in the defence of the hughes outers

kippax_blueboy said:
What has got me this season and last season has been nothing about the money but more about the way the team appears to be set-up and organised.

We play some fantastic football at times and score some great goals.

However we defend as a team poorly.
Individually we are making to many mistakes.
Players like Richards, SWP and Ireland seem to be going backwards.
Players like Toure, Lescott and Barry appear not to be the players we bought.
We have drawn to many games, unable either to finish the opposition off or hold onto a lead.

All this I hold the manager accountable for.

We are 6th with a game in had and only 4 points behind 3rd place.

With a little more clued-up management we could be there.

I am not a lover of any manager at this level to give them time to learn by their mistakes.
We need an experienced manager who hits the ground running.

That is my frustration that we could be 3rd, we have failed to beat some of the easier teams.

In many areas of tactics, set-up, motivation we do appear to have improved.

I will not settle for anything less than I feel is / was possible from the games.

We should be in 3rd place.

Hughes in or out?

In time he will be out.

And what happens when the next manager doesn't "hit the ground running"...?

Frankly, I'm neither Hughes In nor Hughes Out. I am however rapidly beginning to think I have very little in common with a lot of people on this board. Never have a come across a more whiny, knee jerk, childish, group of City supporters. Win, lose or draw, it's never good enough. You cannot rationalize, discuss, or even contemplate discussing a FOOTBALL MANAGER when people don't like him because he doesn't say the right things in interviews. Or doesn't jump up and down on the touchline.

Certain "supporters" have had it in for Hughes since day fucking one. They have consistently repeated the same tired, cliched, mantras since then. Last season I vividly recall saying to one particularly over zealous, frothing at the mouth, Hughes outer "what you're saying to me is that when the team plays well, it's inspite of the manager. And when they don't play well, it's because of the manager" Said person replied something along the lines of "well, yeah."

I actually, naively, looked forward to coming on bluemoon this morning. I thought, a good performance at Anfield. A point. Some good performances. People will be "up". How wrong could I have been. I'm not sure if it's the hangover that's making me want to puke, or the things I've read on here in the last couple of hours...

We used to funny. This board used to be funny. I suppose this is the price of shedding our "small time" mentality and becoming "big time" players.
At the offset I was right behind Hughes and felt he was the right man for the job. Whilst it was assumed we had some money under Frank albeit tied up in Thialand I thought he could work with what we had and with a bit of wheeling and dealing improve the club.

However things have now changed significantly with a seemingly an endless supply of wealth it is possible for us to be one day dominating the world in football terms. Its not just the frustration of underachieving thats probably getting most people its the following.

1. Destroying the youth set and whole backbone of the club for many years.
2. Paying over the odds for poor/ average players RSC being the prime example of this along with Lescott, Bridge, Toure
3. Treatment of certain players and persistance with those that aren't working ie Petrov and Tevez are the obvious ones springing to mind.

The problem is that Hughes has been given carte blanche do exacly what he wants with the club and right now he is looking out of his depth. Can the small time club manager take the next step and join the rest of the elite or he gonna join the rest of those not able to make that quantem leap on to next level such as Alladyce, Rioch, Brian Little, and Ranieri,
(the list goes on). But its looking increasingly like that he's gonna be joining that list right.
If the aim is top 6 as was stated at the start of the season (an excuse for buying time personally) and other fans continue to state why the fuck then does Adebayor before yesterdays game when interviewed say the aim is now a top 4 place, and he's not the first player to say this. Which one is it then because it seems the players and management aren't singing from the same hymn sheet.

Does anyone seriously think Adebayor, Tevez, Robinho etc are going to come here with the mindset of at least two years before Champions league football qualification? Footballs a short career and those players are losing time if so.
Sorry to say this but MH reminds me of one of them young winger we see from time to time. Lighting pace,can go past players easy but when it comes to putting the ball on someones head he just can not do it then a big club buy him thinking he will come good but a year later you wonder what ever happened to him.

I think MH looks the part and talks the part but when it comes down to it hes just not the man to take us to the next stage.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Spurs, Newcaste and Leeds all spent loads an two of those couldn't even stay in the Premiership, let alone win it.

Spurs spent money they got from consistently selling their best players. Leeds spent money and reached the semis of the champions league. The money ran out, they sold their best players and the rest is history. Newcastle are just a disaster. Many reasons why they ended up where they did, but when they last had a top quality manager they were right up in and around top 4 (from memory it was being knocked out of champs league qualifiers and subsequently not spending the money they would have earned by progressing that started their decline.
robbieh said:
Dubai Blue said:
I think a lot of it is that we've been starved of anything remotely resembling success for so long that the thought of fucking this brilliant opportunity up in true City style is scaring the absolute bejesus out of some City fans.

We're bringing in top players, being linked with yet more top players, and spending top wedge, yet we have a manager who is completely unproven at the level we're aiming for.

I think a lot of the 'Hughes Outers' simply want to play the percentage game; i.e. Who is more likely to get us where we want to go - Hiddink (etc etc) or Hughes?

It's the thought of us being the richest football club on Earth yet failing to win anything or even break the Top 4 because of loyalty to an as-yet unproven manager that is scaring a section of our fans, in my opinion. And who can blame them? I think we all have a bit of dread inside us that City could somehow fuck this wonderful opportunity up in our very own inimitable style.

So I guess I'm going for Option 3. We need to give ourselves the very best chance of succeeding, mainly because we can. I'm not sure we're currently doing that.

That sums it up perfectly. I am nervous as hell that we are going to blow this opportunity. Which is a once in a lifetime.

