Hughes is Safe! Official!

blueinsa said:
berkowizard said:
23 wins to Sven's 19? You could look at it either way.[color=#0000FF[/color]
The fact that the players HE has signed have added steel and a lot more professionalism, rather than the nancy boys prancing around either sulking, doing a runner, nobbing birds in nightclubs, breaking curfews.
The fact that Stevie Ireland loves him. SWP loves him, ditto all the players that I'm proud to have pulling on a city shirt.
The fact that no one (including Sven for that matter) should be judged after only one season in charge
The fact that the owners and Garry Cook ( i.e unlike us, people who do actually see what is going on behind the scenes) clearly have faith in him.

1: I couldnt give a flying fuck about sven.The hughes fans have decided to start using him as an excuse to keep their man
2: Well if stevie and sweep love him, thats allright then im sure ADUG will ask them first if its allright to get rid of their bestest mate!
3: £3m a year gives us as fans and our owners every right to fuckin judge him, after a week, a month, or a year. If your shit you go!
4: Is this the Garry Cook that know's that should the axe fall on Hughes the chances are it will also fall on him?

I don't give a fuck about Sven either, but he was integral to the original post i was responding to at the time.
I do think it's relevant if the majority of our key players have gone out publicly to support him. And as SWP, Stevie (particularly as an inherited player), De Jong, Kompany, Given, Dunney et al are players I'm proud to have wearing the shirt, imho, it matters.
Of course, as people who put money the club's way, we should judge him, but I simply don't think as a basic principle that managers should be sacked after such a short time, whoever they are. It's the world we've become used to and to me this haste just does not make sense.
Why would the axe fall on Garry Cook for Hughes' failures? Unless I'm being seriously forgetful, I don't recall chief execs of ours falling by the wayside because of managers' poor performances.
moomba said:
PBLZ129 said:
Old Baconchops took up the post in 1986 at the rags...

1986-87 season they finished 10th - hardly runners up. (EDIT: actually it was worse 11th)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

So yes they did though didnt they?

He took over the post in November 86, they had 3 wins and 4 draws from 13 matches at the time. They got 11 wins and 10 draws from the remaining 29 matches under him, a significant improvement unfortunately.

In his first full season they finished runners up.

You just beat me to it!

I hate no-nowts quoting Ferguson at Ragworld when they don't even know what they're talking about.
PBLZ129 said:
blueinsa said:
Jose would be perfect but he isnt going to come to City.
And you no this as a fact?

Can you honestly say you think he will come to City?[/quote]

Yes i can and i will tell you why. Mourinho is a big headed fuck but a "top drawer" one at that. He wants to be the best all the time and has stated that his desire is to return to the premier. What other club in the world could offer him what we can? i will tell you, None! Money talks my friend and the money, power and say around the world our owners have would make them incredibly difficult to turn down.IMHO. BTW before you mention kaka, i also dont think that one is dead either, again IMHO
moomba said:
PBLZ129 said:
Old Baconchops took up the post in 1986 at the rags...

1986-87 season they finished 10th - hardly runners up. (EDIT: actually it was worse 11th)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

So yes they did though didnt they?

He took over the post in November 86, they had 3 wins and 4 draws from 13 matches at the time. They got 11 wins and 10 draws from the remaining 29 matches under him, a significant improvement unfortunately.

In his first full season they finished runners up.

Touche, it took them till 1991/92 season to get back there though.

I still seem to remember something saying they weren't happy with him.
PBLZ129 said:
moomba said:
PBLZ129 said:
Old Baconchops took up the post in 1986 at the rags...

1986-87 season they finished 10th - hardly runners up. (EDIT: actually it was worse 11th)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

So yes they did though didnt they?

He took over the post in November 86, they had 3 wins and 4 draws from 13 matches at the time. They got 11 wins and 10 draws from the remaining 29 matches under him, a significant improvement unfortunately.

In his first full season they finished runners up.

Touche, it took them till 1991/92 season to get back there though.

I still seem to remember something saying they weren't happy with him.

Listen mate, if you don't know what you are talking about... it's best not to make it an integral part of your viewpoint!

Just a suggestion.
To the people who talk about the 'professional' approach he has brought to training as opposed to the presumably 'un-professional' approach of Erikson, a man who he and his un-professional training has won several trophies, is it not then expected that this 'professional' method should be reflected in results or at the very least goals from traing ground moves i.e corners?
I don't give a fuck about Sven either, but he was integral to the original post i was responding to at the time.
I do think it's relevant if the majority of our key players have gone out publicly to support him. And as SWP, Stevie (particularly as an inherited player), De Jong, Kompany, Given, Dunney et al are players I'm proud to have wearing the shirt, imho, it matters.
Of course, as people who put money the club's way, we should judge him, but I simply don't think as a basic principle that managers should be sacked after such a short time, whoever they are. It's the world we've become used to and to me this haste just does not make sense.
Why would the axe fall on Garry Cook for Hughes' failures? Unless I'm being seriously forgetful, I don't recall chief execs of ours falling by the wayside because of managers' poor performances.[/quote]

Time will tell....time will tell.

Fair do's mate, i respect your opinion i just dont agree with it!
Isn't it bizarre how so many of the more enthusiastic Hughes supporters have an unhealthy obsession with all things Rag?

Always dragging in Ferguson to support their arguments, berating fellow City fans uncomfortable with a former Rag in charge of our club, more comfortable in our mediocrity than they should be...

Just a thought.
Following this and an early season run of six defeats and two draws in eight games, a banner declaring "Three years of excuses and it's still crap. Ta ra Fergie." was displayed at Old Trafford, and many journalists and supporters called for Ferguson to be sacked. Ferguson later described December 1989 as "the darkest period [he had] ever suffered in the game."

My point is he didn't achieve prolonged instant success when he started and i was mearly linking this to the current unrest we're going through. I didnt fancy putting all this came second in his second season then did crap for the next 4 in my first post.

But anyway I dont think we'll get anywhere by continuing to sack managers after a season.

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