Inter Fans Loved Mancini

For anyone who claims that Mourinho sets up with a defensive 3 in midfield at Inter really doesnt have a clue about the way in which they play.

Inter use Milito and Eto'o up front with a sort of diamond midfield (similar to Ancelotti) with Sneijder at the tip of it, Muntari and Zanetti tucking in with Cambiasso as the combative man.

This is tweaked when Jose wants to play "Super Mario", but usually thats how they set up, and its quite fun to watch as Sneijder is a wonderful footballer.
i have posted this on another thread but how about this mourinho to city and mancini back to inter now these are only my thoughts no rumour or anything
the reason i ask this is the fact that mourinho has done nothing than go on about coming back to the prem no one but city has the finance to give him what he requires for players etc add to this the fact that inter fans think mancini is a god and bingo 2+2=?

stranger things have happened!
hbruz80 said:
Damocles said:
Mancini was at Inter for four years, and played shit (but successful) football in his first season because he didn't have the players he wanted.

People who are saying that the tactics aren't working are completely wrong, and any sensible fan will see that the tactics ARE working. The Zona Mista is designed to keep goals out and dominate the possession to the point whereby the only danger to the defence are longballs from their fullbacks to their wingers. This is doing exactly what we wanted.

The problem as many see it, is that the slow tempo/possession football isn't entertaining. I'm pretty annoyed at some of the members on here who are saying that we have gone backwards. I implore all of you to go back 50 pages on the forum, and check the threads for when Hughes was in charge. No organisation, long ball, boring football, shit defence, were all sticks used to beat Hughes with. I'd rather win every game 1-0 than lose 5-4.

If you look back over the past 6 weeks, Man United have accrued the most points. City are second. Whilst it may not be the most entertaining brand of football, it is certainly working, and we are winning many points. I must say, I can't think of a time where I've been more confident of City keeping a clean sheet. We aren't exactly a brick wall yet, but we are definitely getting there.

Unfortunately, the best attack in the business doesn't win you success. There are many examples of this over the years, Brazil's quadruple of Ronaldinho/Robinho/Ronaldo/Adriano being a good one.
The most successful teams in the world are built off of a good defence, and keeping clean sheets. This is something that Mancini is obviously heavily working on, if NMT's training reports are anything to go by. Mancini has figured out that a high percentage of goals conceeded in England are down to set pieces and bad defensive organisation.

Speaking of training reports, I am a little concerned with how inept we look on offensive set pieces considering on how often we work upon them (every day pretty much). Maybe with a natural corner taker like Johnson we'll be ok, yet at the moment with Barry/Petrov/Ireland taking corners, we rarely win anything from them. Free kicks are a different ball game all together, and our defence may as well save itself the 40 yard sprint, as if we are within 50 yards of goal, we tend to shoot.

Mancini's style of play is getting there, but still not achieved (as is to be expected). His top priority was the defence, and if look at the monumental change between us now and when Hughes was here, you can see why he is good for his money.

I don't understand the argument that the players don't possess the required quality. I'd put up a case for every single one of our players against any player at Liverpool or Arsenal or United. Maybe not against Chelsea, but we aren't aiming at their level currently. We are a better squad than United, who are successful because they have a more consistent management structure than us. They soon won't. Arsenal and Liverpool would KILL for our squad. There are reasons why they are sniffing around our 'fringe' players like M. Johnson, Nedum (Scouse) and Petrov (Arse asked about him).

In Tevez, Adebayor, Bellamy and RSC, we have the strikers to play any type of football we want, at a top level too. Tevez seems to be a hero at the moment, as does Bellamy, so I don't need to tell you how good those guys are. RSC is hugely underrated by City fans, go and ask a Blackburn or Munich fan what they think of him and all will tell you that he is a brilliant player. Once he gets his run, he'll change some opinions on here, and we hopefully start valuing him more. He actually did pretty well when he came on yesterday. Adebayor is our Drogba. There is nothing that this guy isn't good at. He's got power, pace, an eye for goal, control, is good in the air, skillful on the ground, can place it or smash it. Just an unbelievable striker. His problem is always his footnote to his praise, "....on his day". Ade's attitude seems to have changed heavily since the Togo stuff and hopefully he is a bit more grounded now. Either way, Mancini managed Ibrahimovic without a problem and that guy was batshit insane, he can handle big players. Comparison wise, I think we are BETTER than the rest of the top four.

