If this guy becomes Prime Minister...

Nice pic at the start of this thread. If I ever I exercise my vote on the basis of someone's appearance i'll bear it in mind.

Give the dearth of Tory MPs in Manchester I can only assume the contributors so far are not living here.

I've lived through Thatcher, Major and now wavey-davey. From this experience I have one rule come election day - never vote Tory.

Good luck to all you working class Tories - like turkeys voting for Christmas
I agree with the OP completely

The Tory Party are making the tough decisions this country needed, I'll be voting for another term at the polls.
foxy said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
chabal said:
Is it Spring already?

The first cuckoo.

The first crocus.

The first RWNJs showing their fevered brows after digesting the Daily Mail.

So if someone is anti-Labour they are a RWNJ & Daily Mail reader? You sound like a Labour politician.

Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........

You could argue Thatcher sold council houses at the bottom of the market too!

The financial crisis of 08/09 and onwards was a world created problem, not just UK.
Political debate on here is now like a Tory/UKIP/nazi party election broadcast
Rascal said:
Political debate on here is now like a Tory/UKIP/nazi party election broadcast

It is.

I sometimes wonder whether the likes of JOTL have attended a Tory Party Seminar on how to use social media to promote conservatism.

Bluemoon feels increasingly like it is part of the right wing electioneering strategy.
Johnsonontheleft said:

Labour will fuck this country up again at a time when we are just starting to recover. Use your vote in May to make sure this doesn't happen.

Scandalous that the boundaries are skewed in their favour but we can still keep them out.

a bit harsh. its his party and their (non) policies that are the problem.

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