I hope Tevez stays

MadchesterCity said:
I hope Tevez stays, there I said it!

Why should we hold a grudge?

If the boss is willing to forgive and forget then so am I.

OK he may be tainted now, but he is one hell of a good 4th striker.

Screw losing out on £30m transfer cash, we need to be realistic and cosider FFP rules.

City First, everything else second, maybe this will have been a lesson in morality for Tevez, we can only hope!!

Yes, City first, everything else second.

That's EXACTLY why Tevez has to be dispensed with...he is NOT part of where we are going.

I doubt very much that the creep will ever don City colours again.

Good riddance.
Despise Tevez?
Rather have Jo?
OK, Sven's available - rather have him?

This is about CITY. This is about CITY being the kick-ass team it was when Bell, Summerbee, Lee etc. played. If Bobby Manc feels he can get something out of a player that dragged us up the table last year, then I'm all for it. On the flip side, if Bobby Manc and friends feel they know how to get the best money for him when they sell him, then get over yourself. It's chess, not pistols at 10 paces.
If as a man Tevez has gone to Mancini in private and held his hand up and admitted he was wrong aswell as committing himself to the cause then Mancini deserves our support if he decides to give him another go.

I trust our manager to make the right decision, he will know what to do.
Blue Haze said:
I think the boss is willing to 'forgive and forget' so we avoid constructive dismissal and a reduced fee.

If money were out of the equation, Mancini would have sent him packing last summer.
Dont quote me but, and I understand very little in employment law, you can only go for constructive dismissal if he resigned/left, and not if he is sold? [As in, he resigned due to the fact that he was driven out or couldnt work under duress..?]
kiam06 said:
If as a man Tevez has gone to Mancini in private and held his hand up and admitted he was wrong aswell as committing himself to the cause then Mancini deserves our support if he decides to give him another go.

I trust our manager to make the right decision, he will know what to do.

Except that Tevez has NOT done that - nor is the creep likely to.

I also trust our Manager and he is just playing it clever - typical, classy Mancini....as always.

''...Everything depends on Carlos. If he apologises to the squad and to me then everything will be as before," Mancini told Corriere della Sera.

"If he doesn't then Tevez has a value that everyone knows and something will happen in January. He is totally unprepared and being badly advised.''
I suppose people will be split depending on how emotional they are on the matter.

Those who live in Manchester and have a strong affinity with the city will obviously take a harder stance as opposed to those who may not live there. You could also say that it depends your viewpoint on football in general, he's one of our best assets and offers a lot of positives as well as a truckload of problems.

My opinion is we should play him. He knows he's on a final warning and i'd hazard a guess and say he won't try anything too outrageous because of his written warning. If we play him, he could give us performances and could play a role in having a more successful season. This also may correspond with a higher transfer fee whenever the time may be that he moves from our club.

Can only be good for the club. Fantastic player, **** of a person.
There is no denying Carlos is a great player,
But he needs to made an example of, We have alot of money and can afford nearly any player in the world,
Unfortunately some come with ego's,
He insulted Manchester (as a place) in an awful way, Disrespected the manager his team mates and more importantly the fans.

I don't know if he can undo that, An apology with be a start of course,
But he is a bad apple as Sousness said.
We don't need him.

Mancini is are manager, We have to stand behind him and his decisions..
If he apologizes to the fans for the problem's he's caused in the past and is willing to give it all and more importantly sorts it out with Mancini i'd take him back.

He won't do any of these though so can't see him playing for us ever again.
He can NEVER play for City again. Never.

As someone mentioned, he must be made an example of; for all of the future mega stars that will come through the ranks in the next years to see.

You NEVER fuck with the manager like that. If you do...you are gone. End of story.

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