IF Yaya was to go

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Matt the Giant said:
Ballertelli said:
How much do you think we would get for him? Has to be a ton considering he was so amazing for us this year... I don't think we'd let him leave because he is too instrumental to our side but if we did I honestly think we'd give Milner a shot to work for the cm position he wants, and we invest the yaya money in Barkley which we would then loan him out for maybe until January to everton. Rotate Rodwell in as well if he stays. Also up javi garcia's playing time considering he played pretty well last season. Idk yell at me if I'm crazy but I could see yaya leaving turning out ok/ pretty well for us.

I'm 100% positive the squad would still be as strong, or even stronger, if we decided to let go of Yaya, simply because we would not let it happen. However, relying on Milner, Rodwell, Garcia and potentially Barkley to do the job is not the answer imo.

Let'sdivide our midfield in two categories; a primarily defending and and an primarily attacking. Yaya has been playing in both positions, being a far better attacking midfielder than defensive one. The fact is he leaves us quite vulnerable when he storms ahead on his signature runs, often ending up sitting on the grass with a inconsolable expression, close to the opponents box with arms outstretched in the air.

Replacing Yaya and still be as strong/stronger, would take two players, one in each position. Now we already have Fernando coming our way, who together with Fernandinho will form a wall hard to get through. In front of those two holding mf's we need an attacking one. Silva, Nasri, Jovetic can all do a good job there, but that would mean we come up short on the wings (especially if we let Milner leave). So either get someone like Pedro or Sanchez in, or get Fabreagas to play centrally.

This hypothetical line-up would not be weaker one than what we had this season imo.

----------- Fernando ------ Fernadinho ------------
------------------ Fabregas -----------------------
---- Silva ------------------------------- Nasri ----
------------------- Aguero ------------------------

We'll do just fine without Yaya.
We actually have a higher win percentage without Yaya in the team than with him.....

Yaya would be sorely missed but no player is irreplaceable.

There I've fixed it for you.... :-)

------------------- Fernando ----------------------
-----------Fabregas -- Fernadinho------------
---- Silva ------------------------------- Nasri ----
------------------- Aguero -------------------------
Seeing as he is a one off and no other player operates the way he does it may be that there would be a chnge in how we play so for example we may decide to buy someone like di Maria instead or Pedro if they were available. In many respect it all depends on who he goes to. I can't see it being anyone in premiership, but I could understand if he went back to Barca or PSG. I would therefore want if Barca either Fabregas or edro if PSG Lavettsi or someone of that ilk.
Dribble said:
We actually have a higher win percentage without Yaya in the team than with him.....

Yaya would be sorely missed but no player is irreplaceable.

There I've fixed it for you.... :-)

------------------- Fernando ----------------------
-----------Fabregas -- Fernadinho------------
---- Silva ------------------------------- Nasri ----
------------------- Aguero -------------------------

Ahh... thanks mate! :)
Vidal or Fabregas could fill the position; dictating play through passes, scoring a fair few goals and adding to the defensive play. Alternatively, use Nasri in that position and spend the money on a good left winger, such as Reus, Di Maria, Griezmann or Cuadrado. Kolarov wouldn't need to get as far forward and hopefully our defence will be strengthened with Benatia, so it should work out.
I like Nasri when he plays in central midfield, he has certainly got the strength on and off the ball. He has got the dribbling and passing ability as well.

If we were to bring in someone else as has been rumored then we could definitely drop Nasri in midfield alongside Fernandinho and Fernando and they will add the athleticism and strength and he can be the playmaker.

Unless Pellegrini will go with just Fernandinho and Fernando in midfield and then set 3 players like Nasri--Silva--Navas behind two strikers.
Realistically we can get £30m+ if Yaya was sold. With out transfer spent restricted, two perfect players would be Kroos or Javi Martinez. Kroos just like Yaya is an excellent playmaker with added bonus of being two footed (we don't have many in our squad) and can shoot from distance (with either feet) but just that Kroos lacks the engine and can be turned over because of his pace (either way Yaya doesn't bother once the runner is past him and the runner can go past him with ease most of the times). Martinez will be a dream signing, most of us know what a top defensive midfilder he is but he's actually also excellent in the box to box role (done numerous time in Spain). Basically Martinez could play in two roles for us and sometimes as a makeshift CB. Both would cost around £30m mark and both are world class players.
CTID101 said:
Unless Pellegrini will go with just Fernandinho and Fernando in midfield and then set 3 players like Nasri--Silva--Navas behind two strikers.

So... three defenders only, or do we play without a keeper? :)
Kinkys Left Foot said:
BigOscar said:
MCFCDroylsdenBlue said:
Should be looking at these...

Auturo Vidal
Paul Pogba
William Carvalho
Ilkay Gundogan
Kevin Strootman
Axel Witsel
Sami Khedira
Lars Bender

I would say Fabregas but it seems very unrealistic.
I don't think a single one of those players plays the Yaya role, they are mainly holding midfielders or box to box runners? Of the Juve midfield, it's Pirlo who plays the Yaya role, Pogba and Vidal are his runners, but he's the one who dictates play, picks the ball up from deep and keeps the ball moving all the time. I think Yaya's physicality and occasional burst forward distract people from his actual role in the team. To me, he's our Xavi

Gundogan has a career threatening Back Injury
Strootman has a career threatening ACL injury

Khadeira is not fit to lace Yaya's boots

Pogba and Vidal are the only 2 worth considering for me and Pogba is not a complete footballer yet although he most likely will be its wether you want to deal with the Agnellis of this world who want your players for peanuts and gold bars for theirs.

Bit of a shame then Yaya has a career threatening agent injury!
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