I want Tevez to leave, do you agree with me?

redmizzle said:
cleav said:
to all the people saying he fucked off for 6 months, it's not like we were calling him saying "hey, we could really use you this saturday! will you please join us?" bobby told him he would never play for the team again and then made him play with the teenagers. it was meant to be an insult, and i think tevez was insulted. i know mancini is like jesus nowadays, but he handled that whole situation pretty poorly. let his emotions, specifically his ego, get in the way of handling the situation rationally.

is tevez a ****? yeah. is he stupid? definitely. is he a huge asset to this team? no doubt about it.

if you're going to say that he needs to go, you better have some sort of alternative to present...because he's borderline irreplaceable. if we can sell him and replace him, then sure, let's do it...but i don't really know how to do that...if you do, enlighten me.

What a load of fucking bollocks!

how so? you think he would have refused to play the next match after bayern if he was asked? i'm a foreign **** mercenary working in england just like tevez...i'm here for work, that's it. if my boss tells me tomorrow i won't be working for him anymore, i'm flying my ass back to the sunshine reaaal fast haha. seriously though, tevez is a mentally retarded piece of shit...he doesn't deserve forgiveness. but mancini handled things very poorly too, and that shouldn't be ignored. as long as he's on the payroll, suit him up. if he gets sold, i don't think too many people will be shedding any tears.
I want him to stay because him and aguero up front all season is a delicous mix and i really want that it would be in my opinion the most dangerouse strike partnership in europe BUT the question is do i think he wants to stay NO
we wouldnt have won the league without him. he generates so much energy that effects the whole team, particulaly when away from home. a 100% fit tevez and auguero up front is as good as any partnership there is. he's a defenders nightmare and lifts the work rate of everybody. must keep if we want to retain the title.
I did at the time but I'm hoping on his 'holiday' he maybe discovered that life back home isn't all its cracked up to be and that living in Cheshire on 150k (ish) a week playing for the best team in England isn't too much of a hardship.
Won't he now be facing a 3 match ban after Mike Dean admitted that, if he had seen the full incident against QPR, he would have dismissed Tevez as well as Barton?

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