I am never!

as a poster said earlier torino have got the right idea, every time we sing or call someone munich,we are guilty ourselves of helping utd keep the munich tragedy an ongoing concern. first time i knew anything or became aware of the tragedy was after hearing city fans calling utd fans munichs.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I have no problem admitting I refer to United fans in general as 'Munichs'.

It's just something which has arisen through my hatred and bitterness. It gets the rise, because it's the only thing we had.

I detest the club with every fibre of my being. Is it clever, no, but it's a reality.

I stopped singing the songs 20 years ago, just because it was uncomfortable to be involved with.

But I'm no hyporcrite. It's ingrained into my general vocab. I can shout at the TV when they are playing and call Rooney a 'Munich Cnut'.

It really doesn't mean anything beyond that, outside of my own privacy and circle.

I'd say this above is pretty much where i'm at with United these days. My mother is a red and one that used to go in the days of Busby so I was brought up with her side when I was a kid. I've never really been a singer of the runway song although will admit to singing plenty of others with reference to the crash in my younger pissed up days.

About 2 years ago I was priveliged to have sat at the same table as the late Albert Scanlon a Busby Babe and survivor of the crash. I was proud to shake his hand, get his autograph and spend five minutes or so chatting to him. Ive told red friends of mine this story and have had to add on 'you do know he was a survivor of the crash' because truth is they didnt know who the fuck I was talking about. It was a different era back then and they were good honest respectable men.

The runway song has all but gone and I would say a lot of us in more recent years now use the word 'Munich' as a reference to them and not in a baiting way - that doesn't make it right but thats the harsh reality of life. Ok its probably different in Mary D's or elsewhere when theres a large gathering of pissed up fans but I doubt thats ever going to stop in the foreseable future. Maybe over the next decade or two so this will fade away, especially if we taste some success ourselves? I've got red mates who know I use the term as i'm sure many others of us have. It doesn't bother me if they sing 'Foe' or anything else because most of us are decent people that emotions get the better of at times.

I do sense the level of dislike towards each other blues and reds has stepped up a notch or two before the semi final but most definetly in the past week since our victory. I personally don't want to talk to any of them about City or United anymore or at least for the time being. I'll happilly chat to reds that go to games and in all honesty I feel no anger, bitterness or spite towards any of these type. The hype surrounding football and the fact we get to see every little detail on and off the pitch magnifies our hatred and displeasure towards each other.

Success for City on the pitch will hopefully even things up for us and help concentrate our songs towards that rather than them. As for United maybe they need to encourage their own fans to stop taking pleasure in baiting City fans with aeroplane gestures and 'wheres your famous munich songs'. The bitterness and the distatste is on both sides and neither club has the moral high ground in my opinion.

City need United and United need City thats the truth of it.
dennishasdoneit said:
Mike N said:
Did they mention how the club wanted the houses back and the wives had to move out?

spot on.

did they also mention how they have commercialized the disaster and squeezed every fooking penny they possibly could out of it?

i don,t sing munich cos i was glad men died in a plane crash. i sing it because utd have prostituted the whole thing and sought to make money out of it,whilst not giving a fuck about the families soon after the event.

the sooner folk realize how that shameful despicable red corporation used tragedy to make money then the stigma attached to referring to it can be dropped.

when i was 20 years old i read an article in the independent newspaper on the air disaster which made me weep.as i got older i read more and more about how the club left families of the deceased to fend for themselves in the aftermath of munich. just the same arrogant cuntish approach their fans of today showed at wembley last week. fuck man utd.you will always be munichs to me. i despise everything you stand for.

well said pal
I was a teenage blue once and I know why 90% of blues call them Munichs (to try to bait them), I did it myself before I even realised there was actually a real plane crash with real deaths.

What people do in their own homes and own social situations is entirely up to them, I would never dream of telling someone they can't call Rooney a munich in their house. I'll never agree with it though.

Also, what happens in pubs around the ground with 2/300 like minded adults singing all together then that's there business and one of the reasons why I don't go in places like Mary D's anymore. However, what happens in the ground has a direct influence on the reputation of me and thousands of other City fans that do not want to be associated with being one of those City fans that mocks the dead. Unfortunately every single one of us is tarred with that brush and whilst it might be thousands singing it they are still in a minority.

What really, really pisses me off though is the chants like Carlos Tevez is a blue, If you hate Man United clap your hands, Ryan Giggs etc have references to munich when there is absolutely no need for it at all. I, like many others, sing the songs but change the word. Hopefully in future more and more blues will do this and they will be banished forever but it won't happen until the club do something about it.
jay_mcfc said:
I was a teenage blue once and I know why 90% of blues call them Munichs (to try to bait them), I did it myself before I even realised there was actually a real plane crash with real deaths.

What people do in their own homes and own social situations is entirely up to them, I would never dream of telling someone they can't call Rooney a munich in their house. I'll never agree with it though.

Also, what happens in pubs around the ground with 2/300 like minded adults singing all together then that's there business and one of the reasons why I don't go in places like Mary D's anymore. However, what happens in the ground has a direct influence on the reputation of me and thousands of other City fans that do not want to be associated with being one of those City fans that mocks the dead. Unfortunately every single one of us is tarred with that brush and whilst it might be thousands singing it they are still in a minority.

What really, really pisses me off though is the chants like Carlos Tevez is a blue, If you hate Man United clap your hands, Ryan Giggs etc have references to munich when there is absolutely no need for it at all. I, like many others, sing the songs but change the word. Hopefully in future more and more blues will do this and they will be banished forever but it won't happen until the club do something about it.

Yeah, that's what we need. Harsher stewarding!
SWP's back said:
Yeah, that's what we need. Harsher stewarding!

This is the problem with the whole munich singers, they are excuse makers.

What is needed is for adults to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions!
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
manchester blue said:
Of course it's a minority. It may not be in your circles but I never heard the Giggs song at Wembley and what percentage of blues go in the shithole that is Mary Ds? 300 out of 46000?

Well you can't have been outside any of the pubs at wembley then if you didn't hear it or hello hello we are the city boys. It was sung more than a few times outside the greyhound. Go to the fernhurst today. It will be sung there too. How do you know for sure it's not just a minority? This forum represents less than 1% of city fans. Just be quad they are not heard in the ground, they are away from the ground

Dead right. The Green Man was belting "Munich" songs out too. It's the one thing that put a little bit of a dampener on the day. I did apologise to any red mates who were there - i could offer no excuse other than a bunch of our fans being brain dead
I always humm "whos that dying on the runway" during Utd games, cant help myself.

Im going to hell.
Blue Si O.B said:
what makes me laugh is that most blues say their against singing it yet whenever its sung the majority seem to join in

It is nowhere near the majority no matter how many fans want to use that as an excuse. There might be 1000 in the south stand and 1000 in the singing section that do it and amongst that you have people like me who change the word or just stop singing.

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