I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

I generally disagree. I have a 21 year old daughter and a girlfriend who has a 19 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. They think life owes them a living.

The way they behave and their outlook on life compared to me at that age is startling.

And they are just 3 examples. Me and my four sisters have the same conversation about their kids as well, as well as work colleagues constantly berating the way their kids and their friends behave. One lad at work, not so long ago was reduced to tears by the way his 17 year old son behaves.

Social media had a lot to answer for!
I've got two 15 year olds and a 17 year old and they are kind, considerate, polite and empathetic.

Children's behaviour is usually largely dictated by the parenting they got.
I haven't watched it but I've seen the transcript of that whole Nella thing.
What a fucking self obsessed narcissist twat.
That's all I want to say.
If she didn't fake all that for the cameras, I really think she needs expert professional help. If someone's close relative died last week I would be absolutely ready and willing to forgive and forget anything they said to me. To still think it's a valid excuse to be horrible to someone after four years just shows that she has not dealt with it in a healthy way at all.

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