Our widemen in Petrov, Bellamy, Sweep and now Johnson give us enough cover to play either guys who cut in, or guys who go wide. To me, Petrov is one of the best players I've seen in a City shirt, and has the ability to be a game changer. If he is on the left, and gets the ball to feet, he is an absolute joy to watch. He loves cutting inside and just smashing the ball in the net, but is equally good crossing. Maybe he lacks in defensive responsibility, and this is probably his downfall with some fans. He seems to be the latest one to pick up the 'lazy' tag since Robinho was dropped, and he's getting some pressure from the fans to perform better. I can't really defend him to this extent, like his Bulgarian counterparts in Berbatov and Bojinov, he does seem to just disappear in games sometimes and doesn't work hard enough. Maybe it's something that they put in the water over there.
SWP has played a disappointing number of games since Mancini has came. To be honest, this is more down to him not fitting in to our new system than anything else, and we saw last night that SWP, who looking over the course of the season has to be up there for Player of the Year, still has the ability to run teams in to the ground. He'll still get 25 games next season, with us in four competitions.
Johnson I'm reserving judgement on until I see him in our system a bit more. He looks bright though, and can only get better. I'd definitely put these guys up against the rest of the top four.

Ah, centre midfield, where all of our comparison falls apart. Despite what some on here think, I really rate Barry, Ireland and De Jong as a three in midfield. It seems balanced to me, Ireland the guy charging forward, De Jong doing the Makelele stuff that he excels at, and Barry linking them together. I think one of our main problems here, is that these guys play nearly every game and must be feeling the tiredness factor mentally and physically. I also think that they are a bit lost at times to who is doing what between Barry and Ireland. Stevie hasn't hit his form of last season (where to be fair, we played a far more open game), and he is starting to get the fans on his back. Perhaps his lack of holiday this year was a bad idea.
I'll be honest here, I don't get the Barry criticism. He does have bad games at times, but no worse than any other player in the league. For the price we bought him, I still think (apart from maybe Given) that he is the best piece of business that we have done. His movement and ability on the pitch is pretty much unquestionable, he's also great in a tackle and can pass with the best of them.
Viera is still to early to be judged, purely because you can tell he isn't fit. It's worth noting that the French manager came out yesterday and said that if he is playing regularly, he is going to the WC as French captain, so he is still rated within the game. I don't like how often that he seems to hit passes astray, or to people who simply don't want the ball. Hopefully, he'll tighten up in time. As a pure centre midfielder (which is how we play him, I don't get the DM vibe that others pick up) I hope he can give GazBaz a bit of leeway and a rest.
Unfortunately, that's it for centre mids (I'm not counting Kompany, Zab or Sylvinho there, simply because they aren't natural centre mids). I see we failed to address this problem in the transfer window and De Niro has a point about that. Having four natural centre's in a team that regularly puts three of them on a pitch together is a recipe for disaster. Our season would fall apart if we picked up two injuries in this position.

Defensively and in goal, I think we are pretty strong. I'm quite high on Toure, but I must admit that I've always been partial to a centre back who can take the ball out of defence. With him, Richards, Kompany (who has been fantastic recently), Nedum, Zab, Bridgy, and the young lad Boyata, I think we are pretty sharp here. Definitely as good as the Liverpool defence.

Overall, I'm willing to be patient about Mancini and our squad. We have the required quality, we have a proven winner in charge, and we have a good structure in the club. We aren't playing well, but we still aren't losing, which is the oft used cliche of Champions. All of the talk of a crisis is premature and to be honest, I think that many of the posters who were spouting yesterday would have probably have given a different opinion today. A forum by it's very nature is a place to woman and moan after a 'bad result', and we all need patience with each other as well as the team. I still feel that we are the better placed of any team to hit the top four, and I'm willing to wait until the end of the season before I judge the merits of Mancini as a manager. Actually, that's probably false, I'm more willing to wait until the end of next season (so that he gets a proper run at it), but whether the owners share this patience is debatable.

