I bet Nu Liebour do jack s**t about this...

Damocles said:
blueinsa said:
You should do, you tell us all you know everything else!

Personally, i think you just get further up your own arse, fascinated by the views of others that you aspire to be like.

Peodo's = Scum

Murderer's = Scum

Shall we allow them to march demanding their rights?

Islam4uk are a commited group of extremists who support terrorists, who support the killing of their fellow citizens and who want a muslim state and sharia law. = Scum

You can have as much education and as many formal qualifications as you want, there is right and wrong, you dont need years at Uni to work that out!

If your version of right and wrong is as clear cut as that, then I envy you.

So, murderers = scum, but soldiers who perform the exact same physical act, with the exact same consequences = heroes?
That's a strange viewpoint, in my opinion. There has to be shades of grey.

Rubbish, to compare the average British squaddie, risking his life, doing his duty by the law of the land to a murderer is just fucking rubbish.

I asked you many times last night but you couldn't answer me, thousands of muslims are killed by fellow muslims, namely suicide bombers, all in the name of the Jihad against the west, namely the UK and US.

Face facts, there are a growing number of radical muslims who are hell bent on wiping out the infidels, as they put us, and the only way they can control their fellow muslims is to continue to perpetrate the violence and if that means blowing up thousands of other muslims, then brainwashing the rest that it is all the fault of the infidel west, then that is what they will do.

Suprised? No!

Suprised that non muslims buy into it and support it? Fucking right i am!
blueinsa said:
Rubbish, to compare the average British squaddie, risking his life, doing his duty by the law of the land to a murderer is just fucking rubbish.

Tell me the physical difference between killing in a war, and killing in a street fight.

That's EXACTLY what a comparison is. You take a single thing that two separate things do, and look at each. For example, soldiers kill, and murderers kill. Their reasoning and rationalisation may be different, but they both kill people, which is why a comparison can be made.

I also disagree that the law of the land is to fly several thousand miles away from your land and shoot at people. I would say that the law of the land is to protect your own land, by shooting people who invade it.

I asked you many times last night but you couldn't answer me, thousands of muslims are killed by fellow muslims, namely suicide bombers, all in the name of the Jihad against the west, namely the UK and US.

I asked you to clarify the quesiton and you ignored me. I'll reiterate:

Damocles said:
I don't understand, are you suggesting that they murder Muslims and then blame the British for it? Do you have any evidence for this, as I've never heard of this before?

I really haven't heard this before, so would appreciate it if you could point me in the way of some information about it. I know Muslims kill other Muslims, I just don't see them blaming the British for it.
Damocles said:
PistonBlue said:
Oh don't be so melodramatic D, I don't sit here waiting to 'get a dig in'! Blimey your over inflated sense of self importance struggles to find it's natural boundaries I'd suggest. No I merely posted an opinion on a forum, as is generally the point.

You contradict yourself within the same paragraph, there's not even a sentence between it! Got to be some sort of a record.
Even for someone as logically backwards as you, that's pretty stupid.

I wouls suggest that these two 'goals' are linked in that one leads to the other. Inflaming a peoples emotions by disrespecting their country and/or dead servicemen will tend to lead to trouble, or spilt blood. As would blowing yourself up on a bus in the capital incidentally.

And yes I believe absolutely that 'their' goal is to 'insult the country they live in'. Why else would they choose Wootton Bassett for their march, the very place dead British soldiers are repatriated?

Because it will bring an awful lot of press attention, which will get their opinion out there and discussed?
What, by insulting our Country you mean? Isn't that what I said?

Lol that doesn't make sense. Go on then talk me through my contradictions because I just don't see it. Whilst we're on contradictions though, you said clever people don't have to resort to insults. You keep telling us how clever you are, so why the insults? (Even for someone as logically backwards as you, that's pretty stupid.)
Damocles said:
AlanK said:
I dont think Wooten Basset are celebrating the fact that Muslims have been killed, mearly showing respect to our servicemen

It's pretty much the same thing in their eyes. It's glorification of the people who are slaughtering them by the thousands.

I am no expert on the conflicts we are involved in and maybe you can enlighten me but I am not aware of British soldiers slaughtering anyone let alone by the thousand.

We do not indescriminately bomb the Taliban or anyone else. A mate who served in Iraq said they were not allowed to shoot anyone unless they were being fired at. He was stoned, petrol bombed and shot at. Unless the shooter had a gun, they were not allowed to shoot back. He said they (insergents), would shoot or fire an rpg then drop the weapon and walk away knowing there was nothing he or his mates could do about it. Major constraint shown I would have said.

I have no problem with Muslims marching, but not there, it is purely an antoginistic move to rile people. Why not have their march somewhere a little less sensitive?
Damocles said:
blueinsa said:
Rubbish, to compare the average British squaddie, risking his life, doing his duty by the law of the land to a murderer is just fucking rubbish.

Tell me the physical difference between killing in a war, and killing in a street fight.

Whether you agree with war or not, they are there doing their lawful duty. Also i will point out that we are fighting the very people that Islam4uk support, one's that spend their day trying and somethimes succeding, in killing British servicemen.

I asked you many times last night but you couldn't answer me, thousands of muslims are killed by fellow muslims, namely suicide bombers, all in the name of the Jihad against the west, namely the UK and US.

I asked you to clarify the quesiton and you ignored me. I'll reiterate:

Damocles said:
I don't understand, are you suggesting that they murder Muslims and then blame the British for it? Do you have any evidence for this, as I've never heard of this before?

