Injury Updates

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Pablo1 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Pablo1 said:
Why is it well said? Or to be clearer, who is that even aimed at? I imagine some people cope with the day to day shit that life throws up by taking their minds off it at a weekend watching football. If that's the case then surely it isn't a stretch to see that us losing a vital player at a time when we're already without our captain will worry some fans?
Seeing as this is a City forum it shouldn't be too surprising that people will discuss an injury and it's potential effects on the season.
There's always the cellar for those who want to get into real life issues..
Well I won't try to speak for erast fandorin when I answer to whom it was aimed at, but to my mind it is aimed at those who follow a football club who regularly seem incapable of accepting the realities that are associated with that.

One of those realities is that football is a physical, contact sport and players, even key ones unfortunately, get injured. It is part of the landscape. It always has been and always will be. There are some posters on this thread who appear surprised at this turn of events. Not unlike shoppers who seem unaware of the expectation that they will have to pay for their wares at the supermarket, who seem taken aback when asked for money at the checkout, upon which they seem to spend five minutes looking for their wallet in their bag.

As you say, football (like life) throws difficulties our way with some degree of regularity. Some people seem ill-quipped to cope with that. That is not just based on this thread and I would be astonished if, upon reflection (and reading the matchday thread, for example) you arrived at a different conclusion.

Hope that helps :-)
I read the match day thread once - it's not something I want to put myself through again...
I understand that there are a few not rights who preside in fora land, we certainly attract our fair share on here. One quick glance at the Spurs thread or our very own Dzeko thread confirms that.
I think Silva will be a big miss, along with Kompany he's our most important player and I'm a bit gutted. I won't be jumping from any bridges or twatting my dog anytime soon, but on a football level it's a blow. If nothing else because I absolutely adore watching him play.

Obviously I don't go along with maineroadblues view on the subject, that does seem a tad extreme.. :-)
Pablo,its aimed at the same kind of posters who were on suicide watch when Chelsea scored in the last minute and now think we're fucked against Sunderland because Silvas out,these situations should be the making of us,i'm gutted he's out he's absolute quality,but I think we're more than capable of still twatting them.Apart from recent years anyone looking to Man City to deflect from the shit life throws up mustn't have been wired right in the first place and a lot of us aren't,onwards we go,we'll cane Sunderland
Burtonblue said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Ducado said:
Are you being serious? Because if you are that has got to be one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read on here

Deadly serious, and it's no surprise to see that already we have people trying to undermine what is clearly the case with nothing more than a McEnroesc 'You cannot be serious'

Anyone who can attempt to argue against the fact that footballers today are medically molly-coddled is having a laugh and it is you that cannot be taken serious.

We have gone from a game that saw a player continuing to play with a broken neck to a game
that sees players declared as having gastroenteritis if they so much as break wind!

Remember this, an empty treatment room might be an idealistic objective, however longterm for a physio's continued employment it is not really in his interest to achieve it.

Almost like asking Turkeys to vote for Xmas I suggest.
Don't agree with that mate.
Players are players because they WANT to play.
I have never come across a player who is happy sitting out games, particularly in teams where there is competition for places.
The problem is usually stopping the guys from playing and doing themselves further harm in the process.
You could however argue that at our club's level the threshold for bringing a player back from injury early is higher given that we do have good backup players across the squad. I see nothing wrong with that especially if it means allowing the injured player to recover fully rather than being rushed back and risking re-injury.
As far as your argument of physios and medical staff purposely keeping players on the Injured list goes, that is plainly ridiculous.
The medical staff are judged by how quick they get players back, not by long they keep them out!

Danny fucking Mills
Challenger1978 said:
Burtonblue said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Deadly serious, and it's no surprise to see that already we have people trying to undermine what is clearly the case with nothing more than a McEnroesc 'You cannot be serious'

Anyone who can attempt to argue against the fact that footballers today are medically molly-coddled is having a laugh and it is you that cannot be taken serious.

We have gone from a game that saw a player continuing to play with a broken neck to a game
that sees players declared as having gastroenteritis if they so much as break wind!

Remember this, an empty treatment room might be an idealistic objective, however longterm for a physio's continued employment it is not really in his interest to achieve it.

Almost like asking Turkeys to vote for Xmas I suggest.
Don't agree with that mate.
Players are players because they WANT to play.
I have never come across a player who is happy sitting out games, particularly in teams where there is competition for places.
The problem is usually stopping the guys from playing and doing themselves further harm in the process.
You could however argue that at our club's level the threshold for bringing a player back from injury early is higher given that we do have good backup players across the squad. I see nothing wrong with that especially if it means allowing the injured player to recover fully rather than being rushed back and risking re-injury.
As far as your argument of physios and medical staff purposely keeping players on the Injured list goes, that is plainly ridiculous.
The medical staff are judged by how quick they get players back, not by long they keep them out!

Danny fucking Mills
With all due respect (not for Mills that is) different set of circumstances.
I am talking about injured players returning from injury, not money grabbing twats!
MaineRoadBlue said:
Ducado said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Beginning to think some players like the idea of being on the sick.

No need to attend international get togethers or long hauls to the North East.

Incidentally, did anyone else notice Pellegrini try to tell us than VK's initial assessment was 5 weeks and he's only 3 weeks in with 2 weeks to go!

WTF! Kompany was injured against Everton; exactly 5 weeks ago tomorrow!

Whatever happened to playing with a niggle or toughing it out? And before anyone tries to come and tell me different, let me tell you this; In 1977-78 Forest won the League and only 14 different players made an appearance during that whole 42 game season that was played on crap pitches against opposition that were trying to break your legs!

In short, today's players are mentally weak and almost programmed into thinking that every time they have the slightest ache they are seriously injured by physios, who almost appear to be generating their own reason for being!

