Hull Vs City Post Match Thread

noise said:
nick3131 said:
Why on earth did Dzeko stay on the field?

I thought that he should have been taken off during half time. He did very little.

Sure he scored the goal but that was all Silva, any Man City striker would have finished that one.

I think they should have done a 4-5-0 as soon as they went down to 10 men. Take out Dzeko and bring on another midfielder.
Ignorant comments like these are so tiring. Have you literally not seen his defensive contributions, and the fact that with a man down Hart could only clear to Dzeko up the field?

Learn something about football FFS before making such uninformed comments.


You go down to 10 men. You go up 1-0. Taking off a striker and shoring up the middle is the logical thing to do at that point.

Especially since Dzeko is not really doing a whole lot. Sure he had a nice headed clearance. And he eventually scored a goal from a beautiful Silva pass. But at the end of the day that doesn't mean it was the right decision. It only appears right because everyone played well.
I've watched several Bruce's interviews this season and some of them were after some decisions that went against Hull or Pardew's assault on his player, and in each of them he sounded like one of most decent managers in the League.

Yep. One of the least offensive ex-rags in the game today.
Pellergrini was spot on with his formation today . Ya Ya Toure looks a better player when attacking . Lee Mason was a pile of shit though . He couldn't wait to get that red card out for Vinny . Even though Vinny was fouled by Jelavic
What's Humphries been saying about Hart? I watched the game on NBC because I didn't want to chance having to listen to that cockgobbler Owen for 90 minutes.
BlueMoonofKY said:
I rarely post on here, more of a lurker really, but I have no idea why people are slagging off Dzeko today. While defending a corner he saved almost a certain goal, and took his chance for his goal well. Sure he had one saved about 2 minutes earlier, but its not like it was a horrible miss. He worked fairly hard today, won some headers, and earned some free-kicks. Give him some slack.


I thought Dzeko did OK'ish, there were times he didn't get as involved in the game as I would have liked, but he did put in that defensive header from that corner kick which could easily have led to a goal and he did seem to play his part defensively at other times.

Overall he did OK.
What a game, the lads stood tall today, I thought David Silva was just brilliant today, when Kompany got sent off it just galvanised the team, the defence just stood firm and Hull got what they deserved nothing, the lads did a great job today..............well done guys..............
MSP said:
80s Shorts said:
Decent interview with elephant man.

Called the Hart incident as handbags. Stubbs desperate for Bruce to call it a headbutt.......wanker.

I've watched several Bruce's interviews this season and some of them were after some decisions that went against Hull or Pardew's assault on his player, and in each of them he sounded like one of most decent managers in the League.

I can't stand the guy, but I've noticed that he refuses to get drawn on controversial incidents. Too many managers want to replay the game after their team has put in a shite performance, so they go for the controversy! Not Bruce.
PROUD of the boys today great performance under difficult circumstance's WELL DONE BLUE'S same attitude next game please.

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