I really haven't heard this before, so would appreciate it if you could point me in the way of some information about it. I know Muslims kill other Muslims, I just don't see them blaming the British for it.

Of course they bame us for it, thats the idea behind what they do. Perpetrate the murder of thousands of muslims and then demand that every other muslim takes up the Jihad! What other purpose does a muslim suicide bomber serve by blowing up other muslims? Have innocent muslims been killed by us? Yes, of course and it's a tragedy, the trouble we have is that our enemy, hide amonsgt the public, they use them as shields, knowing that casualities can be used as propoganda and as a recruitment tool. You know what, it is working!
PistonBlue said:
Damocles said:
You contradict yourself within the same paragraph, there's not even a sentence between it! Got to be some sort of a record.
Even for someone as logically backwards as you, that's pretty stupid.

Because it will bring an awful lot of press attention, which will get their opinion out there and discussed?
What, by insulting our Country you mean? Isn't that what I said?

Lol that doesn't make sense. Go on then talk me through my contradictions because I just don't see it. Whilst we're on contradictions though, you said clever people don't have to resort to insults. You keep telling us how clever you are, so why the insults? (Even for someone as logically backwards as you, that's pretty stupid.)

You say you aren't here to get a dig in, and in the next sentence get a dig in. That was the contradiction that I was referring to.

I don't recall saying that clever people don't insult, I do recall saying that they don't make it the whole point of their argument. I also don't recall constantly saying how clever I am, in fact in my three and a half thousand posts, I think I have mentioned my education once (because you demanded it), and my IQ once (to make a point about slapping children). 1 in 1700 isn't constantly, in fact, I'd call that a freak event. If you had chippy for tea once every 5 years, would you say that you constantly had chippy for tea? Perhaps we have a different understanding of the word constantly.

Because it will bring an awful lot of press attention, which will get their opinion out there and discussed?What, by insulting our Country you mean? Isn't that what I said?

You seemed to have just continued your thought process here by jumping from one conclusion to the other without building a bridge in between them.

I didn't say that they would get a lot of press attention because they were insulting the country, I said that they would get a lot of press attention as they are marching in a place that is usually used to commemorate soldiers, and because most of Britain is too stupid to differentiate between protesting Muslims wanting Sharia Law and wanting to commemorate their dead, and Muslims who are supporting terrorists, it would cause press attention. That isn't insulting the country, that's relying on the country to have a logically false, knee jerk reaction to something that is basically a minor point.
blueinsa said:
Of course they bame us for it, thats the idea behind what they do. Perpetrate the murder of thousands of muslims and then demand that every other muslim takes up the Jihad! What other purpose does a muslim suicide bomber serve by blowing up other muslims? Have innocent muslims been killed by us? Yes, of course and it's a tragedy, the trouble we have is that our enemy, hide amonsgt the public, they use them as shields, knowing that casualities can be used as propoganda and as a recruitment tool. You know what, it is working!

Damocles said:
I don't understand, are you suggesting that they murder Muslims and then blame the British for it? Do you have any evidence for this, as I've never heard of this before?

EDIT - Regarding suicide bombers, there's a thing in Extremist Islam that talks about Muslims who serve with infidels, let me just find this book I've got and I'll explain it, as I can't remember it all off of my head.
Damocles said:
blueinsa said:
Of course they bame us for it, thats the idea behind what they do. Perpetrate the murder of thousands of muslims and then demand that every other muslim takes up the Jihad! What other purpose does a muslim suicide bomber serve by blowing up other muslims? Have innocent muslims been killed by us? Yes, of course and it's a tragedy, the trouble we have is that our enemy, hide amonsgt the public, they use them as shields, knowing that casualities can be used as propoganda and as a recruitment tool. You know what, it is working!

Damocles said:
I don't understand, are you suggesting that they murder Muslims and then blame the British for it? Do you have any evidence for this, as I've never heard of this before?

What I can tell you for a fact mate is that the Taleban use children as suicide bombers or as bait to lure squaddies in to an ambush. Oh, they also use donkeys too (for the animal lovers amongst you!), by strapping explosives to them then covering them in straw etc.
Damocles said:
blueinsa said:
Of course they bame us for it, thats the idea behind what they do. Perpetrate the murder of thousands of muslims and then demand that every other muslim takes up the Jihad! What other purpose does a muslim suicide bomber serve by blowing up other muslims? Have innocent muslims been killed by us? Yes, of course and it's a tragedy, the trouble we have is that our enemy, hide amonsgt the public, they use them as shields, knowing that casualities can be used as propoganda and as a recruitment tool. You know what, it is working!

Damocles said:
I don't understand, are you suggesting that they murder Muslims and then blame the British for it? Do you have any evidence for this, as I've never heard of this before?

EDIT - Regarding suicide bombers, there's a thing in Extremist Islam that talks about Muslims who serve with infidels, let me just find this book I've got and I'll explain it, as I can't remember it all off of my head.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,660619,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.spiegel.de/international/wor ... 19,00.html</a>

Will that do you?
blueinsa said:
Damocles said:
EDIT - Regarding suicide bombers, there's a thing in Extremist Islam that talks about Muslims who serve with infidels, let me just find this book I've got and I'll explain it, as I can't remember it all off of my head.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,660619,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.spiegel.de/international/wor ... 19,00.html</a>

Will that do you?

And the report that the article is based on

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ctc.usma.edu/Deadly%20Vanguards_Complete_L.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ctc.usma.edu/Deadly%20Vangua ... lete_L.pdf</a>

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