i love cats!

Mr White said:
I'm a cat fan. I don't dislike dogs but any animal that shits in its own yard and then stands in it is pretty stupid.

And cats definitely think they are superior to dogs. How many times have you seen a cat sat on a high fence with the 'you slack ****' face while the dog yaps away out of reach? I dunno about cats having thumbs but if they could give it the middle claw they would!

I like cats, but a dog is a real friend for life if you treat them well. When was the last time you saw a cat helping a blind or disabled person? A cat sniffing out drugs or explosives, therefore saving lives? A cat rescuing a mountain climber lost in the snow? A cat guarding property? A dog isnt called 'Mans best friend' for nothing.
skyblue78 said:
I like cats, but a dog is a real friend for life if you treat them well. When was the last time you saw a cat helping a blind or disabled person? A cat sniffing out drugs or explosives, therefore saving lives? A cat rescuing a mountain climber lost in the snow? A cat guarding property? A dog isnt called 'Mans best friend' for nothing.
And what do those clever canine's get in return? Treats! They sell out for their brains, whereas cats look at you as if to say, 'you're not having me you bastard'.
I fucking love my cat. She's fucking ace.

I've become severley allergic to her which is a bit upsetting because she still tries to sneak into my bedroom, which i need to keep as the only cat free zone in the house.

She sits outside my room crying, trying to claw her way in underneath the door. Thought she would have given up by now given that she's almost 11, but she knows i'm her boy.

She's loyal. She knows i'm the gaffer. She comes looking for me if she wants a play fight.

It's a bit gutting when you think about it. I can literally only be around her for a few minutes because it makes me feel shit - dizzy, rashy and knackered. Gone way past the sneezing stage. Common sense should tell me to get rid, but how can you when you've been buds for 10 years? It's shit, but she's fucking ace.
ono said:
I fucking love my cat. She's fucking ace.

I've become severley allergic to her which is a bit upsetting because she still tries to sneak into my bedroom, which i need to keep as the only cat free zone in the house.

She sits outside my room crying, trying to claw her way in underneath the door. Thought she would have given up by now given that she's almost 11, but she knows i'm her boy.

She's loyal. She knows i'm the gaffer. She comes looking for me if she wants a play fight.

It's a bit gutting when you think about it. I can literally only be around her for a few minutes because it makes me feel shit - dizzy, rashy and knackered. Gone way past the sneezing stage. Common sense should tell me to get rid, but how can you when you've been buds for 10 years? It's shit, but she's fucking ace.

bad cat aids?

Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
We have a cat, she does fuck all but eat and sleep.
I've been much more attached to the Dogs ive had.
A good Dog is a far better companion than a Cat
would ever be......imo of course.

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