I bet Nu Liebour do jack s**t about this...

blueinsa said:
the full weight of the law should be used to stop them preaching their vile crap and perpetrating it.
specifically the full weight of which laws ?
Damocles said:
S.E.H said:
Ah, but I dont have a problem with all muslims.

In my college, about 60 per cent is asian/muslim/black, and I get on with a fair number of said asians/muslims/blacks. However, some of these are like the ones you see in that article I posted, anti-white, anti-western, anti anything non muslim. There are some muslims who do good for the world, like His Highness Mansour, who, apart from save the club we love, is a major provider of oil, finance, real estate etc.

However, there are many non-indiginous people in this country and around the world who are like those muslims in that article and its the PC/left-wing brigade who feel it is their duty to fight for the 'human rights' of these people and as I mentioned, a lot of the scum that infest this country, whether they be white, black or asian

There are many people around the world like that. The National Front are no different from extremist Muslims, or the Black Panthers, yet we seem to hear much more about the Muslims. Population wise, would you bet that there are a greater percentage of white supremacists or extremist Muslims?

I honestly don't know myself, but I would guess that as there is a larger White population, the white supremacy movement would be larger. Not entirely scientific, I know.

Oh, and my personal belief is that every man, woman and child do have certain human rights which should never be violated. This is what makes us a 'civilised' society.

But would you see the EDL or the National Front walking into an Asian country spouting out about Christianity and pro-white values? You may say, well, those muslims in the Islam4UK are either born here or needed to get away from their deprived countries. After all, its a multi-cultural country now...no no no, that doesnt wash, this is still a white christian country, just as Pakistan is an Asian Muslim country and as Israel is mainly a white jewish country. Tell me why, if said Muslims are so innocent, then why dont the french keep them in their own country instead of shipping them over here ASAP? And why do so many immigrants come to England, because they know they'll get it easy over here. I apologise for 'stereotyping', but its the only way I can put it.

Another thing, tell me why parts of the country are now practically untouchable for the white community because it has been overrun with non-indiginous people, places like Longsight, Bradford etc. Because white people cant even feel safe in the country they were born in because in todays PC society, non-indiginous people, namely asian muslims, have superior rights to the white populas.
DirtyEddie said:
blueinsa said:
the full weight of the law should be used to stop them preaching their vile crap and perpetrating it.
specifically the full weight of which laws ?

Laws that ban hate speech, laws that ban the preaching of radical islam, laws that give the police the power to ban marches that they know could and probably will lead to violence.

No place for this crap in Britain, if they fancy a weekend stoning someone to death or blowing themselves up to kill other muslims, yes thats right, more muslims are killed daily by other muslims than by any soldier, then i suggest that they fuck off to a country that doesnt mind them doing it!
S.E.H said:
Damocles said:
There are many people around the world like that. The National Front are no different from extremist Muslims, or the Black Panthers, yet we seem to hear much more about the Muslims. Population wise, would you bet that there are a greater percentage of white supremacists or extremist Muslims?

I honestly don't know myself, but I would guess that as there is a larger White population, the white supremacy movement would be larger. Not entirely scientific, I know.

Oh, and my personal belief is that every man, woman and child do have certain human rights which should never be violated. This is what makes us a 'civilised' society.

But would you see the EDL or the National Front walking into an Asian country spouting out about Christianity and pro-white values? You may say, well, those muslims in the Islam4UK are either born here or needed to get away from their deprived countries. After all, its a multi-cultural country now...no no no, that doesnt wash, this is still a white christian country, just as Pakistan is an Asian Muslim country and as Israel is mainly a white jewish country. Tell me why, if said Muslims are so innocent, then why dont the french keep them in their own country instead of shipping them over here ASAP? And why do so many immigrants come to England, because they know they'll get it easy over here. I apologise for 'stereotyping', but its the only way I can put it.

Another thing, tell me why parts of the country are now practically untouchable for the white community because it has been overrun with non-indiginous people, places like Longsight, Bradford etc. Because white people cant even feel safe in the country they were born in because in todays PC society, non-indiginous people, namely asian muslims, have superior rights to the white populas.

How do you work that out? Barely 40% of people even believe in a god. Barely 6% even go to Church (and most of them are OAPs) and we have a secular government.
S.E.H said:
But would you see the EDL or the National Front walking into an Asian country spouting out about Christianity and pro-white values? You may say, well, those muslims in the Islam4UK are either born here or needed to get away from their deprived countries. After all, its a multi-cultural country now...no no no, that doesnt wash, this is still a white christian country, just as Pakistan is an Asian Muslim country and as Israel is mainly a white jewish country. Tell me why, if said Muslims are so innocent, then why dont the french keep them in their own country instead of shipping them over here ASAP? And why do so many immigrants come to England, because they know they'll get it easy over here. I apologise for 'stereotyping', but its the only way I can put it.

