Insanity work-out

+1 on the Tanya hating. It's made my day finding out other people think she's a smug c*nt. On the other hand I've got a serious thing for the tall latina looking girl with long black hair who works out just behind her on Pure Cardio...she's smokin' hot and no mistake.
CTID1988 said:
I've just realised I'm going to Cologne for 3 days in December... What should I do? Should I just pick up where I left off when I get back? I'm not sure how it works.
I don't really want to be watching what I eat and stuff when I'm away, it will just ruin the missus' time.
Also, Christmas day is right near the end of the 2nd month of it... Advice?!

I had this problem when taking the mrs away last weekend for her birthday.
Missed the friday and the saturday (although we did go up snowdon), sunday was a rest day anyway.
We just decided to do an additional full week, so instead of today being our last day, we are repeating the whole week again last week.
Carlos_Spicy_Weiner said:
+1 on the Tanya hating. It's made my day finding out other people think she's a smug c*nt. On the other hand I've got a serious thing for the tall latina looking girl with long black hair who works out just behind her on Pure Cardio...she's smokin' hot and no mistake.

Yeah. Anyone else notice how useless that skinny black woman is. She always collapses half way through the work outs and Shaun T was just getting pissed off with her. Dunno why they picked her to be on the video.
CTID1988 said:
I've just realised I'm going to Cologne for 3 days in December... What should I do? Should I just pick up where I left off when I get back? I'm not sure how it works.
I don't really want to be watching what I eat and stuff when I'm away, it will just ruin the missus' time.
Also, Christmas day is right near the end of the 2nd month of it... Advice?!

Just start back when you get back home, going on a binge wont harm you. You just need to start back as you left off.
How's everyone doing y'all?

Sunday was sposed to be my last day but due to a 3 day bender last week I'm repeating the final week this week.
The end is nigh!!
Overall I'm very pleased with it, happy with result and look better than I have in years.

I've been in touch with a mate of a mate who is a personal trainer who has done me a 4 week training plan which looks good (good as in it might actually kill me) so will see how that goes.
I've also been thinking seriously about boxing training, not to fight (well maybe a bit of sparring) for in the future.

All in all, massive thanks to Robbo for putting this on here. I wouldnt say it has changed my life BUT it has added a new dimension to it which will probably make me live a good few years more and has finally got me to be able to see some result from exercise, rather than flogging myself without a plan and ultimately giving up because of no end product.

If anyone is thinking of doing this then I would really recommend it.

Yes I'm sure there are a billion other better training programmes BUT its a great way to get started, sort your diet out, no matter where your fitness is now, in the comfort of your own home, without feeling like others are judging you, without knowing all the fitness jargon, and all the other things that can put you off getting fit / fitter.

Oh, and some of the birds in it are quite tidy (month 2, Mandy anf the blonde with the pointy tits)
Just started week 3 and am finding it a lot easier so got to keep pushing my fit test results. Are up 20% in just two weeks
And played football today and could run bollocks of for the full 90 where as 2 weeks ago I was fucked after 70 mins

I can not recommend this highly enough I think Shaun t is very motivational and deserva his success

Today was a real struggle too, dont know if it was due to destroying max plyo last night or the mental thing that I knew it was the last session but left me unhappy with my performance today.
I think I'm having a few days off!!

Its been great though and just had some mates of hers round who I've not seen since before starting this and they couldnt believe how fit we are both looking, always a bonus.

Hang in there folks.
I finished the warm up today and just turned it off, I really can't be arsed today, no energy.
Try again tomorrow
I'm going on holiday next Feb, March & April so, for purely financial reasons, January is going to be a fucking boring one. As a result, I have took it upon myself to use this 'free' month to get started on this Insanity bollocks.

I downloaded the Deluxe one last night and had a good read of the 52 page bible that appears to come with it. The calendar also looks hectic!

Couple of questions though; As I have downloaded it, what can I use as a replacement for the Recovery Drink as, obviously, I don't have the stuff to drink? I've seen mentions of Nesquick in here; is that really the best alternative?

Honest opinion lads, just how good is this thing? I know I will have to be committed to it, so that, in itself, will be a challenge. However, as I'm doing fuck all in Jan, and the first two weeks in Feb until I take the Mrs to Edinburgh, it's the perfect time to try Insanity!

Wow, no alcohol for 6wks is not going to be easy.
Dirty Harry said:
sjk2008 said:
I'm going on holiday next Feb, March & April so, for purely financial reasons, January is going to be a fucking boring one. As a result, I have took it upon myself to use this 'free' month to get started on this Insanity bollocks.

I downloaded the Deluxe one last night and had a good read of the 52 page bible that appears to come with it. The calendar also looks hectic!

Couple of questions though; As I have downloaded it, what can I use as a replacement for the Recovery Drink as, obviously, I don't have the stuff to drink? I've seen mentions of Nesquick in here; is that really the best alternative?

Honest opinion lads, just how good is this thing? I know I will have to be committed to it, so that, in itself, will be a challenge. However, as I'm doing fuck all in Jan, and the first two weeks in Feb until I take the Mrs to Edinburgh, it's the perfect time to try Insanity!

Wow, no alcohol for 6wks is not going to be easy.

You could try dextrose and whey bud (also, in some studies believe it or not, Frosties and SS milk came out top ;-))

In general though, I wouldn't wait to start it, can't see any harm in starting off 2-3 days a week until hitting it full on when you suggest, same with diet too, ease yourself into it and enjoy a couple of beers.

What I would do though is read up on a couple of Ori Hofmeklers articles/work on fat loss with regards post workout nutrition.

The problem about starting now is that I have an occasion (which will involve Food & Beer) every weekend now, up until the New Year, so I think might just enjoy myself while I can before attempting to succeed in carrying out my, 'new years resolution', so to speak.

Frosties & Milk eh?

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