if your wtchn on the tv your a ****

the attendance tonight was embarrassing! i havent seen that many spare seats sat around me for ages!
The only reason people are bothered by the turnout is they will get the piss taken out of them by the rags in work tomorrow.

Big girls fucking blouses, who can't handle a bit of banter.
Blue Smartie said:
jay_mcfc said:
Blue Smartie said:
If you're that desperate for more fans to turn up then buy the 20,000 or so spare tickets and hand them out. If you're not willing to do so shut the fuck up?

Shit point, I have £20 but not £400,000. I'm not desparate for fans to turn up, I enjoy the European nights when there are more of the hardcore fans. Give me 24,000 of them any day over 40,000 with 16,000 hangers on who pick and choose their games.
Fine then. Give me a car and a fake driving license OR give me a train after 11PM to get back home then I'll turn up to the night games.

TBF you're not 25,000 people are you? As has been mentioned numerous times, there are people who have an excuse, but we got over 40k for Villa on a week night and 24k tonight... its fuckwittery.
I went but I thought 25 quid was a bit steep , plus no beer.
Let's see who we get next round God willing. It was a good performance and not a bad atmosphere
stony said:
The only reason people are bothered by the turnout is they will get the piss taken out of them by the rags in work tomorrow.

Big girls fucking blouses, who can't handle a bit of banter.

What a load of shite. Some of us are not obsessed with them
Its because people can afford the odd 40 pound ticket to see a hyped up Derby game at home, whereas many spend their months (sometimes years) wages on going to Europe to see the Team away and cant afford to see the team again the following matches against the same sides.
If tickets were a Tenner a head then guarantee'd COMS would be full, but simple folk just cant afford the 20 quid (plus the booking fee and travel expenses on top of that) every week.
greenie said:
people wil be desperate to go to istanbul who weren't there tonight

I won't go even if I can afford it, which is extremely unlikely unless I win the lottery. I have only been to the qualifier against the midgets, and won't try to go to a final when I haven't been to the other games.
jay_mcfc said:
stony said:
Why does it matter ? WTF has it got to do with you what another city fan spends his money on ?

Nothing at all but I'll have my opinion on it thank you very much.

So you're just sticking your nose in then.
stony said:
The only reason people are bothered by the turnout is they will get the piss taken out of them by the rags in work tomorrow.

Big girls fucking blouses, who can't handle a bit of banter.

not that at all mate, support the team in our best european run for 30 years, fuk me.
when we were in div 2 10 years ago we all learned about banter from them lot.
support is what matters

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