Huw Edwards - 6 month suspended sentence (pg 107)

They get the same. It’s just that people don’t realise it and want everybody punished harder than the law suggests, regardless of crime. (FB incitement aside)
If everybody is treated the same, why is Katie Price still walking about scot free?
Some of these judges need their hard drives checking, it can be the only reason that nonces never get the sentence they deserve, tbh they deserve their bollocks cut off and stuffed down their throats and then hanged but call me old school.
It's not really, all those saying 'yet you get 2/3/4 years for sharing a meme or a Facebook post' are seriously downplaying the fact that what they were actually doing was inciting violence so extreme there was a real risk some would have been stuck inside a building whilst it was on fire, that's what those all so harmless people caused by sharing and encouraging locations of Mosques and Hotels, far more should have been punished but there isn't enough space in prisons so they had to make an example out of very few and it worked to stop the riots and discourage others who are thinking of doing the same in the future - those downplaying the gravity of those social media posts are the ones that are taking the piss.
Nonsense and you know it. There was no proven link between what was posted and what happened, sure it was wrong but the sentances are ridiculous.

People are getting much shorter sentances for commiting actual serious assault than for saying something on social media. It's utterly ridiculous and indefensible.

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