Hughes Official Statement [Merged]

Re: Hughes Statement

Damocles said:
M22_blu said:
I'm the same, I want success like everyone else but I wanted it achieved with integrity and a bit of class. The fact some on here think it was acceptable what happened yesterday concerns me.

The fact that you seem to think that you know what happened yesterday concerns me regarding the media's infulence on people's judgement.

All the best Hughes you've handled yourself superbly. Complete lack of class from the board the way they went about this.
Re: Hughes Statement

ashton-blues said:
chazmcfc said:
cook, khaldoon you are both twats. handled disgustingly. i am ashamed to be a blue after the events of these past two days.
If you are ashamed of being a blue go and support someone else.

Not that simple though is it
Re: Hughes Statement

scorer said:
Never been happier to be a Blue....

The saddest thing of all was it never happened last May....

But hey ho, we live and, get used to the idea, accept the new man and FFS move on.

I'm with you mate, however should have been last December when we lost to WBA and slipped into bottom 3.

Excited about Jan now, no more Upson, Parker and Bentley, maybe we will see some class players.
Re: Hughes Statement

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Not heard it but it will break the habit of 18 months if he actually takes some responsibility for anything.

No doubt he tells us how brilliantly he was doing.

and that a point at home to burnley was a good result...
1_barry_conlon said:
Keith Moon said:
Before Sven and his management team got axed Thaksin took them to a karaoke bar in Bangkok, got them drunk on tequila (because its good for the voice), stepped up to the mic and introduced his version of “Should I Stay or Should I Go” with the words “This one is for you Sven”…

So I think our new owner also have improved the sacking departure..

Brought a tear to my eye that did. Only because it was my wedding tune as the blushing bride was took up the aisle!

Hehe, excellent wedding tune!

Hans Backe told this bizarre story on TV...
has Hughes mentioned in his statement how many millions he will get paid in compensation?
In terms of how Mark Hughes was sacked it was appalling, and whether you were an 'inner' or an 'outer' surely you can see that?

Only the other week Garry Cook was being metaphorically run out of town for his latest faux pas; now he's being lauded by some for his part in Hughes' sacking despite his obvious duplicity in this latest sordid affair at what used to be our football club. Still, at least Mancini knows what he is dealing with now.

The club has been aspiring to and, in some areas at least, achieving professionalism in certain areas in recent years and yet it now has to resort to rank amateurism of the sort we were so used to seeing in the past, setting us back years to the days of Peter Reid and Frank Clark (although I may stand corrected on this) who heard on the radio he'd been fired. And didn't Howard Kendall take Peter Swales to one side on his appointment to tell him that if he wanted to run a big club he had to think like he was running a big club, pointing to the 'Sandwiches sponsored by Brother' label on the half-time refreshments? More latterly, of course, there was Sven under another regime, but at least we've now achieved some kind of consistency in one area at least.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and in my opinion City have done this in the worst possible way and only someone with a heart of stone wouldn't feel a twinge of sympathy for Hughes even if he'll never have to work again. Perhaps you don't agree but the vipers' nest that is the press certainly seem to think so today, despite their obvious - but now instantly forgotten- hypocrisy. After all, haven't they been predicting and advocating Hughes' exit for months?
Re: Hughes Statement

chazmcfc said:
cook, khaldoon you are both twats. handled disgustingly. i am ashamed to be a blue after the events of these past two days.

and i'm ashamed you call yourself a blue. mark hughes can sit on his arse for the next three years as a reward for doing a very average job.

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