I bet Nu Liebour do jack s**t about this...

Extract from Telegraph.co.uk

Moderate Muslim groups meanwhile urged the police to stop the protest to prevent a backlash against British Muslims by right-wing British extremist groups.

Shahid Murasaleen, from London-based Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK, said: "These kind of extremists do not represent the British Muslims.

"This march will achieve nothing other than to incite hate crime against innocent law-abiding British Muslims."

Now can we please get back too football...... Hughes Out!!!
ElanJo said:
Brisblu said:
If you can read this thread... thank a Teacher or if you want your thanks to actually mean something thank the teacher/s (and parent/s) who actually taught you to read.

If you can read this thread in English... thank a Soldier who fought in WW2 - which is pretty much everyone over a certain age

Why only those who fought in WW2?
bluesyob said:
have a look at this then
<a class="postlink" href="http://media.causes.com/654512?p_id=79122696" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://media.causes.com/654512?p_id=79122696</a>

Look mate i don't think thats particulary right but its not really got out to do with the nut jobs that want to protest does it ?.
Challenger1978 said:
ElanJo said:
Because it was the only war that threatened our language (amongst other things)

What about the cold war then, which was basically a massive chess match played around the world and fought via proxies.
we'd have still been allowed to speak english but i expect we'd have had to do russian in highschool instead of french or german.
blueinsa said:

For anyone who is still unaware of exactly what Mr Choudary and his fellow extremists want, read this.

I see that nobody defending the rights of these extremist wankers have bothered to comment on the actual views of mr Choudary who plainly spells out his views, visions and intentions in this interview.
bluesyob said:
have a look at this then
<a class="postlink" href="http://media.causes.com/654512?p_id=79122696" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://media.causes.com/654512?p_id=79122696</a>

taxation is more important than sentiment.
S.E.H said:

And before the liberals say it, no I am not anti-islam, but its this type of scum that are like a plague on the planet!

your main problem here is that you've read the daily mail.

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