to me ....which was silly
I’ll put weight on but I’m eating lots of comfort food. I’ve had dough balls and pizza for my main meal and am considering getting up to the Co-Op before it closes for ice cream.

Unfortunately I can’t drink due to the medication I’m on otherwise I’d be in the garden on the recliner with ice cold beer and an iPhone for music. C’est la vie.

I’m having depressive spells daily but certainly not as bad as 18 hours in bed and constantly breaking down... There’s improvement in that sense!
I’ve lost about a stone in weight though a healthier diet/hour and half walk each day with the dogs, Ive had time to sort out all the odds and sods around the house and have fully landscaped the front and rear garden. Work wise I’m director shareholder so have had no money or support from the Gov’t (no complaints from me) and can’t take any new work on due to the current restrictions, however I have enough savings to see out a few months. All in all this has been a good pause and reset to take stock of things on a personal and professional level. Hopefully come June il be able to get out working again.

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