A well thought out, clearly written argument (something that has been lacking on this forum of late). I agree with a number of the points raised but I am afraid I cannot agree with your assessment of the midfield. I have raised previously that I think this is the main area where Hughes has messed up. The reason why it was not noticed while Hughes was still in charge was because it was overshadowed by our disastrous defending (9 goals conceded in our last 3 matches under Hughes)! All midfields may they be Chelsea's or Real Madrid's have to both defend and attack. Unfortunately our midfield cannot do either convincingly!

De Jong gets a lot of praise on here as we all like to see crunching tackles and players getting in the oppositions faces BUT this has masked De Jong's weaknesses. Quite frankly I find the comparison with Mackele laughable! Yes, Mackele could also put in crunching tackles BUT he could pass the ball (forwards as well as backwards), De Jong's passing is shocking. On countless occasions simple 10 yard passes are intercepted and when you pass the ball you are supposed to move into space (I assume he was sick the day they taught that at kindergarten)! The closest player to Mackele is Essien, and watch how he plays and then compare him to De Jong. I have no idea what is going on with Barry but he has been a massive disappointment since he signed from Villa. Am I the only one who notices how often he falls over. I cannot think of a single player in the world who UNINTENTIONALLY spends more time on the floor!

The Midfield is the heart of any time, Barca's fluent football is built on the back of the Xavi-Iniesta partnership without them the likes of Ronaldinho, Eto'o and Messi would not be able to operate as effectively as they have done over the past decade. Defensive players should be able to pass the ball around with ease, not just win a tackle then play it back to the goalkeeper. Alsono, Mascherano, Essien, Xavi are defensive midfield players but they are brilliant passers of the pall and can all create chances. We do not have anyone in the team who comes close to them in terms of passing ability, which is why we cannot keep possession of the ball and create chances; as much as it pains me to say it even the likes of Carrick and Fletcher are miles better at passing the ball than De Jong and Barry. Mancini can only work with what he has got, to his credit he recognised our weaknesses in midfield straight away when everyone on this forum was still talking about our poor defense and he wanted Mariga, Gago, Flamini in the January window but unfortunately we could not get any of them.

I do not think a complete overhaul of our team is needed in the summer, like many on here have suggested as I just do not think that is healthy, BUT it is imperative that we sort out our central midfield. Achievable targets are Javi Martinez (Spain U-21 captain, crikey Spain really are producing top class central midfield players e.g. Xavi, Iniesta, Alonso, Fabregas!); Mascherano, and Yaya Toure. These are just suggestions I am sure Mancini can find the right players (he has a keen eye for spotting talent, he showed that not just at Inter but also at less fancied teams like Lazio).

Here's hoping Ireland regains his form and Vieira adapts well to the pace of English football again, as they are the only two players in our team who can move the ball around with consummate ease.

now now chaps we can't have this. two comments full of common sense and good reasoning on the same subject. some of the panic merchants on here would have you think we were out of the cup and sliding relentlessly down the league rather than being in the best position that weve been in for many a year.
hbruz80 said:
Damocles said:
Mancini was at Inter for four years, and played shit (but successful) football in his first season because he didn't have the players he wanted.

People who are saying that the tactics aren't working are completely wrong, and any sensible fan will see that the tactics ARE working. The Zona Mista is designed to keep goals out and dominate the possession to the point whereby the only danger to the defence are longballs from their fullbacks to their wingers. This is doing exactly what we wanted.

The problem as many see it, is that the slow tempo/possession football isn't entertaining. I'm pretty annoyed at some of the members on here who are saying that we have gone backwards. I implore all of you to go back 50 pages on the forum, and check the threads for when Hughes was in charge. No organisation, long ball, boring football, shit defence, were all sticks used to beat Hughes with. I'd rather win every game 1-0 than lose 5-4.

If you look back over the past 6 weeks, Man United have accrued the most points. City are second. Whilst it may not be the most entertaining brand of football, it is certainly working, and we are winning many points. I must say, I can't think of a time where I've been more confident of City keeping a clean sheet. We aren't exactly a brick wall yet, but we are definitely getting there.

