I hope youre all happy

MCFC BOB said:
denislawsbackheel said:
the shop owner (who could hardly even speak our language) refused to serve us for absolutely no reason whatsoever..

as is his right you dipstick.
With an attitude like that I'm glad you're banned.
Forgive me for not being PC here, but if you're going to work in retail, then you have to speak English fluently (excl. foreign restaurants). You yourself surely been in a situation where you've needed advice, and the person helping you couldn't speak English properly, so you don't get all the help you need; the bar staff at City for example.

I'm not a racist, a xenophobe or a member of the BNP, so don't say I'm any of those, but having someone who can speak English fluently really does help in the tertiary sector, public service and retail.

In Geordie land thought you are alowed to speak Geordie.
This is a private matter city have fuck all to do with this is im honest. Only stuff in the grounds and pubs should lead to a ban.
Surely the police can carry out the punishment.
dref619 said:
mancitygaz said:
Oh fuck off!

You want the club to be the police now? Jesus wept.

Do you believe that in less than a week the accused have been prosecuted and all associated with them have been banned from coms?

And you agree with that if that was the case.

It's a wind up but your reaction is still a disgrace.

fuck off yourself fella, iv fucking clearly stated i think itd be harsh for the people who did nothing to be banned

i said that the club would have struggled to turn it around that quickly if they were gonna ban anyone, and the last thing we need in the press is stories about our fans misbehaving because loads of shit is already being thrown at us

i havent got a fucking clue why your flying off your handle, what a prick
What you actually said was you could understand it if the club did ban the the innocent 32, which I why I said fuck off because that is utter shite.
dref619 said:
MCFC BOB said:
Forgive me for not being PC here, but if you're going to work in retail, then you have to speak English fluently (excl. foreign restaurants). You yourself surely been in a situation where you've needed advice, and the person helping you couldn't speak English properly, so you don't get all the help you need; the bar staff at City for example.

I'm not a racist, a xenophobe or a member of the BNP, so don't say I'm any of those, but having someone who can speak English fluently really does help in the tertiary sector, public service and retail.

especially in a situation where theres booze involved, it would of been difficult to communicate with the shop owner over why he didnt serve them if he doesnt speak english to be fair, that how i read the op, i didnt think it was a racist comment

Guys - it is his own shop and if he does not serve someone that is down to him, it is also his rules on weather he needs to speak perfect English - his profits.
mancitygaz said:
dref619 said:
fuck off yourself fella, iv fucking clearly stated i think itd be harsh for the people who did nothing to be banned

i said that the club would have struggled to turn it around that quickly if they were gonna ban anyone, and the last thing we need in the press is stories about our fans misbehaving because loads of shit is already being thrown at us

i havent got a fucking clue why your flying off your handle, what a prick
What you actually said was you could understand it if the club did ban the the innocent 32, which I why I said fuck off because that is utter shite.

thats not what i meant, i meant if they banned the guilty ones, fair play<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:23 pm --<br /><br />
stumpy_mcfc said:
dref619 said:
especially in a situation where theres booze involved, it would of been difficult to communicate with the shop owner over why he didnt serve them if he doesnt speak english to be fair, that how i read the op, i didnt think it was a racist comment

Guys - it is his own shop and if he does not serve someone that is down to him, it is also his rules on weather he needs to speak perfect English - his profits.

yh of course, but it leads to complications at times
Guys - it is his own shop and if he does not serve someone that is down to him, it is also his rules on weather he needs to speak perfect English - his profits.[/quote]

This! How many times do brits go abroad and expect the shop owners there to speak English too. The man's language skill have nothing to do with anything, and he can serve who he wants, when he wants if he wants!
MCFC BOB said:
squirtyflower said:
can anyone explain how they got the addresses or seasoncard numbers of the three posters on here claiming they have had letters
They will probably have needed to register with the club before going on an organised coach journey. They'll also have CCTV in the shop involved, so they could be identfied that way.
they weren't on the official coach though were they
and you can't get someone's address from cctv
stumpy_mcfc said:
dref619 said:
especially in a situation where theres booze involved, it would of been difficult to communicate with the shop owner over why he didnt serve them if he doesnt speak english to be fair, that how i read the op, i didnt think it was a racist comment

Guys - it is his own shop and if he does not serve someone that is down to him, it is also his rules on weather he needs to speak perfect English - his profits.
It's not the shop owner's fault that he can't speak English, but if you're deciding on whether someone born in another country who is uncomfortable in dealing with drunk English people (which you will get near football grounds) then why would you employ them?

It just doesn't make sense. Someone upstairs must have made the decision.

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