I bet Nu Liebour do jack s**t about this...

It wont go ahead. The BNP will prob organise a counter demonstration and then the Unite Against Facism mob will demonstrate against them so the Police will do the right thing and ban it.
Damocles said:
blueinsa said:
But they murder thousands of their own and then preach to their own that it is the work of the British and Americans and use it as an excuse for Jihad?

It is fucking ludicrous.

I don't understand, are you suggesting that they murder Muslims and then blame the British for it? Do you have any evidence for this, as I've never heard of this before?
I knew a muslim dude who was convincecd it was the CIA who flew the planes into the twin towers.
Stanley said:
pee dubya said:
Haha, yeah, sure.

No its true, we were told by the government that they had WMD's. Guess what, it turns out they don't, there's this whole inquiry thing going on about it at the mo.

Gosh really? An inquiry? I'm sure they'll conclude it was just an honest mistake.
Challenger1978 said:
I hope somone gets a lorry and runs these horrible scum bags down and kills the lot of them.

Damocles said:
Fixed for you.

Hmm is anyone trying to rebuild the British Empire ?, i've not heard of that one myself. I have heard though about lunatic muslim groups that want to rebuild the Caliphate.

That's hugely dishonest of you, you have taken my point directly out of context. Gelson's Dad was saying that a history lesson is needed as the Caliphate once ruled the world, therefore it is a danger. I made the parallel to the British Empire.

Also, they'd have a job rebuilding the Caliphate, considering that half of the Muslim world is at war with each other. You can't establish a single system of governance, when the two factions needed to create it are slaughtering each other. Or did you just misunderstand what the Caliphate is, and thought it was some sort of empire?
Damocles said:
Challenger1978 said:
I hope somone gets a lorry and runs these horrible scum bags down and kills the lot of them.

Hmm is anyone trying to rebuild the British Empire ?, i've not heard of that one myself. I have heard though about lunatic muslim groups that want to rebuild the Caliphate.

That's hugely dishonest of you, you have taken my point directly out of context. Gelson's Dad was saying that a history lesson is needed as the Caliphate once ruled the world, therefore it is a danger. I made the parallel to the British Empire.

Also, they'd have a job rebuilding the Caliphate, considering that half of the Muslim world is at war with each other. You can't establish a single system of governance, when the two factions needed to create it are slaughtering each other. Or did you just misunderstand what the Caliphate is, and thought it was some sort of empire?

It's the stated aim of bin laden, Zarqawi and others. We have to hope they keep kicking the shit out of each other because the moment they realise how powerful they would be united we will have to do something. Tom Clancy used this as the theme for Executive Orders and the scenario he describes is both terrifying and accurate.
Stanley said:
Damocles said:
No I don't, hence the question.

Iraq was invaded because of the belief that it possessed WMD's

Afghanistan was invaded because of its links to Al-quaeda.

You prolly do know the reasons, just don't agree with them, but that's just a whole different matter.

No, that's the reasons that we invaded those countries, not why any of that is 'protecting our freedoms'.

Many countries have terrorist organisations and nuclear weapons, yet we seem to ignore them.
Stanley said:
pee dubya said:
Haha, yeah, sure.

No its true, we were told by the government that they had WMD's. Guess what, it turns out they don't, there's this whole inquiry thing going on about it at the mo.


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