I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

Spot on. I don't watch it because why would I bother when I can read this thread instead? But I assume the whole point is the people selected to go on it are going to be atypical in order to generate some sort of interest either negative or positive. So she'll be no more representative of the average 20 something, or even your average youtuber than Farage is of the average whatever older person.

Having said I don't watch it, I would however definitely pay a streaming service to watch a BM version, there's loads of people on here who would be well interesting to observe being cooped up together.

It would get pulled after the first night and we would be hit with another premier league charge. At least two of the campmates would be dead and two charged with murder.
Would it be a bluemoon thread if it didn't descend into how the young of today have fucked up the world and have no respect. Back in my day...

The majority of us are old school Blues so much be sixty or older, hardly surprising lol.
I had a work laptop many years ago when I worked from home, me and Mrs H went on holiday and my single mate “house sat” for us, I told him he could use the work laptop, this was early days, think it was 8GB.

Anyway, I had to attend head office a couple of weeks later, our gaffer asked how we were all getting on WFH, various concerns but all was good. He then said everyone could leave apart from me, I sensed a bollocking was on the horizon. He was very diplomatic and said if I wanted to use the laptop be careful what sites I was on. I told him I’d not been on anything dodgy apart from the betting sites (we were a broadcaster of horse racing into betting shops so not really that bad). He said, the betting sites were not the issue, I asked for species and he said “porn”. Penny dropped, must have been my mate who I shouldn’t have let use my laptop. I said, oh I’m sorry it was probably my stepson who was about 17 at the time, (he was actually at his Dad’s whilst we were away), gaffer says, “well if that’s the case you may need to have a word with him, it was gay porn”, fuck me, I was so embarrassed.

Me and my mate knew each other virtually from birth, born 6 days apart and grew up across the street from each other, he’d only had one girlfriend (we were late 30’s at the time) and even today at 64 he’s still single, very private and we hardly see him. It’s sad to think if he is gay he didn’t feel comfortable enough to come out and has lived in his own for most of his adult life, he could though have just been “gay curious”.

"My mate"

That old chestnut.
I literally hate everything Nella says. If a man said some of her comments, or a white person repeated some of her sayings the show would be pulled off air.

Fucking ****

The death of her father hit her hard, went from size 12 to 20 and drank heavily every night. That’s a tough dark place to be.
Doesn’t excuse what she said to Fred and her behaviour, but it does add some context and the level of hate she will get needs to cool off a little imo
The death of her father hit her hard, went from size 12 to 20 and drank heavily every night. That’s a tough dark place to be.
Doesn’t excuse what she said to Fred and her behaviour, but it does add some context and the level of hate she will get needs to cool off a little imo
It was 4 years ago, Fred’s comment was never meant to offend, and if she did find it offensive, common sense would prevail and know not wasn’t intentional.

She is a disgrace, and part of the social media youth of today. Get a job, some respect for people and yourself, and stop being fucking offended by everything. Worse than scousers and that’s saying something.

“What you doing in south London Farage”

The fucks it got to do with you!

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