S.E.H said:
I wish I hadn't started this thread now. As I mentioned on an different thread, this board is full of staunch liberals.
I agree fully with freedom of speech and voicing an opinion. But what really gets me, is the PC-lefties who are too quick to call people racists and bigots etc. People say that far right-wing politics are the main threat in society these days. I dont neccesarily agree with the far-right, but if you ask me, its the far-left who are more dangerous. These are the same people who make up all the Politically Correct propaganda, and have destroyed the country in the last near 13 years. I dont agree with racism etc, but tell me why nowadays a non-indiginous person can racially abuse a person of the indiginous race and get away with it flatly, but if it were the other way around, the lefties would cry racist in a split second? These lefties on Bluemoon are probably the labour/lib dem voters who read the Guardian and The Mirror and preach about global warming and how paedophiles and criminals should have superior human rights to the average citizen. I now wait for the abuse I am no doubt going to get from the wets on here about what scum I am and I probably support the BNP, so I will pre-warn you, I dont support any political party, as I like most people in this country am mearly sick of politics, religion, race and political correctness being rammed down my throat.
None of those sentences adequately describe me, and I suppose that I've been the main arguer of the thread.
Also, if your world view is so simplistic and thin that you have to draw lines with far-left and far-right, I would suggest a rethink.
I'm far-left on some things, I'm far-right on other things. I'm also centrist on some, and just don't have an opinion on others. You seem to have stereotypes on political ideologies, which as I say, is far too simplistic.
My argument is that these people aren't fucking idiots. They aren't just different, and twisted, and evil, and Darth Vader in disguise. They have the same thoughts as we do, and have the same concerns and fears as us. You might do yourself some good by actually talking to a Muslim youth, or even doing some research into the culture to understand why they are so aggrieved. Pointing to the "they're psychos, their crazy, it's their religion" argument is again to easy and misunderstanding. Did you ever try to think why doctors, engineers, and other respectable professions might feel that their only option is to do this type of thing?
Or you could just scream fuck off at every Muslim person you see, your choice.