I am never!

United yet again strike up propaganda with last night's programme. BBC2 invites the world to come and feel sorry for Manchestet United FC, just in case anyone had forgotten or missed the umteen other programmes trying to create sorrow and support across the world!

Yet as someone else said, did the programme show how Manchester United FC disgracefully booted out survivors and their families or the famies of the deceased when they thought enough time had passed. Many had nowhere, at all, to go. They were effectively booted out onto the streets and MUFC didn't give a fuck about the future of these people.

Yet at every opportunity forever more, MUFC would try and strike up this kind of propaganda to gain support and thus money for themselves. A bit of guilt was tripped upon in the 90's but then it seemed it was just another propaganda march with a "Munich memorial" match, as the money offered to the families of Munich actually reckoned up to be less than what one player - Cantona - was actually paid for playing in the match. Then in 2007, in the 50th memorial year, it seemed a nice touch at first, then at closer inspection "AIG" was branded, shamelessly, at the bottom of the piece. 'ooh look at us, we're Man United and we respect our past and honour the memory of the deceased in the Munich plane crash'SPONSORED BY AIG!

FUCK OFF MUFC!!! You and all your supporters are a fucking disgrace!

I feel sorry for the survivors and their families, and the families of the deceased from that crash, and I would respect a minutes silence everytime for them very unfortunate people and our great goalkeeper, Frank Swift who also sadly passed away in that crash.

RIP Frank! Repect to you and all those that died with you! But any respect paid by me is not towards MUFC. It's actually in spite of MUFC. That club has used this as a propaganda tool so much it's actually fucking sick! And there, arguably, be no sick tragedy singing if it weren't for the fucking scummy wanker United fans who starting chanting about the Aberfan tragedy! Scummy Rag cunts!!!

So as much as I don't particularly sing "Munich" chants, and actually can feel quite uncomfortable hearing them sometimes. I can fully understand the apathy towards the sorrow of it all by so many people. It's just a shame we can't be more intelegent about it all because instead of singing about the unfortunate and innocent people who died (who don't deserve the sick abuse), we should come up with more appropriate and articulate songs about the disgrace of MUFC in the whole thing. Them players don't really deserve being sung about, and especially Frank Swift by City fans - I'll never understand how blues don't understand that! - but MUFC are a joke in the whole thing and I don't feel sorry for them in this one little bit!
oh god, lets all feel sorry for united. they will never stop using the munich air disaster as ways of getting people to support them. they will never let the dead rest in peace. it sickens me to think the families were treated so horrible by the club yet that side is never shown.

f**k off mufc! i hate your club not out of jealousy for how many cups you have won but for the way you try and expand your business solely on the munich air disaster. Your not ''respecting'' the dead and making sure they are not forgotten. Anyone who supports united will never forget them anyway will they?
Some serious do gooders on this forum, if you had the choice of calling someone a Munich or attacking women and kids I know what I would choose.
Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt me.

Pathetic threads like this reinforce the rag media love ins and as usual gloss over the true facts:

1- Munich is now a rag marketing tool.
2- Nobody else uses tragedy as much even the scousers(who fully deserve to seeing as 96 innocent fans died in the recent past)
3- Why should we tow the line when there scummy fans can abuse anyone, attack families?

I try to avoid the word but I'm not Mother Theresa like some of you lot claim to be and I might occasionally say it but if that's the worse sin of our fans then it's ok in my books.
SuperKevinHorlock said:
Some serious do gooders on this forum, if you had the choice of calling someone a Munich or attacking women and kids I know what I would choose.
Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt me.

Pathetic threads like this reinforce the rag media love ins and as usual gloss over the true facts:

1- Munich is now a rag marketing tool.
2- Nobody else uses tragedy as much even the scousers(who fully deserve to seeing as 96 innocent fans died in the recent past)
3- Why should we tow the line when there scummy fans can abuse anyone, attack families?

I try to avoid the word but I'm not Mother Theresa like some of you lot claim to be and I might occasionally say it but if that's the worse sin of our fans then it's ok in my books.

Bang on the money mate.
SuperKevinHorlock said:
Some serious do gooders on this forum, if you had the choice of calling someone a Munich or attacking women and kids I know what I would choose.
Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt me.

Pathetic threads like this reinforce the rag media love ins and as usual gloss over the true facts:

1- Munich is now a rag marketing tool.
2- Nobody else uses tragedy as much even the scousers(who fully deserve to seeing as 96 innocent fans died in the recent past)
3- Why should we tow the line when there scummy fans can abuse anyone, attack families?

I try to avoid the word but I'm not Mother Theresa like some of you lot claim to be and I might occasionally say it but if that's the worse sin of our fans then it's ok in my books.

Take your head out of your arse and actually read some of the shite you have written.

Regardless of how United have acted with the disaster, regardless of whether their fans hit women and kids and regardless of who started the chants in the first place, it is still disgusting that the word and songs are still so clearly heard and sang every single week.

Some blues don't give a shit but many of us have had enough of being tarred with the same brush as those neanderthals giving us all a bad name. It is not being a do gooder, it is being humane and constantly mocking the dead is not right.

It is time the club tried to do something about this once and for all. I would have no problem if the club banned people for life if they continue to re-offend.
So some of you sing about Munich because United treated their families really badly and milked the disaster for its own means? I'm sure the families involved really appreciate this touching gesture lads, nice one.

Id have more respect for people who had the balls to just come out and say I hate Manchester united and everything to do with it and thats why I sing the songs and call them Munichs.
mike o said:
So some of you sing about Munich because United treated their families really badly and milked the disaster for its own means? I'm sure the families involved really appreciate this touching gesture lads, nice one.

Id have more respect for people who had the balls to just come out and say I hate Manchester united and everything to do with it and thats why I sing the songs and call them Munichs.

Absolutely. The excuses for singing it are an embarrassment.
Mourning people that you never knew? Get a grip, people die all the time. If you want to mourn people you never why not mourn every soldier that has ever died to protect your right to live a free life. These are the heroes, not 23 footballers.
And no one tries to commercialise their deaths.

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