Ibra..would you have him yes or no?

No, Would go against the wholistic approach.

Would be one more year of player unrest. They would not be stupid enough to sign this has nearly been.
big blueballs said:
citizens_1976 said:
Don't get me wrong, he is a great player who is proven at the highest level. He would score at least 20 a season for us... but i really do worry about the way fans are thinking at the moment.

Okay... he is 31, his wages would be crazy high and he is a massive ego. He would probably end up causing problems here and there, but it is not his personality or his character i am worried about... it is the fact that we would not be thinking towards the future. There would be no plan of the future whatsoever. Bringing in a striker who would maybe have 2 years at our club is not the way to go.

I just believe that a lot of fans on here just want to buy the flavour of the year and nothing more.
Try telling that to the Rags fans with regards to Van Persie, that didn't work out to bad for that lot, sometimes football is about the now and not always the future
If we did sign Ibrahimovich and he was here for only two years it fills a forward spot with a top class operator and proven goal scorer, there will be someone else available in 2/3 years so is a shrewed move in my opinion if and its a big if....we are in for him
Van Persie was 29 when they signed him. If Ibrahimovic was 29 I don't think people would be quite as concerned. At 29 you know you're very likely to get a minimum two years out of a player at a continued high level and then who knows, you could get more or the player could start to go down hill fairly swiftly. The problem with Ibramovic is that he is at the age where he is already entering that "who knows" phase.
Ibra, Cavani, Falcao, Suarez, Lewandowski, Higuain, Rooney, and our very own Carlos Tevez. A who's who of top European strikers. All either moved already, or in the process of moving, and all being snapped up by rival clubs. If we stand aside and finish this transfer window with Negredo, then this isn't holistic it's fucking stupid. Ibra at City would scare the living daylights out of our rivals for the title, and I have to question the sanity of those who don't want him here.
hgblue said:
Ibra, Cavani, Falcao, Suarez, Lewandowski, Higuain, Rooney, and our very own Carlos Tevez. A who's who of top European strikers. All either moved already, or in the process of moving, and all being snapped up by rival clubs. If we stand aside and finish this transfer window with Negredo, then this isn't holistic it's fucking stupid. Ibra at City would scare the living daylights out of our rivals for the title, and I have to question the sanity of those who don't want him here.

Tbh if we're going to give huge wages to a bloke with a suspect character who is quite probably coming to the end of his career in terms of the absolute top level of football then I think it would make better financial sense to meet the buy out clause for Cavani. Even if it seems a ludicrously high price, it'd still represent much less of a risk imo.
Hart of the matter said:
Drogba was still awesome at 34, too many get hung up on age. He is and will be good to go for a few years yet.

Surely when a club is assessing which players to buy, they weigh everything up and try to eliminate as many elements of risk as possible. Of course any transfer can end up being a disaster for one reason or another no matter how good a player's track record or character is but the more elements of risk you avoid the more chance there is of the transfer being a success. You say Drogba was awesome at 34 but how many players are not awesome at 34, how many start going down hill once they get into their 30's? Shevchenko came over here at about 30 and looked like his legs had gone. So who knows?The point is that it is just an utter unknown. Chelsea already had Drogba on their books and he was still very good so they still played him. Would they have signed him at that stage of his career for a large fee and on huge wages? Probably not. It's not like we'd be getting Ibrahimovic on a free and putting him on a 1 year contract to see how he gets on. He'd be on a 3 or 4 year contract on proper enormous wages and in 12 months time he could easily be shot to pieces. It would be fucking nuts imo when we aren't prepared to pay top dollar for the top players in their mid-twenties.
wht abt replacing dzkho with him...cant see dzkho staying here for more than 2 yrs...lets sell him to Napoli for say abt 20...get ibra for 15...With Ibra/John/Jovetic/Aguero/Negredo, we would have lots of variety to our attack for CL for atleast next 2-3 years
neel said:
wht abt replacing dzkho with him...cant see dzkho staying here for more than 2 yrs...lets sell him to Napoli for say abt 20...get ibra for 15...With Ibra/John/Jovetic/Aguero/Negredo, we would have lots of variety to our attack for CL for atleast next 2-3 years

I'd rather have Dzeko, he's proved with the right service he can score in the PL.
I agree...great talent but at 31years old I think I'd pass! We need to keep the team together so they can improve each year...a short term striker now wouldnt make sense..more so because his wages would be close to 250k a week....

Kind regards

paulgmurphyhumphries said:
No, Would go against the wholistic approach.

Would be one more year of player unrest. They would not be stupid enough to sign this has nearly been.
He's 31 not 51, the way people are talking its like he needs a zimmer frame to walk never mind play!

I view this similar to the Pepe deal, very good player with lots of top level experience who would walk into our team but only if the price is right. 18mil with 150k-a-week wages on a 3yr deal and its a no brainer. But if we are talking the kind of money he is on at PSG the no thanks

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