Another thing, tell me why parts of the country are now practically untouchable for the white community because it has been overrun with non-indiginous people, places like Longsight, Bradford etc. Because white people cant even feel safe in the country they were born in because in todays PC society, non-indiginous people, namely asian muslims, have superior rights to the white populas.

We haven't been a white Christian country for over half a century.

Why is it you believe that indigenous people are somehow more entitled to the land than non-indigenous people?

How far do you go back with indigenous? I can trace my family name back nearly 1000 years, and is a bastardisation of a French name. Am I indigenous?

Does the fact that I was born here have any relevance on my rights to anything? Why? A country is just a line on a map.

A culture is far more important, and whether anybody likes it or not, Muslims are an important and quite frankly, agreeable portion of our shared culture. Millions and millions of things have been taken from Arabian and Persian Muslims and absorbed into our own culture, not least our whole numbering system.
We have been multiculturalising for hundreds of years. I would imagine it comes from the fact that we lived in their countries for so long, and took on some of their culture and brought it back to England.

Did you know that the most eaten dish in British restaurants is the 'good, old, traditional' Chicken Tikka Masala? So much so, that a member of the government called it our 'national dish' (as we actually invented it).

Just the language that you use paints enough of a picture. Non-indigenous people have 'overrun' Longsight? What, did they all sit in a cave somewhere and point to Longsight and say "First, we take Stockport Road, then the world!!"?

Also, Israel a whit Jewish country? Are you aware that the percentage of Israeli born Jews in the country was at about 20% in 1999, with the Arab population about the same? Most people in Israel are European immigrants.
Probably wasting your time Damocles, Human nature to have an us vs them atittude, same kind of thing as supporting a football club, the parallels run right though society, on every level, it's embedded in our instincts.
S.E.H said:
Damocles said:
None of those sentences adequately describe me, and I suppose that I've been the main arguer of the thread.

Also, if your world view is so simplistic and thin that you have to draw lines with far-left and far-right, I would suggest a rethink.

I'm far-left on some things, I'm far-right on other things. I'm also centrist on some, and just don't have an opinion on others. You seem to have stereotypes on political ideologies, which as I say, is far too simplistic.

My argument is that these people aren't fucking idiots. They aren't just different, and twisted, and evil, and Darth Vader in disguise. They have the same thoughts as we do, and have the same concerns and fears as us. You might do yourself some good by actually talking to a Muslim youth, or even doing some research into the culture to understand why they are so aggrieved. Pointing to the "they're psychos, their crazy, it's their religion" argument is again to easy and misunderstanding. Did you ever try to think why doctors, engineers, and other respectable professions might feel that their only option is to do this type of thing?

Or you could just scream fuck off at every Muslim person you see, your choice.

Ah, but I dont have a problem with all muslims.

In my college, about 60 per cent is asian/muslim/black, and I get on with a fair number of said asians/muslims/blacks. However, some of these are like the ones you see in that article I posted, anti-white, anti-western, anti anything non muslim. There are some muslims who do good for the world, like His Highness Mansour, who, apart from save the club we love, is a major provider of oil, finance, real estate etc.

However, there are many non-indiginous people in this country and around the world who are like those muslims in that article and its the PC/left-wing brigade who feel it is their duty to fight for the 'human rights' of these people and as I mentioned, a lot of the scum that infest this country, whether they be white, black or asian
Boo hoo i hate having to go to college where i am a minority and where i get jacked and get dissed by a load of Staanis.Grow some fucking balls and dont be a Daily Fail reading sheep.
Ducado said:
Back in the 70's & 80's it was said that far left groups had more members of the security services in them than genuine members, pushing the groups to take all kinds of barmy decisions that alienated them from the public, sounds very familiar to me. They also used groups as gathering places where they could get as many people into one place, far easier to observe that way.

It's a very murky world, not all is what it seems

Exactly. So called extremist groups are all infiltrated by the government. This march will give more ammunition to the EDL false flag operation.

BUT! Although I very much doubt that this march will take place, if it does, I'll be there, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I didn't.

The real enemy is our government who hate the indigenous working class of Britain.
What seems always to be missed in these discussions is a little history.

The Ottoman empire was a barbaric slaughter house that attempted to conquer the world. Do we want to allow the re-establishment of the Caliphate?
Gelsons Dad said:
What seems always to be missed in these discussions is a little history.

The British empire was a barbaric slaughter house that attempted to conquer the world. Do we want to allow the re-establishment of the Monarchy?

Fixed for you.

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