Hughes is Safe! Official!

HAHAHAHAHAHA I can't believe the amount of idiotic comments I've seen.

This is fantastic news, the man has my backing and as long as he in charge that won't change, I suggest some of you whinging cunts do the same or fuck off to the swamp where your arrogance will be more welcomed.
The rags won the league today and they have been celebrating all day in the hot sun.
We give another shit performance away from home.

But this news if true is the worst of the lot.

Eddie said:
berkowizard said:
Build on Sven's finish? Give me a break. The second half of the season was an abomination.
We got ONE round further on in the FA Cup last season, whoopy do, going out to Sheffield F*cking United and a couple of rounds further in a cup I don't give a toss about, against a Spurs team that just like Hughes today, the almighty Sven couldn't beat either.

Yes, Sven's finish, ie take the team who were playing so well in the first half of the season, make some additions and add some consistency to finish higher, may be even knocking on the door of the top 6.

I also never said that we had a fantastic FA Cup run last season either. I just thought we might get a decent one this season.

I would accept us winning the Carling Cup. Surprised at your reaction as it an opportunity for a piece of silverware, something we've not had for a very long time, you may or may not have noticed.

So again, I do not feel they were unrealstic expectations and they are ones I feel Hughes has not managed to deliver. That said, I don't set Hughes' targets, I'm just an ordinary fan explaining what would have constitued a decent season to me, this season.

You might want to consider your response in future rather than typing so hastily?

Fair enough Eddie. Am probably being a bit reactionary. Am just fed up of all the gloom.
berkowizard said:
Eddie said:
berkowizard said:
Build on Sven's finish? Give me a break. The second half of the season was an abomination.
We got ONE round further on in the FA Cup last season, whoopy do, going out to Sheffield F*cking United and a couple of rounds further in a cup I don't give a toss about, against a Spurs team that just like Hughes today, the almighty Sven couldn't beat either.

Yes, Sven's finish, ie take the team who were playing so well in the first half of the season, make some additions and add some consistency to finish higher, may be even knocking on the door of the top 6.

I also never said that we had a fantastic FA Cup run last season either. I just thought we might get a decent one this season.

I would accept us winning the Carling Cup. Surprised at your reaction as it an opportunity for a piece of silverware, something we've not had for a very long time, you may or may not have noticed.

So again, I do not feel they were unrealstic expectations and they are ones I feel Hughes has not managed to deliver. That said, I don't set Hughes' targets, I'm just an ordinary fan explaining what would have constitued a decent season to me, this season.

You might want to consider your response in future rather than typing so hastily?

Fair enough Eddie. Am probably being a bit reactionary. Am just fed up of all the gloom.
No probelms Berko. You are spot on though about the doom and gloom, it is not at all helpful.
Project Rain said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA I can't believe the amount of idiotic comments I've seen.

This is fantastic news, the man has my backing and as long as he in charge that won't change, I suggest some of you whinging ***** do the same or fuck off to the swamp where your arrogance will be more welcomed.

Listen mate a lot of people are sick and tired of hughes and his excuses and the last time i looked this was a forum to air your views on all things blue. I can appreciate that we will all not agree and im fine with that but dont start with calling fellow blue's ***** or telling them to fuck off just because they say something you dont agree with. Who is showing the arrogance?
Eddie said:
Interesting to note the 'expectation' word now creeping in to the defenders of Hughes' domain.

My best mate and I discussed at length this notion of unrealistic expectations. We both agreed, as indeed with others we spoke to about it. Expectations were not unrealistic this season, certainly from the viewpoint of myself and others I've spoken to.

Here's what we thought at the start of the season:

1) Build on Sven's finish and maybe even finish top 6 or at least be there abouts - result: FAIL
2) Decent run in the League Cup (not necessarily winning it) - result: FAIL
3) Decent run in the FA CUP (not necessarily winning it) - result: FAIL
4) Decent run in the UEFA Cup (not necessarily winning it) - result: SUCCESS

So UEFA aside, it has been a disappointing season based on, what I feel, are pretty fair and realistic expectations.

If Hughes could have pulled that off, I'd be happy to give him a chance. However, I have been unable to see anything to give me hope that he will realistically get it right over time and that is why I would like to see him replaced.

I am surprised he has been given official backing, given the resources at the club's disposal now, a bid for a manager of the stature and with the record of Mourino etc would not be beyond the realms of possibility.

But we actually fell at the first significant hurdle so it was a qualified success at best.
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
PBLZ129 said:
FFS! lets just give the man a year, see what he does.

Q: How many of the top 6 teams have changed their manager as much as we have?
A: One at a push - Chelsea but the spine of the team was Jose's and still is (and we know what Jose can do - he's an exception)

You've got Baconface, Wenger, Benitez, Moyes, O'niel in that list and O'niels had his job the shortest amount of time at 3 years!

We need some frigging consistency with the guy in charge before we can have consistency on the pitch. We have to give someone a decent spell in charge at some point and as its looking unlikely Jose will arrive in Manchester for the blue half (well 3/4 technically but thats spliting hairs ;) ) so why not just give him a year?

We'll all be singing his praises, like he wants in a year, IF we get somewhere - so lets give him a chance.

Yeah yeah yeah heard all that argument before.

One question to you and one question only. If you had a chance of selling Caicedo and buying Torres would you?

Course i bloody would, why ask a stupid question like that?

Torres wouldn't want to come to City regardless of who's in charge - he's playing at a club whove been in the thick of champions league, have come bloody close to winning the Premierleague and have a squad with the likes of Gerrard and Alonso. Be realisic. Could you persuade him? NOPE.

Maybe they stay in the job and their teams are successful because they are good managers.

As i recall all the rags were calling for baconface's sacking in his first season - they didnt though did they?
Maybe hughes wont come good but jesus lets give the man a chance even if he is a taffy ex red twat. We've gained nothing from changing manager every season.
Project Rain said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA I can't believe the amount of idiotic comments I've seen.

This is fantastic news, the man has my backing and as long as he in charge that won't change, I suggest some of you whinging ***** do the same or fuck off to the swamp where your arrogance will be more welcomed.

Why is it that a large percentage of the people defending Hughes can't do so without mentioning the rags?
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Hughes is carrying on until he is told otherwise. He may well have the backing of the board but I doubt he has the backing of the whole board. And what about the owner, does he have the backing of ADUG?

And why come out with that announcement if his job is safe? He's playing a media game.
Sounded sincere to me on MOTD, & I hope he gets more time.
Marvin said:
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Hughes is carrying on until he is told otherwise. He may well have the backing of the board but I doubt he has the backing of the whole board. And what about the owner, does he have the backing of ADUG?

And why come out with that announcement if his job is safe? He's playing a media game.
Sounded sincere to me on MOTD, & I hope he gets more time.

Just a point

I sound interested at the developments at work and help in the planning for my work for the next year but it doesn't mean I'm not going for a job interview next week and I've already indicated I'm very interested in another job offer

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