ill for Christmas

Do paracetamols and nurofen actually work ?

If you are running a temp/fever both (but especially ibuprofen I think??) will help bring it down and help you feel less shit. I can tell when it's wearing off as start to get a bit shivery again.
3 fucking weeks it’s been at me. Keeps lulling me into thinking it’s getting better and then goes to shit again. Don’t think standing in the cold and getting home at 1am helped yesterday as feel truely rotten today.
Ha ha ha. My mate had gastric flu. “I would happily have died. I had nothing left to give.”
That is awful, I still remember having that in 1986, young, in my early 20’s, fit and it still completely floored me. Dreadful.
Pfft, luxury. We just got a bollocking and told to get better.
@threespires I once had a raw onion, in a bowl of warm water and a lit candle put in my room.(probably one of those fuckers) I shit you not. I've recently found a letter from my mum to my aunt saying I'd gotten through 5 bottles of medicine in a week! If only she'd realised that would be nowhere near the tip of my iceberg.
I was a martyr to my chest in those days.

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