How would you say you are coping mentally?

Within our nuclear family, we recognize that we are quite fortunate but also very aware of the greater impact on extended family & friends abroad and even here en Suisse - so the mental toll is really trying to be supportive in many directions

Frustrations beginning to come to the surface which is understandable considering the circumstances
In short. Badly.
In long, I have had problems with my spine since February, 3 vertebrae are compressed, (what ever that means) and as my GP practice cant be arsed seeing me or helping me and , well everything is fucking with my head.
Had a shit couple of months tbh. My elderly mum was in hospital from a fall and she's now doing ok, thankfully. My brother and myself are caring for her now but she's becoming more frail. She was mentally as strong as an ox but the doom gloom and uncertainty of covid seems to be zapping her strength.

One of my best mates is in a cancer hospice nearing the end and I can't visit due to the strict 2 visitors rule. He did manage to blag me in there a few weeks back telling them I've been his best mate 50 years since primary school. Was hard watching my mate suffering excruciating pain despite being maxed out on methadone. We speak on the phone whenever he feels like he's up for a chat. Not easy but I try and cheer him up best I can.

Rang another mate up last week to see how he was doing. Told me he's on a hospital ward with throat cancer awaiting an operation. Not heard from him since then, hope he's as well as an be.

I managed to get away for a week last month with my gf, well ex gf now. We had a massive row on second day and got through the week as civil and amicable as possible. Soon as we got back to her house she said she'd enjoyed 7 years together but felt it best we split. So we have and I'm trying to get over her best I can. Probably for the best anyway tbh, even though I'm missing her right now.

I've previously suffered depression and I know when I'm struggling to cope with things. Not easy but fortunately I'm made of strong stuff. Life is sink or swim n' all that and I'd say I'm treading water right now. I'm just hoping I've topped up on enough vitamin D from the old 'currant bun' to get through the winter, as I had SAD real bad the winter before last.

But you know what, we have to get through this life together, and we will.

I remember having a conversation a couple of years ago with my mum. Told her I was feeling a bit stressed. She said - "stress, everyone seems to be stressed nowadays. We were stressed during WW2 but we were too busy fighting the bloody Germans to realise we were stressed"!

Wise words mum. Life goes on but it's not easy right now...

Chin up blues (and resident non blues: )
Stay positive blue. Easier said than done.
I'm not the best at the minute, working stupid hours on a weekly roster whilst all of my friends get made redundant. Then going home and having no patience with wife and kids because I'm tired.
I didnt notice what I have been like until i took a step back and looked at it.

Moneys tight as is, both work full time and living payday to payday. And now my firm are looking to drop my pay by 20 percent.

But at the end of the day, we are all in good health and get to spend more time together.

I cant speak for others but I find I'm too hard on myself at times. We've done alright in the circumstances.

I'm not top banana but im far from twisting my melons.

Chin up blues
To bash your Babybel? Well we've already had one blue bashing his bishop.

Chin up musty, mate: )
Todays a good day, It is just a pounding headache, oh and my eyes ache. But I remember your mothers wise words about WWII and stress :-)
Meant to ask, is your Mam out of hospital now ?

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