I want Tevez to leave, do you agree with me?

He seems happiest now than he's ever been while at us.

Which seems the perfect time to fuck him and make him find another cave to live in. Tevez doesn't deserve the amazing life he has. It's hard to think that in this world where a player hardly works to the end of a contract, Tevez can stick out for unloyalty. Constantly undermined the manager.

To say he sulks when he doesn't get his own way would be a horrendous understatement. He doesn't get brought on in a match. What does he do? Flies half way across the world and plays golf for six months. He tarnishes the image our football club; a stain that can be removed. I cringe whenever I see him start for us.

Thanks for the good memories, now fuck off please.
cleav said:
to all the people saying he fucked off for 6 months, it's not like we were calling him saying "hey, we could really use you this saturday! will you please join us?" bobby told him he would never play for the team again and then made him play with the teenagers. it was meant to be an insult, and i think tevez was insulted. i know mancini is like jesus nowadays, but he handled that whole situation pretty poorly. let his emotions, specifically his ego, get in the way of handling the situation rationally.

is tevez a ****? yeah. is he stupid? definitely. is he a huge asset to this team? no doubt about it.

if you're going to say that he needs to go, you better have some sort of alternative to present...because he's borderline irreplaceable. if we can sell him and replace him, then sure, let's do it...but i don't really know how to do that...if you do, enlighten me.

Before he fucked off to play golf he could hardly get in the team. Borderline irreplaceable my arse. Let him go for £25m, £250K a wk off the wage bill. Sign RVP. Job done.
The **** can fuck right off as far as i'm concerned.

He fucks off for practically the whole season, comes back and scores a hat-trick against Norwich and all is forgiven? Piss off.

If it was up to me i'd flog him for whatever gets offered, he was wank in the run-in bar the Norwich game, people seem to think his return won us the league, when really we had easy fixtures up to the United match, which we won with a set piece, and then the Newcastle match, which we won through Yaya. He was shit against QPR and Balo/Dzeko did much more than him in 15 minutes.

The guy's fucked this club over enough times now, the fact he scored 20 odd goals 2 seasons ago shouldn't mean we let him do whatever the fuck he wants. Get rid of Tevez, keep Balo, keep Dzeko and if we really want another striker then go for Falcao.

How anyone can want this **** to stay is beyond me.
Yes I absolutely want rid of him. Can't believe people on here are so quick to forgive and forget.
There's no telling when he will get bored and go on vacation again! Get rid. Bring same quality without the attitude.
I never wanted to see him in a city shirt again and didn't give him the time of day when he came on or warmed up. (right in front of me) But it has to be said he made the difference in the last few games of the season, chasing players down, a bundle of energy and experience in winning the prem earlier in his career. We played fantastic football without him at the start of the season but when we ran out of idea's and almost lost the league he made us tick in the final few games, the players around him raised their games and that can only be a good thing for the club! If he wants to stay, keep him i say!
cleav said:
to all the people saying he fucked off for 6 months, it's not like we were calling him saying "hey, we could really use you this saturday! will you please join us?" bobby told him he would never play for the team again and then made him play with the teenagers. it was meant to be an insult, and i think tevez was insulted. i know mancini is like jesus nowadays, but he handled that whole situation pretty poorly. let his emotions, specifically his ego, get in the way of handling the situation rationally.

is tevez a ****? yeah. is he stupid? definitely. is he a huge asset to this team? no doubt about it.

if you're going to say that he needs to go, you better have some sort of alternative to present...because he's borderline irreplaceable. if we can sell him and replace him, then sure, let's do it...but i don't really know how to do that...if you do, enlighten me.

What a load of fucking bollocks!
sboroMCFC said:
Yes I absolutely want rid of him. Can't believe people on here are so quick to forgive and forget.

i don't think many people have forgiven him, and i don't think anybody has forgotten.

but he's a hell of a player, and if we're paying him 200k a week, it's better that he's playing and not getting paid to sit on his ass.

we tried selling him last summer, and we tried again in january. didn't work. i'm pretty sure we're quietly shopping him now. if nobody buys him, not much else you can do.

and to the people saying he did nothing during the run-in besides the assist to nasri and the hat trick against norwich...come on! football is about more than goals and assists. he never stops moving when the other team has the ball...he constantly rushes opposing players, forcing them to make bad passes and bad decisions. he pulls defenders with him wherever he goes, creating space for others. don't let your hurt feelings cloud your judgement. he was a big help.

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