Mate, you're a prick! who gives a fuck if you've been to a game with Gary Owen? (and yes, we know who he is!)
Your opinions are mainly shit, obviously you don't watch city as much as you say you do, or you watch with a very twisted perspective on what is actually good in terms of football, for example, to call Barry shit is just a joke! he's been absolutely class in the last few games, seriously!! No one appreciates your negativity, we know Toure's been shit this season, we know Given is unconvincing on crosses, we all know about our players because we watch the games you patronising dick head! unless you have something positive to say, FUCK OFF from this forum and don't come back. I'm all for opinions, but you're just a negative prick. Get Gary Owen to explain to you what a good footballer is next time you see him, twat.[/quote]
I take it you're not in agrreance with said comments ADE ?.No fukn wonder mate,some of the threads on here today are unfuknreal.CTID.

The tactics played today were for a draw, on paper that team should have battered the rags, but we did nothing in the final third, just like the last derby at the swamp in the cup. Viera for AJ???? do not understand that at all. We were then left lobsided with no outlet on the right. Was Neds told not to go past AJ? Were we told that the only way to score was to walk the ball into the net? Do we not learn not to switch off at the end of a game until the whistle is blown?
Im not going to start slagging anyone off but I do not believe all those players could come off the pitch with their heads held high and say "I deserve my pay this week, I gave everything for those fans".

I have to admit that at the beginning of the season I would have been happy with 6th. Now I think if we dont get fourth we will have thrown it away. With spuds winning yesterday, we have to do it the old fashioned way and do it ourselves without relying on other results to see us through.
Look at the time and context of the OP, I know exactly how he feels.

I love City, I really do, but right now I'm very disappointed in it, and have sent it to it's room to think about what it has done.
i can't believe what some ppl has said in this thread . utter disgusting an you call yourself fans , why don't you idiots all fook of a follow the scum you whingging coonts .
The average age of this forum must be about 12 years old judging by the number of reactionary idiots spitting their dummies out everytime we get beat.

It's embarrassing.

Why don't you all piss off and support United like all the other glory hunting wankers?

City is City, if you don't like it then fuck off.
Shit first half, we let them dominate possession through Scholes. We made poor decisions and we defended naively at the end. We just don't have the experience to compete in games with the Rags, and in fairness, they were worth the three points.

I have to say, given the way Spurs are playing, that 4th looks beyond us.
LoveCity said:
Literally, almost in tears.

Fuck off.
Litteraly, almost......ffs does that mean that you actually nearly cried, WOW!
Do you know what litterally means?
Why tell us what you almost did?
What did you actually do then?
Just stamp your feet up and and down and shout "I wanna win boo hoo"!

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