That's a very fair point.
BillyShears said:
kippax_blueboy said:
What has got me this season and last season has been nothing about the money but more about the way the team appears to be set-up and organised.

We play some fantastic football at times and score some great goals.

However we defend as a team poorly.
Individually we are making to many mistakes.
Players like Richards, SWP and Ireland seem to be going backwards.
Players like Toure, Lescott and Barry appear not to be the players we bought.
We have drawn to many games, unable either to finish the opposition off or hold onto a lead.

All this I hold the manager accountable for.

We are 6th with a game in had and only 4 points behind 3rd place.

With a little more clued-up management we could be there.

I am not a lover of any manager at this level to give them time to learn by their mistakes.
We need an experienced manager who hits the ground running.

That is my frustration that we could be 3rd, we have failed to beat some of the easier teams.

In many areas of tactics, set-up, motivation we do appear to have improved.

I will not settle for anything less than I feel is / was possible from the games.

We should be in 3rd place.

Hughes in or out?

In time he will be out.

And what happens when the next manager doesn't "hit the ground running"...?

Frankly, I'm neither Hughes In nor Hughes Out. I am however rapidly beginning to think I have very little in common with a lot of people on this board. Never have a come across a more whiny, knee jerk, childish, group of City supporters. Win, lose or draw, it's never good enough. You cannot rationalize, discuss, or even contemplate discussing a FOOTBALL MANAGER when people don't like him because he doesn't say the right things in interviews. Or doesn't jump up and down on the touchline.

Certain "supporters" have had it in for Hughes since day fucking one. They have consistently repeated the same tired, cliched, mantras since then. Last season I vividly recall saying to one particularly over zealous, frothing at the mouth, Hughes outer "what you're saying to me is that when the team plays well, it's inspite of the manager. And when they don't play well, it's because of the manager" Said person replied something along the lines of "well, yeah."

I actually, naively, looked forward to coming on bluemoon this morning. I thought, a good performance at Anfield. A point. Some good performances. People will be "up". How wrong could I have been. I'm not sure if it's the hangover that's making me want to puke, or the things I've read on here in the last couple of hours...

We used to funny. This board used to be funny. I suppose this is the price of shedding our "small time" mentality and becoming "big time" players.

Brilliant post.

At least all those whiny, knee jerk reactionaries calling for Hughes head are basing it on his 18 months in charge, or his previous 8 years as a manager, or his style of management... whereas you had a hissy fit a fortnight ago demanding the manager's head because... he had upset poor liddle Stevie Ireland!

But now Ireland's back in the team so Hughsie is a top bloke again!

You embarrass yourself at times with these inconsistent and hypocritical rants.
Soulboy said:
BillyShears said:
And what happens when the next manager doesn't "hit the ground running"...?

Frankly, I'm neither Hughes In nor Hughes Out. I am however rapidly beginning to think I have very little in common with a lot of people on this board. Never have a come across a more whiny, knee jerk, childish, group of City supporters. Win, lose or draw, it's never good enough. You cannot rationalize, discuss, or even contemplate discussing a FOOTBALL MANAGER when people don't like him because he doesn't say the right things in interviews. Or doesn't jump up and down on the touchline.

Certain "supporters" have had it in for Hughes since day fucking one. They have consistently repeated the same tired, cliched, mantras since then. Last season I vividly recall saying to one particularly over zealous, frothing at the mouth, Hughes outer "what you're saying to me is that when the team plays well, it's inspite of the manager. And when they don't play well, it's because of the manager" Said person replied something along the lines of "well, yeah."

I actually, naively, looked forward to coming on bluemoon this morning. I thought, a good performance at Anfield. A point. Some good performances. People will be "up". How wrong could I have been. I'm not sure if it's the hangover that's making me want to puke, or the things I've read on here in the last couple of hours...

We used to funny. This board used to be funny. I suppose this is the price of shedding our "small time" mentality and becoming "big time" players.

Brilliant post.

At least all those whiny, knee jerk reactionaries calling for Hughes head are basing it on his 18 months in charge, or his previous 8 years as a manager, or his style of management... whereas you had a hissy fit a fortnight ago demanding the manager's head because... he had upset poor liddle Stevie Ireland!

But now Ireland's back in the team so Hughsie is a top bloke again!

You embarrass yourself at times with these inconsistent and hypocritical rants.

Its case of "be careful what you wish for"... There's so much said about Hughes' defensive tactics, but then everyone wants Mourinho? There are some posters who want Hughes out, who's arguments are strong and extremely valid, unfortunately they're not in the magority.

We have a squad capable of challenging the top 4 this season; currently we're doing just that we're just outside the top 4 on an average run of form. So whilst the team on the pitch is being questioned our league standings are fine providing we push on at some point this season.

I think most of us on here are prety poor when it comes to assessing a situation overall. people who want Hughes gone will focus on a paricular statistic or result whilst people rebuffing that will again to cling to a similar iscolated statistic or cliche.

Option 3 is where most people "think" we are, but we're not. We can't just get anyone to come in and manage us, imo... the sooner people realise that chucking bucket loads of money at problems doesn't automatically create solutions the better.
de niro said:
just had a pm and it something i agree with.

the overiding thing about mark hughes is that he has split the fans, for, against or whatever that is'nt a healthy thing. i have never known a manager have such a divide, at city or anywhere else. i'm not going in to rights and wrongs, tactics and formations just the very wide split of a bunch of fans that have stuck together through the thick and the thinnest for years.

is it hughes?
is it our expectancy levels have gone up?
is it cos we can get who we like?

when stuart pearce was in charge we would have given our right arm for hughes, why not now?

We can't though..

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