Huw Edwards - 6 month suspended sentence (pg 107)

It's not really, all those saying 'yet you get 2/3/4 years for sharing a meme or a Facebook post' are seriously downplaying the fact that what they were actually doing was inciting violence so extreme there was a real risk some would have been stuck inside a building whilst it was on fire, that's what those all so harmless people caused by sharing and encouraging locations of Mosques and Hotels, far more should have been punished but there isn't enough space in prisons so they had to make an example out of very few and it worked to stop the riots and discourage others who are thinking of doing the same in the future - those downplaying the gravity of those social media posts are the ones that are taking the piss.
All fucking nonces should be strung up
Sorry, but why is his suicide risk factored into the magistrate's verdict when passing sentence ? That should have no weight whatsoever. Is he still a risk to children of re-offending ? Will he still seek to obtain indecent images of children and so propagate an illegal trade in vulnerable children being abused ? That's all that should be considered.
If the miserable paedophile wants to end his own life as a result of his own sick perversions and weaknesses then that's for him and his conscience. It should have no weight in the leniency or otherwise in his sentence.
I’m fascinated how many people are CERTAIN he got a light sentence because he’s famous and not just because that’s what we give people who are guilty of his offences.

It's interesting that someone can pull the mental health card as soon as they are arrested and charged and this is taken into account in the sentancing ? Seems all too easy.
A 6 month suspended sentence for being a child abuser!

It’s ridiculous. People have been locked up for years for doing less, why hasn’t he been locked up
It's not really, all those saying 'yet you get 2/3/4 years for sharing a meme or a Facebook post' are seriously downplaying the fact that what they were actually doing was inciting violence so extreme there was a real risk some would have been stuck inside a building whilst it was on fire, that's what those all so harmless people caused by sharing and encouraging locations of Mosques and Hotels, far more should have been punished but there isn't enough space in prisons so they had to make an example out of very few and it worked to stop the riots and discourage others who are thinking of doing the same in the future - those downplaying the gravity of those social media posts are the ones that are taking the piss.
I'm confused. So noncing children is okay with you?
Nonsense and you know it. There was no proven link between what was posted and what happened, sure it was wrong but the sentances are ridiculous.

People are getting much shorter sentances for commiting actual serious assault than for saying something on social media. It's utterly ridiculous and indefensible.

Very very few people have been locked up for posting something on social media (not enough in my opinion) - they had to do it as a way of making an example and preventing other cunts giving away locations of Mosques and hotels with migrants in them, escalating and encouraging others to literally burn and kill people. It worked.

As for Edwards I’d be more than happy for him to be locked up for life but just because he isn’t doesn’t excuse the vile cunts who were encouraging others to go and kill people.
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I see this is thown about by you and other tories, she was inciting the mob to set fire to the hotel full of peope and was being racist long before the troubles , you cannot tell people to burn the migrants and other people in the hotel , she was rightly made an example of, is it right to tell people to murder others ?

but the hotel wasnt burnt down, basically she spouted a few unsavoury things. but HURT no one. For a woman to actually try to say some words spoken/wrote are worse than or as equally bad as child abuse, is Abhorrent. humanity really is doomed if the old "sticks and stones will break your bones but words can never harm you" mantra, has become "stick and stones can break your bones and words can do much worse"

I have been subjected to racial abuse, fortunately for me I have something that resembles a spine. consequently I couldn't care less. people need to man up. Also growing up where I did, i was subjected to a great deal of incitement to commit offences of varying nature. again, fortunately for me I don't have a weak mind. so I didn't listen.

people need to develop a spine and cultivate a few brain cells, and child abuse will remain a significant offence as opposed to be considered less serious than saying a big bad word.

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