Are you being serious? Because if you are that has got to be one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read on here

Deadly serious, and it's no surprise to see that already we have people trying to undermine what is clearly the case with nothing more than a McEnroesc 'You cannot be serious'

Anyone who can attempt to argue against the fact that footballers today are medically molly-coddled is having a laugh and it is you that cannot be taken serious.

We have gone from a game that saw a player continuing to play with a broken neck to a game
that sees players declared as having gastroenteritis if they so much as break wind!

Remember this, an empty treatment room might be an idealistic objective, however longterm for a physio's continued employment it is not really in his interest to achieve it.

Almost like asking Turkeys to vote for Xmas I suggest.

the comparison with other era's just doesn't stack up

yeah forest may have played a season with only 14 players, but so were the competition, players played with niggles and teams got away with it because the competition were too

you couldn't do that today
MaineRoadBlue said:
BringBackSwales said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Beginning to think some players like the idea of being on the sick.

No need to attend international get togethers or long hauls to the North East.

Incidentally, did anyone else notice Pellegrini try to tell us than VK's initial assessment was 5 weeks and he's only 3 weeks in with 2 weeks to go!

WTF! Kompany was injured against Everton; exactly 5 weeks ago tomorrow!

Whatever happened to playing with a niggle or toughing it out? And before anyone tries to come and tell me different, let me tell you this; In 1977-78 Forest won the League and only 14 different players made an appearance during that whole 42 game season that was played on crap pitches against opposition that were trying to break your legs!

In short, today's players are mentally weak and almost programmed into thinking that every time they have the slightest ache they are seriously injured by physios, who almost appear to be generating their own reason for being!

so you are saying that David Silva is skiving, is feigning an injury, and should be playing? You are basically calling him a liar and someone who is unwilling to play for his club? What complete and utter garbage

My point is more aimed at physios completely dictating rates of return from injury to the point where the manager must feel like a motorist taking their car for a service, knowing full well, that even routine maintenance is going to be costly and time consuming!

I'll give you an example;

Post Everton, Mr Pellegrini takes his 1986 model VK4 to the garage (physio bay) after once again it cut out whilst running!

'What's the prognosis' says innocent Mr Pellegrini to the Garage Physio.

'Well' whilst shaking his head, 'It looks like a bad one' says the Garage Physio.

'Oh' says Mr Pellegrini, 'When do you think you'll know?'

'I'll need to run some diagnostics, and consult with the Belgium FA for a 2nd opinion, but it won't be cheap' ........

Later in the following week, Mr Pellegrini receives a call.

'Is that Mr Pellegrini?'


'It's the Garage Physio here, just an update on your VK4 that you have in for repair'

'Yes, what can you tell me?'

'Well, it appears the same old fault we never fixed properly last time is back again'

'Right, how long this time then?'

Well you're looking at 3 weeks diagnostics, around 2 weeks to order the parts and then you need to add 2 week PAT!'

'PAT, what's that?'

'Well it's like V.A.T. but it's called Physio's Added Time, and it's inclusion allows us to get the player back to you even slower than you feared!'

'OK, Any good news?'

'Yes, we have managed to surgically remove Jack Rodwell from one of our bays to make room for VK4, so you can potter about in him for a while'

At this point Pellegrini puts the phone down!

Now, I agree there is a fine line to be found about protecting assets, however the othe side of the line is called getting value for money.

We saw with RSC that our physios were ready to declare him dead, yet the same player can leave us and play uninjured for almost 18 months.

Then there is the case of Rodwell and excuses of how he sleeps or drives his car as the reason for his constant occupation of the Physio's table! Have you ever heard such crap!

I'll return to an earlier post of mine on this thread in which I exampled a good friend of mine who was insistent and determined enough to report back to work after having his lower leg amputated less than 2 months earlier.

Yes, the circumstances may be different, but players seem happy to be pigeon-holed as injured for the timeframe the physio says and make no attempt to get on the pitch earlier.

Ask yourself this, When was the last time you can recall a City player travelling to a game as borderline and going out on the pitch early to carry out a fitness test?

you are on fire today; the forum's most boring and irrelevant post, to follow on from your attempt at the forum's shittest ever post, good work
City Raider said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Ducado said:
Are you being serious? Because if you are that has got to be one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read on here

Deadly serious, and it's no surprise to see that already we have people trying to undermine what is clearly the case with nothing more than a McEnroesc 'You cannot be serious'

Anyone who can attempt to argue against the fact that footballers today are medically molly-coddled is having a laugh and it is you that cannot be taken serious.

We have gone from a game that saw a player continuing to play with a broken neck to a game
that sees players declared as having gastroenteritis if they so much as break wind!

Remember this, an empty treatment room might be an idealistic objective, however longterm for a physio's continued employment it is not really in his interest to achieve it.

Almost like asking Turkeys to vote for Xmas I suggest.

the comparison with other era's just doesn't stack up

yeah forest may have played a season with only 14 players, but so were the competition, players played with niggles and teams got away with it because the competition were too

you couldn't do that today
Add the fact that clubs carry expert medical staff not just physio's that are trained to air on the side of caution when it comes to injured players....the medical staff are more likely to get their arse chewed if they misdiagnose a player or under sell his recovery time and he breaks down, so they will always cover their arses.....

When Forest did what they did the physio was basically a bloke with a bucket of water and a magic sponge, the St Johns ambulance guys you see at games probably had more medical training, the players of that era self diagnosed and did play while injured and not 100% but that was because they could, it couldn't happen now

the game has moved on in every way and so has the sport science and medical set ups, players are so finely tuned athletes that pulls and strains are expected and common place now
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