insane takes on life

There are actually humans alive today, in 2024, who genuinely believe - with no sense of irony - that the universe was created by a magical man who loves us but wants us to suffer. They worship this imaginary friend and they believe that when they die, they're not dead and that they will go to him in a special place that we can't see, and they will always be there. They believe that the bad guys go to a special bad place that we can't see, and that they stay there forever.

They also believe in a talking snake, and that a woman was made out of a man's rib, among other unbelievably insane fairy tales.

They actually, literally, genuinely believe this to be true. In 2024.
I work with 2. Brilliant workers, great loyalty, ethics and standards
nowt wrong with plain talking and being honest.

there is something wrong with making comments just to upset or deride someome unecessarily in public
Have you ever had anyone have a take on life thats so insane that you genuinely struggle to craft a response, ive just had someone in the office say in all seriousness that they believe that they can say anything they like to anyone they like and if the other person didnt like it then it was a them problem.
Depends, I suppose.

If someone was just taking the piss out of me, my appearance, my accent, where I’m from, what I do for a living, my football team, or just generally being nasty towards me… they can say what they like, that sort of thing is water off a duck’s back to me.

If someone was telling me a home truth that I could do with hearing even if it embarrassed me… I’m fair game.

However, if someone was slandering me and it was threatening my position or would get me in trouble, if I witnessed someone intimidating or bullying someone more vulnerable than them, or if someone was threatening me or someone I knew and it wasn’t deserved… if, after one warning, they didn’t stop, I’d backhand them so hard across the jaw that they’d wish those words would never have left their mouth and make them think on forever more before they open their gobs again.

So, yeah, they can say what they want if they can accept they’ll get a comeuppance if they cross a line.
I had someone tell me that because the earth spins at such a high speed the friction between the earth and the air is what is causing global warming
That’s because the earth is flat.
Have you ever had anyone have a take on life thats so insane that you genuinely struggle to craft a response, ive just had someone in the office say in all seriousness that they believe that they can say anything they like to anyone they like and if the other person didnt like it then it was a them problem.


I also said whatever came into my brain when I was about 10 years old.

Shame that some people take so long to learn that we have to share this life with other people and that requires compromise.

If somebody finds it such a chore to be kind to their fellow man and have some decorum then they might just be a sociopath. Just because you have a right to do something doesn’t make it ethically correct to exercise that right at every available opportunity.
I had someone tell me that because the earth spins at such a high speed the friction between the earth and the air is what is causing global warming
So it's started spinning faster these last 50 years...... right.
I had someone tell me that because the earth spins at such a high speed the friction between the earth and the air is what is causing global warming

There’s a video somewhere of a guy who cooked a chicken by building a machine that slapped it 150,000 times really quickly.

Maybe they saw that and extrapolated the result a little bit too far?
There’s a video somewhere of a guy who cooked a chicken by building a machine that slapped it 150,000 times really quickly.

Maybe they saw that and extrapolated the result a little bit too far?

You've made the assumption that the guy has independent thought software installed.
It's more likely he read it on the Internet.

But ignoring the whole of physics and just taking his example, global warming is an increase. So if what he was saying is correct, we would have shorter days or shorter years ,or both.
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I had someone tell me that because the earth spins at such a high speed the friction between the earth and the air is what is causing global warming
Pfft. If I wave my hand about in the air, does it get coooler, or warmer? Obvious.

ehhh.... hang on a minute... the longer I do this, it's obvious my arm is getting warmer!

In fact it's very warm even when I stop!

I think your dude may be onto something.

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