I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

I had a work laptop many years ago when I worked from home, me and Mrs H went on holiday and my single mate “house sat” for us, I told him he could use the work laptop, this was early days, think it was 8GB.

Anyway, I had to attend head office a couple of weeks later, our gaffer asked how we were all getting on WFH, various concerns but all was good. He then said everyone could leave apart from me, I sensed a bollocking was on the horizon. He was very diplomatic and said if I wanted to use the laptop be careful what sites I was on. I told him I’d not been on anything dodgy apart from the betting sites (we were a broadcaster of horse racing into betting shops so not really that bad). He said, the betting sites were not the issue, I asked for species and he said “porn”. Penny dropped, must have been my mate who I shouldn’t have let use my laptop. I said, oh I’m sorry it was probably my stepson who was about 17 at the time, (he was actually at his Dad’s whilst we were away), gaffer says, “well if that’s the case you may need to have a word with him, it was gay porn”, fuck me, I was so embarrassed.

Me and my mate knew each other virtually from birth, born 6 days apart and grew up across the street from each other, he’d only had one girlfriend (we were late 30’s at the time) and even today at 64 he’s still single, very private and we hardly see him. It’s sad to think if he is gay he didn’t feel comfortable enough to come out and has lived in his own for most of his adult life, he could though have just been “gay curious”.
Wow! What a story. Someone extremely close to me came out earlier this year. It obviously matters not a fucking jot to me and seeing him happy makes me happy.

Now, what's the quickest way to delete your browsing history hun, erm, I mean mate?
Funnily enough, last time I remember him polluting a thread to this extent was when it was about Nigel Farage's bank account.
You do make me laugh. Polluting a thread or putting it another way disagreeing with your view of the World.
What I find amusing is it’s down to your type who feed the fire for ITV to pay him 1.5m.
He is not only laughing at the left but all the way to the bank as well.
He is earning sums in a couple of weeks that the likes of you can only dream about earning in a lifetime.
Wow! What a story. Someone extremely close to me came out earlier this year. It obviously matters not a fucking jot to me and seeing him happy makes me happy.

Now, what's the quickest way to delete your browsing history hun, erm, I mean mate?
I had a work laptop many years ago when I worked from home, me and Mrs H went on holiday and my single mate “house sat” for us, I told him he could use the work laptop, this was early days, think it was 8GB.

Anyway, I had to attend head office a couple of weeks later, our gaffer asked how we were all getting on WFH, various concerns but all was good. He then said everyone could leave apart from me, I sensed a bollocking was on the horizon. He was very diplomatic and said if I wanted to use the laptop be careful what sites I was on. I told him I’d not been on anything dodgy apart from the betting sites (we were a broadcaster of horse racing into betting shops so not really that bad). He said, the betting sites were not the issue, I asked for species and he said “porn”. Penny dropped, must have been my mate who I shouldn’t have let use my laptop. I said, oh I’m sorry it was probably my stepson who was about 17 at the time, (he was actually at his Dad’s whilst we were away), gaffer says, “well if that’s the case you may need to have a word with him, it was gay porn”, fuck me, I was so embarrassed.

Me and my mate knew each other virtually from birth, born 6 days apart and grew up across the street from each other, he’d only had one girlfriend (we were late 30’s at the time) and even today at 64 he’s still single, very private and we hardly see him. It’s sad to think if he is gay he didn’t feel comfortable enough to come out and has lived in his own for most of his adult life, he could though have just been “gay curious”.
You do make me laugh. Polluting a thread or putting it another way disagreeing with your view of the World.
What I find amusing is it’s down to your type who feed the fire for ITV to pay him 1.5m.
He is not only laughing at the left but all the way to the bank as well.
He is earning sums in a couple of weeks that the likes of you can only dream about earning in a lifetime.
Nope, polluting a thread isn’t about disagreeing with someone, it’s about flooding it with dozens of posts full of drivel.

As for “my type” feeding the fire, you really haven’t got a clue.

You also haven’t got a clue about what “the likes of me” earn in a lifetime, but unlike you I don’t spend half my waking hours boasting about it.
I have been out to Lyme Park this morning and my Mrs was telling me a little bit about the show whilst in the car
I don’t know any of the other Z listers and neither does she.
Apparently she says they were all facing a bit of a dilemma. They are obviously in it to win so they were giving our Nige a bit of a wide birth.
The black guy who had obviously not gone in with a game plan, thought it would be a good idea to take Farage on,on his specialist subject and was quickly shot down with a one liner and left to look a bit of a fool. Apparently the other contestants, as soon as the black guy mentioned Brexit moved off not wanting to get involved, thinking getting involved is not good for my chances of winning at this stage.
All good stuff.
Fred is not black
You do make me laugh. Polluting a thread or putting it another way disagreeing with your view of the World.
What I find amusing is it’s down to your type who feed the fire for ITV to pay him 1.5m.
He is not only laughing at the left but all the way to the bank as well.
He is earning sums in a couple of weeks that the likes of you can only dream about earning in a lifetime.
Maybe that poster puts integrity and being decent ahead of grifting millions from fuckwits who seem unable to learn from past iterations of the right wing. Never tends to end well.

We all know that money is the only thing that you care about and judge others on. It’s a deeply unpleasant trait but those who have that trait tend to be too far gone to know they have it.

Fortunately we get to see you for who you are every couple of months on threads that mention the worst cunts about. Usually jumping to their defence.

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