IF we get to the final how would you distribute the tickets?

Stretford Born Blue said:
I've followed City live for 39 years during which I have had a season ticket for about 30 years. I have had my current season ticket for the last 23 years. I have 4780 loyalty points (since they started) so will get a ticket no problem should we reach the final. I do about 5 away matches a season due to work and my family ties and I can't upgrade my 2 concessions season cards to take adults to the semi, respectful normal people who won't go throwing their weight around, my mate and I might be the problem!!
Of the 6 season cards we have, the loyalty points range from 2440 for my son (who's 9), through 4390 x2, 4380, 4100 and mine at 4780. Why is it you can't upgrade season cards for cup games but you can for league games, I upgrade my son's and dads 8 or 9 times a season for league games, why not for the semi........it's bollocks when group bookings and junior sales criteria allow new kids on the block to get in first.
people might be right, join the OSC nearest you..........

You upgrade league games you buy in advance, if the juniors can't go to the semi you just don't buy them.

Why not take the juniors to the match anyway?
squirtyflower said:
Lancet Fluke said:
That would be great. I have 3 of each of those stubs in my loft somewhere. I'd be able to get myself a ticket on the first day of sales and probably be able to sell the other 8 stubs on here for about 200 quid each!
i've got all the stubs and the programmes from that season

sad i know

Does it have to be ticket stubs? I think I have the doctor's prescriptions for cases of pneumonia/flu/cholera I caught in the open stands at Chesterfield, Darlington, Grimsby, York and DVT from the coach to Colchester
A competition where you have to predict the time of balotellis next red card.
Or a massive game of Deal or no deal.
Set up a game of takeshies castle, but at the end instead of water canons and pistols we use live ammo and shoot at Gary Neville who is strapped to the front of a co op milk float and driven round the pitch. That way if you don't get a ticket it won't of been a complete waste of a day.
Or just go to more games next year.
i think it should go on games attended this year. including cup and away. this way fans who just fancy a trip out at wemberly will have to wait behined the people who had to book the afternoon off work to make sure they got to the 6pm kiev game ect!! and have payed masses amounts of money to travel away.
rickmcfc said:
Here is my take in things.

Loyalty points are loyalty points, it does not matter if they are on a Season Card, a City Card or an Access Card. They reward you for being loyal, so the more points you have, the more loyal you are. The more points you have, then the more games you have attended. I have had a season ticket for about 5 of the last 7 years, this year i had to give it up. I got an City Card and i now have 2400 points on it. Someone who bought a season ticket this season will on the current format, be offered a ticket at the semi before me. Does this mean they are a bigger and more "loyal" fan than me, does it bollocks. it proves they are probably jumping on the city bandwagon now we are on the up.

So, for the final, it should go to the people with the highest loyalty points, and work there way down. It shouldnt matter what card type you have.

Not necessarily, if you went to 2 cup matches this year you got more points than going to all the the home PL matches.

Pretty hard to comprehend actually, if you went to all 5 cup matches you got the equivalent of 50 matches in the league.

But I do understand what you're getting at.
It's ridiculous to only offer the participating finalists 25,000 tickets each ........ the allocation should at least match the semi-final allocation of 31,500 ...... that leaves 40,000 tickets to filter into the corporate system etc ... how the fuck can the FA justify that ??????

It'll be one ticket per person i should think .....
johnmc said:
We would never ever have got to a cup final from 2003-2008. Therefore all points collected in this period are effectively pointless and should be counted null and void

I'm with you on this.<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:57 pm --<br /><br />
rickmcfc said:
Here is my take in things.

Loyalty points are loyalty points, it does not matter if they are on a Season Card, a City Card or an Access Card. They reward you for being loyal, so the more points you have, the more loyal you are. The more points you have, then the more games you have attended. I have had a season ticket for about 5 of the last 7 years, this year i had to give it up. I got an City Card and i now have 2400 points on it. Someone who bought a season ticket this season will on the current format, be offered a ticket at the semi before me. Does this mean they are a bigger and more "loyal" fan than me, does it bollocks. it proves they are probably jumping on the city bandwagon now we are on the up.

So, for the final, it should go to the people with the highest loyalty points, and work there way down. It shouldnt matter what card type you have.

Bollocks, ofcourse it makes them more loyal this season. I have only seen one or two on this whole forum that think a CityCard should be on equal footing with a SC. At the end of the day, the club should look after those who are loyal and paying money now.
Stretford Born Blue said:
I've followed City live for 39 years during which I have had a season ticket for about 30 years. I have had my current season ticket for the last 23 years. I have 4780 loyalty points (since they started) so will get a ticket no problem should we reach the final. I do about 5 away matches a season due to work and my family ties and I can't upgrade my 2 concessions season cards to take adults to the semi, respectful normal people who won't go throwing their weight around, my mate and I might be the problem!!
Of the 6 season cards we have, the loyalty points range from 2440 for my son (who's 9), through 4390 x2, 4380, 4100 and mine at 4780. Why is it you can't upgrade season cards for cup games but you can for league games, I upgrade my son's and dads 8 or 9 times a season for league games, why not for the semi........it's bollocks when group bookings and junior sales criteria allow new kids on the block to get in first.
people might be right, join the OSC nearest you..........

Are you actually being serious???? You can't upgrade tickets for all away league games and the semi for one reason. You would be upgrading so that you could take somebody without the required loyalty points.

So for the semi, you can't take your two kids but wanna take Dave and Steve from the pub. Now Dave and Steve will make it a top day out for you but haven't been to a game all season (and you don't wanna take two kids to a Wembley derby). The problem is, if the club allowed you to upgrade and take your mates, then 2 real supporters, with SC and points that go to games (unlike your mates), would miss out and that would plainly be wrong.

I am very surprised you were unable to work that out for yourself.

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