I don't like this Feeling in my Head

BimboBob said:
It's not often i start posts but i've got something nagging in the back of my head that i can't shift.Obviously it's about Kaka and all this on/off/will he/won't he transfer business.

To be honest i'm a little embarressed to be a City fan at the moment.I've been a blue since i was old enough to kick a ball(i'm 42 now).I have seen my beloved club rise,fall,rise and fall only to rise again and never once have i felt like this.I've cried tears of joy,happiness and sadness but i have never felt like this.

£100+ million? £250-500 thousand a week? What have we become? Is any player worth this sort of cash to be spent? The whole world is in financial melt down and we go and do this.It is total madness.Of course i want Man City to be the best team in the land/Europe/wherever but i would like to do it the City way.Buy some players,bring in the youth,build a team,play decent football and above all be repected by other football fans.

We are fast turning into the scum or Chelsea.Buying players for massive amounts and trying to buy the league.

Players like Bridge i could cope with,decent money for a decent player,Robinho was fantasy football and the right price for the player but Kaka? This will(if it hasn't already) turn us into a hated team like that other lot near Manchester and i would hate for this to happen.

I hope i'm wrong.I really do.

Know where you're coming from but there's nowt you can do other than stop going to City. if you're prepared to do that then so be it. if not you'll have to accept that this is how the game is these days- City didn't make it that way and we're all responsible by continuing to vote with our feet coz we can't bear not to go.

so accept it- enjoy it and don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about us. i'm 40 and i'm sick to death of my club being laughed at for being a 'massive club' and everyone fucking hates us anyway- for reasons i cannot fathom (see Hansen/Lawro et al)-

so fuck them and everyone else and bring on the success we've been pining for for years- coz let's face it- these days unless anyone's got money- you're not going to get it.
listen, we`ve paid our due`s, why do some city fans feel unsure about all this is baffling, do like being patted on the head like some annoying little puppy, patronised ,laughed at , ridiculed ? Ifor one have had enough of it, its gone on so long that city fans have been conditioned to expect failure, well if you dont want success for yourself think of the junior city fans, i can tell you stories that would make you cry about the things young city fans have had to endure at the hands of the rags, so think of them. Its like being in prison for years then getting out & not being able to cope with the outside world.
Just think of the papers always slating us, motd patronising us, fergueson belittling us, aemon holmes, terry christian etc etc etc....the hatred will get you through the transition to `winners`......yes winners lads remember what it was like ? no ? me niether.
If theres still fans who dont like the idea of us watching the greatest players in the world & maybe winning something, fans who think we are man city we are not worthy,then theres always stockport county.....shut the door on the way out .
(almost) all the other footy fans are just jellous of what weve got, if they want to they can carry on that way, im not bothered. there just in a mood because they know that if we pull this off then we might beat them more often, there just selfish. plus all the shit weve been through we deserve this more than any club in the world.
I'm sorry and I don't mean to be personal to you but our fans thinking like this is ridiculous. There are enough pundits, players, managers, press outlets, chairmen and any other fucker in football giving us shit without our own fans jumping on the bandwagon. We have nothing to be sorry for, we're doing nothing wrong and we've been utterly professional dring all the nedotiations. If any club deserves to have some kind of success then it's us. If any club deserves the opportunity to see players like Kaka and Robinho playing for them then it's us, we've sure seen enough bad times with shite players and managers.

And whilst I'm at it these fucking idiots who don't want us to sign Kaka because we need a defence or a bit of steel....stop talking fucking shite. I's not a case of one or the other, we buy Kaka we move on and then get other players for other positions. Opportunities to sign the worlds best players do not come around often...take them when you can!!
jay_mcfc said:
I'm sorry and I don't mean to be personal to you but our fans thinking like this is ridiculous. There are enough pundits, players, managers, press outlets, chairmen and any other fucker in football giving us shit without our own fans jumping on the bandwagon. We have nothing to be sorry for, we're doing nothing wrong and we've been utterly professional dring all the nedotiations. If any club deserves to have some kind of success then it's us. If any club deserves the opportunity to see players like Kaka and Robinho playing for them then it's us, we've sure seen enough bad times with shite players and managers.

And whilst I'm at it these fucking idiots who don't want us to sign Kaka because we need a defence or a bit of steel....stop talking fucking shite. I's not a case of one or the other, we buy Kaka we move on and then get other players for other positions. Opportunities to sign the worlds best players do not come around often...take them when you can!!

100% Agree Jay

No one cried when the scum bought wio or wooney, this is no different. All the mard arses (not the blues in this thread :) ) can go fuck themselves and cry themselves to sleep over our money, the shoes on the other foot now and they fucking hate it.
Other teams are hated for a lot more reasons than their spending power. There's bound to be jealousy but I think we will still remain humble. Anyway no matter how much power we now have you can guarantee things won't go smoothly and we will still have to fight and earn our success and then deserve it when we get it. The rollercoaster will still be there to enjoy!
Don’t take this personal but I think it is your age mate.

Your talking off a bygone era, that tripe never worked anyway, look at the rags Arsenal Chelsea all of them owe success to money.

We will have a few home grown players in our side, but you want the best then it costs money.

The last time a side won the league mainly to British players and good management was under Clough at Forest,
I know where your coming from,but we have always been the butt of every ones humour ,5 live sports presenters and sky muppets fucking hate us ,i have followed city since 78, been to some horrible places ,lincoln, halifax ,etc i want to see some silver wear before i end up in my box so as far as i am concerned bring all the world stars on if we have the cash splash it ,and stuff the fucking world i want to see us win a trophy CTID,AND AJAY FOR EVERYTHING
Lately I've been feeling like the OP, worrying about how I will feel for City (and football) if the Kaka deal goes through. And that feeling has been making me crazy cause I want to be as thrilled and happy about it as the rest of you(most of you). BUT this thread (and the Daily Mail-article linked) contains so many good and convincing arguments for me to abandon my sceptical stance. Of course we should all enjoy the ride while it lasts. Of course this is our only decent chance of winning things.

Thanks very much for this thread.
Lately I've been feeling like the OP, worrying about how I will feel for City (and football) if the Kaka deal goes through. And that feeling has been making me crazy cause I want to be as thrilled and happy about it as the rest of you(most of you). BUT this thread (and the Daily Mail-article linked) contains so many good and convincing arguments for me to abandon my sceptical stance. Of course we should all enjoy the ride while it lasts. Of course this is our only decent chance of winning things.

Thanks very much for this thread.

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