Hughes Official Statement [Merged]

Re: Hughes Statement

de niro said:
Godfather said:
Only to an unforunate few, like you two, who are embarassed to have appointed a far superior manager and are moving forward, ill leave you to be ashamed and embarassed whilst i feel proud and excited!

i am excited, i think mancini will do well, i also think our club went about it is a disgraceful way.

mind you i do have some integrity.

What actions did you take when Thaksin was associating the club's name with all sorts of unsavoury affairs and issues, coming close to running the club into the ground, using it as a political tool and shafting the manager in public over a period of months, not hours?

You know, as a man of integrity who is so concerned with the club's good name?
Re: Hughes Statement

A bunch of twats nobody should be treated like that.The money will bring success and i will enjoy it as much as anyone else but that doesn't change the fact that what has gone on these last fews days is a disgrace.

Oh and by the way I somewhere in between on the Hughes in or out carry on.
Re: Mark Hughes Official Statement via LMA

His own fault. He should have made his team more dynamic and got them to ask the opposition more questions (obviously!)
Re: Mark Hughes Official Statement via LMA

PR orientated, self righteous bollocks. See how he fails to recognise every single failure, yet blissfully bangs on about how he would have 'undoubtedly' have brought success.
Re: Hughes Statement

scorer said:
Never been happier to be a Blue....

The saddest thing of all was it never happened last May....

But hey ho, we live and, get used to the idea, accept the new man and FFS move on.
Could not agree more. I support Manchester City, not the manager or the players. They come and go,some better than others.Who ever is at the club at the time has my support. Thanks Mark, but you were not the man for the job.
Re: Mark Hughes Official Statement via LMA

Damocles said:
PR orientated, self righteous bollocks. See how he fails to recognise every single failure, yet blissfully bangs on about how he would have 'undoubtedly' have brought success.

Mark hughes never once admitted that anything was his fault when he was our maneger, why would he start now?
Re: Mark Hughes Official Statement via LMA

mancityscot said:
i'll miss you mark, great guy

I feel like im reading elegy's on here at the moment. He might well have been treated unfairly yesterday, but the millions of pounds in compensation and an almost guarenteed job in the Prem will prevent the guy from having sleepless nights. Some of the emotional, sentimental bile on here at the moment (not aimed at you) is embarrassing; anyone losing their job on here would have the worry of being able to finance their families.
Re: Hughes Statement

DontLookBackInAnger said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Dunne was poor for two years and some of the stuff written on here was embarrassing for me. This is why I rarely post on the main forum of this site, it's full of kids and knee jerkers who don't have the balls to say this shit on a phone in or to anyones face, they just feel brave behind a screen. I much prefer the likes of KOTK where you get sensible mature views from people who have followed the club for decades, not years.
I started watching City in 1978(thats 3 decades btw)and have watched them home and away pretty much ever since other than when I was living outside the UK for a time and even then managed 20 games one season, while living in Germany. Please don't judge others based on your view of what of what went on, you simply don't know and as such can't judge anyone else on this board, because they might not share your view.

I know mate, I know there a lot of long time die hard blues on here, but there is also an increasing number of embarrassments who are making me ashamed to support this team. Someone alluded to officials at the club reading some of the stuff on here earlier, I hope to god this is not true.

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