I am never!

blinkblue said:
TheBlueNowhere said:
couldnt ahve happned to more deserveinf club thoudh fuckin if it apenned today i woudnlt be to sad rto se rio gigs and ronney go
Is this a serious post?
ste.sully said:
MCFC BOB said:
You shouldn't have been doing anyway. 'Carlos Tevez is a Blue...' is a great song until they mention that he 'hates Munichs'. It's horrible.
Not to mention Frank Swift.

I really can't understand what compels those City fans (I reluctantly call them fans) to chant Munich
Beer and small brains
Mike N said:
Did they mention how the club wanted the houses back and the wives had to move out?

spot on.

did they also mention how they have commercialized the disaster and squeezed every fooking penny they possibly could out of it?

i don,t sing munich cos i was glad men died in a plane crash. i sing it because utd have prostituted the whole thing and sought to make money out of it,whilst not giving a fuck about the families soon after the event.

the sooner folk realize how that shameful despicable red corporation used tragedy to make money then the stigma attached to referring to it can be dropped.

when i was 20 years old i read an article in the independent newspaper on the air disaster which made me weep.as i got older i read more and more about how the club left families of the deceased to fend for themselves in the aftermath of munich. just the same arrogant cuntish approach their fans of today showed at wembley last week. fuck man utd.you will always be munichs to me. i despise everything you stand for.
dennishasdoneit said:
Mike N said:
Did they mention how the club wanted the houses back and the wives had to move out?

spot on.

did they also mention how they have commercialized the disaster and squeezed every fooking penny they possibly could out of it?

i don,t sing munich cos i was glad men died in a plane crash. i sing it because utd have prostituted the whole thing and sought to make money out of it,whilst not giving a fuck about the families soon after the event.

the sooner folk realize how that shameful despicable red corporation used tragedy to make money then the stigma attached to referring to it can be dropped.

when i was 20 years old i read an article in the independent newspaper on the air disaster which made me weep.as i got older i read more and more about how the club left families of the deceased to fend for themselves in the aftermath of munich. just the same arrogant cuntish approach their fans of today showed at wembley last week. fuck man utd.you will always be munichs to me. i despise everything you stand for.
I really just can't agree with you on that one. Sure their club use it to make money and they love churning it up at every opportunity but all that is nothing to do with us.
I love supporting City, always have done. The supporters are what make it special for me. The total obsession, devoution, love and hatred we feel for own club is fantastic. But I have to say it hurts me to the core when ever that song is sung or the term Munich is used. City fans really let themselves down doing stuff like that.
moorsideblue said:
singing about munich ever again after watching this

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b010tb6z/United/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b010tb6z/United/</a>

Whether you sing it or not, the most vomit inducing, shit piece of tv i have had the misfortune to watch in a long, long time!

Shit writing with shit acting!
dennishasdoneit said:
Mike N said:
Did they mention how the club wanted the houses back and the wives had to move out?

spot on.

did they also mention how they have commercialized the disaster and squeezed every fooking penny they possibly could out of it?

i don,t sing munich cos i was glad men died in a plane crash. i sing it because utd have prostituted the whole thing and sought to make money out of it,whilst not giving a fuck about the families soon after the event.

the sooner folk realize how that shameful despicable red corporation used tragedy to make money then the stigma attached to referring to it can be dropped.

when i was 20 years old i read an article in the independent newspaper on the air disaster which made me weep.as i got older i read more and more about how the club left families of the deceased to fend for themselves in the aftermath of munich. just the same arrogant cuntish approach their fans of today showed at wembley last week. fuck man utd.you will always be munichs to me. i despise everything you stand for.

Thankfully this is now a minority view.

Most blues have friends and family members who happen to support Utd.

Manchester is not a sectarian city. This kind of hatred just isn't wanted by the vast majority of people and we definitely don't need it here.
mammutly said:
dennishasdoneit said:
spot on.

did they also mention how they have commercialized the disaster and squeezed every fooking penny they possibly could out of it?

i don,t sing munich cos i was glad men died in a plane crash. i sing it because utd have prostituted the whole thing and sought to make money out of it,whilst not giving a fuck about the families soon after the event.

the sooner folk realize how that shameful despicable red corporation used tragedy to make money then the stigma attached to referring to it can be dropped.

when i was 20 years old i read an article in the independent newspaper on the air disaster which made me weep.as i got older i read more and more about how the club left families of the deceased to fend for themselves in the aftermath of munich. just the same arrogant cuntish approach their fans of today showed at wembley last week. fuck man utd.you will always be munichs to me. i despise everything you stand for.

Thankfully this is now a minority view.

Most blues have friends and family members who happen to support Utd.

Manchester is not a sectarian city. This kind of hatred just isn't wanted by the vast majority of people and we definitely don't need it here.

If you put the actual "Runway song" aside here for a minute, the actual use of the phrase "Munich" is still widely used by many thousands of Blues when referring to the Rags and it is still widely sung by thousands of match day going Blues in a few songs,,,"Carlos Teves is a Blue"..."Ryan Giggs is".

Not the minority some on here would wish for imo.

I am not condoning it here i am just pointing out the fact that it hasn't gone away and never will imo.
EastStandBlue said:
Blue Haze said:
I don't understand why people keep talking about such an old disaster all the time.
Because 23 talented people died that day you complete muppet! Anyone who chants Munich is not a fan and should either stop or fuck off.

That's your reason for talking about it all the time. Even though you obviously don't know the facts, such as 23 talented people died etc.

I'm so fucking bored of Munich threads. Everyone comes out and says "I dont sing it", "Real fans don't sing it".

Yet at the Fenhurst later, 90% of the fans chanting will end the Tevez song with "Munichs". You know it, I know it.

Though I would never sing it.

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