Ibra..would you have him yes or no?

Don't get me wrong this guy is probably the best centre forward in the business, but the way he presents himself is beyond egotistical.

He would be a huge signing for us but I think his attitude and approach to football will do more harm than good to our other strikers.

In fact, I see Sergio putting a transfer request half way through the season.

Would Txiki risk his reputation by signing him again with the risk of him being more negative to the team than positive? I don't know.

Big risk in signing Ibra, I thought we were bulding a team around a unity....
To the naysayers, lets not kid ourselves. This would be THE marquee signing that we've been craving since we signed Kun... And this will be THE signing that will bring the title back to City. Straight and simple.
sam-caddick said:
Don't get me wrong this guy is probably the best centre forward in the business, but the way he presents himself is beyond egotistical.

He would be a huge signing for us but I think his attitude and approach to football will do more harm than good to our other strikers.

In fact, I see Sergio putting a transfer request half way through the season.

Would Txiki risk his reputation by signing him again with the risk of him being more negative to the team than positive? I don't know.

Big risk in signing Ibra, I thought we were bulding a team around a unity....

So many assumptions based solely from what the media has been telling you... Ibra is not a bad guy as most people think he is, in much the same way that we know Balo never was. Saying that Sergio is going to want to transfer himself away because of Ibra is absurd... No doubt if we sign him we would win the Premier League. He is so strong and also is very good at creating chances for a second striker.

Ibra is doing so well at PSG and you can see that he doesn't have any problems with other players. They are very united. If he wants to come I would definitely say we should be trying to sign him, even if it is only on a 2 year contract.
Mancborn said:
Ibra reportedly takes home 14m per year net. That's roughly 270k per week x 2, because he demands his wages be net of taxes. So we would be paying 540k per week for him.

not too many clubs can afford that, is he worth it?

He's one of about 5 players in the world who would provoke that question.
sam-caddick said:
Don't get me wrong this guy is probably the best centre forward in the business, but the way he presents himself is beyond egotistical.

He would be a huge signing for us but I think his attitude and approach to football will do more harm than good to our other strikers.

In fact, I see Sergio putting a transfer request half way through the season.

Would Txiki risk his reputation by signing him again with the risk of him being more negative to the team than positive? I don't know.

Big risk in signing Ibra, I thought we were bulding a team around a unity....

I think you guys are judging Ibrahimovic just by reputation. He's not a bad teammate, actually he's a great teammate on the field. He creates a lot of chances for his teammates and is a good assist"er". He's not selfish at all and works hard for the team. Apart from Messi, I have never heard of a player that had a problem playing with Ibra. He does have a pretty big ego in press conferences in life, but he's never really mean with any teammates.

In terms of Aguero, Aguero has shown at Man city that he doesn't thrive for attention, doesn't expect to be the main man as he's happy to put in his shift at City and do his work. I don't think there'll be any problem with Ibra and Aguero on the field. I don't expect them to be best friends off the field but then again Aguero is not best friends off the field with Nasri or Balotelli in the past and they have played well together.
Picture this

I remember last season we had similar arguments about RVP, age fitness goals scored, those who argued against, well lets just say the proof of the pudding was in the eating. If he replaces Dzeko IMO that is an upgrade ( I am not saying Dzeko is shit) and in all probability we will win the league and certainly get out of the groups in CL.
TexasBlueMoon said:
To the naysayers, lets not kid ourselves. This would be THE marquee signing that we've been craving since we signed Kun... And this will be THE signing that will bring the title back to City. Straight and simple.

I agree.

We sign Ibra the world will take notice and put plainly we go to favourites for the League.

Get a suspicious feeling that Chelsea may be in for him if its true that he could be leaving.

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