How would you say you are coping mentally?

Todays a good day, It is just a pounding headache, oh and my eyes ache. But I remember your mothers wise words about WWII and stress :-)
Meant to ask, is your Mam out of hospital now ?
Yes, she's at home now, thanks for asking. We'll hopefully have a beer sometime in the future with a few other blues. I might even keep sober since @Bigg Bigg Blue won't be drinking and leading me astray; )
Had a shit couple of months tbh. My elderly mum was in hospital from a fall and she's now doing ok, thankfully. My brother and myself are caring for her now but she's becoming more frail. She was mentally as strong as an ox but the doom gloom and uncertainty of covid seems to be zapping her strength.

One of my best mates is in a cancer hospice nearing the end and I can't visit due to the strict 2 visitors rule. He did manage to blag me in there a few weeks back telling them I've been his best mate 50 years since primary school. Was hard watching my mate suffering excruciating pain despite being maxed out on methadone. We speak on the phone whenever he feels like he's up for a chat. Not easy but I try and cheer him up best I can.

Rang another mate up last week to see how he was doing. Told me he's on a hospital ward with throat cancer awaiting an operation. Not heard from him since then, hope he's as well as an be.

I managed to get away for a week last month with my gf, well ex gf now. We had a massive row on second day and got through the week as civil and amicable as possible. Soon as we got back to her house she said she'd enjoyed 7 years together but felt it best we split. So we have and I'm trying to get over her best I can. Probably for the best anyway tbh, even though I'm missing her right now.

I've previously suffered depression and I know when I'm struggling to cope with things. Not easy but fortunately I'm made of strong stuff. Life is sink or swim n' all that and I'd say I'm treading water right now. I'm just hoping I've topped up on enough vitamin D from the old 'currant bun' to get through the winter, as I had SAD real bad the winter before last.

But you know what, we have to get through this life together, and we will.

I remember having a conversation a couple of years ago with my mum. Told her I was feeling a bit stressed. She said - "stress, everyone seems to be stressed nowadays. We were stressed during WW2 but we were too busy fighting the bloody Germans to realise we were stressed"!
Wise words mum. Life goes on but it's not easy right now...

Chin up blues (and resident non blues: )
You seem to have a great outlook and sorry to hear of all your mates problems. If they have a mate like you they are lucky and hope everything works out OK. I don't seem to struggle with depression or worry too much about things I can do fuck all about, my missus has secondary ms and I care for her while working part time and I suppose I am just too busy to let it get to me somehow
You seem to have a great outlook and sorry to hear of all your mates problems. If they have a mate like you they are lucky and hope everything works out OK. I don't seem to struggle with depression or worry too much about things I can do fuck all about, my missus has secondary ms and I care for her while working part time and I suppose I am just too busy to let it get to me somehow
Thank you kindly sir: )

I'm a glass half full type usually, but my contents seem to have evaporated a little lately. I read what others have written on here and other threads and think I'm lucky I still have my health fortunately, and rational thinking. It puts things into perspective I think.

MS took my mate's dad when he was young, sadly. Such a horrible condition to suffer.

May I wish Mrs left peg and yourself future happiness together in these troubled times we live in. Best wishes blue.
But Covid is so virulent, we are told, you can practically catch it from even looking at someone with it ....?

Had it myself, in bed for 5 days and the wife spent most of that time in bed next to me and she never caught it. I did see a report from Germany some months ago that said it didn't seem to spread throughout a household if one person had it but they didn't know why. A friends daughter has just had it and he said see literally used him as a pillow for a few days and he never got it, strange.
Thank you kindly sir: )

I'm a glass half full type usually, but my contents seem to have evaporated a little lately. I read what others have written on here and other threads and think I'm lucky I still have my health fortunately, and rational thinking. It puts things into perspective I think.

MS took my mate's dad when he was young, sadly. Such a horrible condition to suffer.

May I wish Mrs left peg and yourself future happiness together in these troubled times we live in. Best wishes blue.
Ms is truly awful but the missus seems to have a more positive outlook than many on here. Perhaps they could do with a good look in the mirror and appreciate what they have and not what they haven't. Thanks for your kind words and all the best to you too
It's considered bad form these days to tell people to "pull yourself together", in case they really are suffering from a clinical mental health problem.

But the reality is the VAST majority of people are not suffering from depression or have suicidal tendencies or whatever, and they really do just need to man up instead of talking bollocks about "how its affecting my mental health". Well guess what, it almost certainly ISN'T affecting your mental health. You're just worried, and pissed off and feeling a bit flat. I get it. We all are.
Thats me. Im pissed off. Fed up.

i was on anti anxiety pills last year and im not 1/10th near that. Came off em a week before lock down!! But im good.

what i miss big time is my 6 weekly weekends away. I found that kept my pecker up as it was always something to look forward to. Having had the half term one pop weve now given up til ... whenever.

but yeah... im not depressed, i know what that is... im just pissed off
The whole mental health side of this situation is just so odd. I'm actually pleased that this thread wasn't bumped back on to page 1 last week as I was genuinely not in a good place. I'd got so down with everything and felt so helpless, utterly fed up and just couldn't see where it was all going to end. I sit here typing this now though and I'm actually feeling ok. Not optimistic, I'd not go that far but just feeling, well, good! And yet in the real world the figures are getting worse and we are staring into another lockdown. So why is my mindset different this week to last? I just don't understand it.
The whole mental health side of this situation is just so odd. I'm actually pleased that this thread wasn't bumped back on to page 1 last week as I was genuinely not in a good place. I'd got so down with everything and felt so helpless, utterly fed up and just couldn't see where it was all going to end. I sit here typing this now though and I'm actually feeling ok. Not optimistic, I'd not go that far but just feeling, well, good! And yet in the real world the figures are getting worse and we are staring into another lockdown. So why is my mindset different this week to last? I just don't understand it.

Not to say that this is how you feel, but I wonder if a form of lockdown "comfort" exists. I don't mean this for all those who lose their jobs due to closed workplaces etc, but more that by being under lockdown it should mean that ourselves and loved ones are out of harms way and there is nothing we can be doing to try and improve or change the situation. In some ways I think lockdowns can reduce the onus on us. Staying in is terrible of course but I do think I felt more at ease somehow during April-June when I knew it was going to take something extraordinary for myself or loved ones to come to harm.
The whole mental health side of this situation is just so odd. I'm actually pleased that this thread wasn't bumped back on to page 1 last week as I was genuinely not in a good place. I'd got so down with everything and felt so helpless, utterly fed up and just couldn't see where it was all going to end. I sit here typing this now though and I'm actually feeling ok. Not optimistic, I'd not go that far but just feeling, well, good! And yet in the real world the figures are getting worse and we are staring into another lockdown. So why is my mindset different this week to last? I just don't understand it.
Take care of yourself mate.

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