Insanity work-out

RandomJ said:
What do people suggest on the nutrition side?

Atm I'm just having bran flakes for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and a healthy dinner after my workout with satsumas as a snack but the plan suggests 5 meals a day. I just can't get my head round how eating more= weight loss.

Are you guys doing the 5 meals thing? Also keep hearing how Nesquik is a good recovery drink or should I just stick with the whey protein?

I think nesquick wont help you lose weight but is good for stopping muscle aches and pains. Personally I have nesquick and apart from the first 3 days have had no aches at all and I'm now in the final week. BUT maybe its just a placebo, for everyone that says its good there is someone else that says there is no point!

Sorry to be no help whatsoever!

Also the 5 meals a day thing is small amounts, so stops you being hungry and pigging out on big portions when you do eat.
Because your metabolism is working more often it works more efficiently so can process food quicker into the stuff your body needs when you exercise instead of your body taking short cuts, like getting energy from muscle and other such mumbo jumbo and chinese black magic.

I think,,,,,,,,,,,

Someone I trust to be in the know spent a good 1hr explaining it to me last week and I'm fucked if I can remember the exact reasons now!

It just does!!!! :-)
Just done day 3. Was really hard because I'm still a bit sore from yesterday, anyone else had this problem? I'm presuming these aches pass after a while?
CTID1988 said:
Just done day 3. Was really hard because I'm still a bit sore from yesterday, anyone else had this problem? I'm presuming these aches pass after a while?


Seriously, it will pass. first 3 days are the worst for aches.

(if it doesnt pass maybe it really IS the nesquik though!!)
CTID1988 said:
Just done day 3. Was really hard because I'm still a bit sore from yesterday, anyone else had this problem? I'm presuming these aches pass after a while?

Yeah I just did day 3 and just pushed through the stiffness once you do the warm up and stretches your muscles relax a bit so can do the work out but the day after is awful. Walking round the office like a zombie, can hardly go up or down stairs. Just hope my body adjusts and the aches go away.
Same here. Just finished day three but this must be the sixth time I've attempted Insanity. I've never got very far in the past due to work, family and general laziness but the aches are a killer. I think tomorrow is Cardio Recovery day so it should be slightly easier, hopefully!
Tragic meat van guy said:
RandomJ said:
What do people suggest on the nutrition side?

Atm I'm just having bran flakes for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and a healthy dinner after my workout with satsumas as a snack but the plan suggests 5 meals a day. I just can't get my head round how eating more= weight loss.

Are you guys doing the 5 meals thing? Also keep hearing how Nesquik is a good recovery drink or should I just stick with the whey protein?

I think nesquick wont help you lose weight but is good for stopping muscle aches and pains. Personally I have nesquick and apart from the first 3 days have had no aches at all and I'm now in the final week. BUT maybe its just a placebo, for everyone that says its good there is someone else that says there is no point!

Sorry to be no help whatsoever!

Also the 5 meals a day thing is small amounts, so stops you being hungry and pigging out on big portions when you do eat.
Because your metabolism is working more often it works more efficiently so can process food quicker into the stuff your body needs when you exercise instead of your body taking short cuts, like getting energy from muscle and other such mumbo jumbo and chinese black magic.

I think,,,,,,,,,,,

Someone I trust to be in the know spent a good 1hr explaining it to me last week and I'm fucked if I can remember the exact reasons now!

It just does!!!! :-)

To be honest that's pretty much 'mumbo jumbo' and 'chinese black magic' too mate, little to no evidence supports it and plenty that doesn't, in short a bit of a myth.
You're correct in that it helps with satiety and helps many people not overeat (if done correctly), but it's more employed by weight lifters/bodybuilder to help get sufficient macros in without feeling too uncomfortable rather than for any 'metabolism boosting' benefits, in short, if you eat say 2,000 calories in a 24 hour period, your body will use pretty much the same energy to process and utilise it whether it be over 6 meals or 3 meals.

A simple equation to fat/weight loss is by looking at 'calories in' over a 24 hour period to 'calories expended' over the same period, roughly look at going around 500 calories under maintenance a day (if you're a healthy individual) as a healthier target, if you're not losing weight then you're eating too much, so eat, monitor, adjust accordingly.

Ps TMVG, don't wish to sound like I'm having a go, I can clearly see you've been really helpful on the thread, just that one thing needed addressing buddy :-)
Pure Cardio....that shit is ba-nanas. I knew it was going to be bad when even Shaun T was dreading doing it.
I've just realised I'm going to Cologne for 3 days in December... What should I do? Should I just pick up where I left off when I get back? I'm not sure how it works.
I don't really want to be watching what I eat and stuff when I'm away, it will just ruin the missus' time.
Also, Christmas day is right near the end of the 2nd month of it... Advice?!

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