Unfortunately, the best attack in the business doesn't win you success. There are many examples of this over the years, Brazil's quadruple of Ronaldinho/Robinho/Ronaldo/Adriano being a good one.
The most successful teams in the world are built off of a good defence, and keeping clean sheets. This is something that Mancini is obviously heavily working on, if NMT's training reports are anything to go by. Mancini has figured out that a high percentage of goals conceeded in England are down to set pieces and bad defensive organisation.

Speaking of training reports, I am a little concerned with how inept we look on offensive set pieces considering on how often we work upon them (every day pretty much). Maybe with a natural corner taker like Johnson we'll be ok, yet at the moment with Barry/Petrov/Ireland taking corners, we rarely win anything from them. Free kicks are a different ball game all together, and our defence may as well save itself the 40 yard sprint, as if we are within 50 yards of goal, we tend to shoot.

Mancini's style of play is getting there, but still not achieved (as is to be expected). His top priority was the defence, and if look at the monumental change between us now and when Hughes was here, you can see why he is good for his money.

I don't understand the argument that the players don't possess the required quality. I'd put up a case for every single one of our players against any player at Liverpool or Arsenal or United. Maybe not against Chelsea, but we aren't aiming at their level currently. We are a better squad than United, who are successful because they have a more consistent management structure than us. They soon won't. Arsenal and Liverpool would KILL for our squad. There are reasons why they are sniffing around our 'fringe' players like M. Johnson, Nedum (Scouse) and Petrov (Arse asked about him).

In Tevez, Adebayor, Bellamy and RSC, we have the strikers to play any type of football we want, at a top level too. Tevez seems to be a hero at the moment, as does Bellamy, so I don't need to tell you how good those guys are. RSC is hugely underrated by City fans, go and ask a Blackburn or Munich fan what they think of him and all will tell you that he is a brilliant player. Once he gets his run, he'll change some opinions on here, and we hopefully start valuing him more. He actually did pretty well when he came on yesterday. Adebayor is our Drogba. There is nothing that this guy isn't good at. He's got power, pace, an eye for goal, control, is good in the air, skillful on the ground, can place it or smash it. Just an unbelievable striker. His problem is always his footnote to his praise, "....on his day". Ade's attitude seems to have changed heavily since the Togo stuff and hopefully he is a bit more grounded now. Either way, Mancini managed Ibrahimovic without a problem and that guy was batshit insane, he can handle big players. Comparison wise, I think we are BETTER than the rest of the top four.

Our widemen in Petrov, Bellamy, Sweep and now Johnson give us enough cover to play either guys who cut in, or guys who go wide. To me, Petrov is one of the best players I've seen in a City shirt, and has the ability to be a game changer. If he is on the left, and gets the ball to feet, he is an absolute joy to watch. He loves cutting inside and just smashing the ball in the net, but is equally good crossing. Maybe he lacks in defensive responsibility, and this is probably his downfall with some fans. He seems to be the latest one to pick up the 'lazy' tag since Robinho was dropped, and he's getting some pressure from the fans to perform better. I can't really defend him to this extent, like his Bulgarian counterparts in Berbatov and Bojinov, he does seem to just disappear in games sometimes and doesn't work hard enough. Maybe it's something that they put in the water over there.
SWP has played a disappointing number of games since Mancini has came. To be honest, this is more down to him not fitting in to our new system than anything else, and we saw last night that SWP, who looking over the course of the season has to be up there for Player of the Year, still has the ability to run teams in to the ground. He'll still get 25 games next season, with us in four competitions.
Johnson I'm reserving judgement on until I see him in our system a bit more. He looks bright though, and can only get better. I'd definitely put these guys up against the rest of the top four.

Ah, centre midfield, where all of our comparison falls apart. Despite what some on here think, I really rate Barry, Ireland and De Jong as a three in midfield. It seems balanced to me, Ireland the guy charging forward, De Jong doing the Makelele stuff that he excels at, and Barry linking them together. I think one of our main problems here, is that these guys play nearly every game and must be feeling the tiredness factor mentally and physically. I also think that they are a bit lost at times to who is doing what between Barry and Ireland. Stevie hasn't hit his form of last season (where to be fair, we played a far more open game), and he is starting to get the fans on his back. Perhaps his lack of holiday this year was a bad idea.
I'll be honest here, I don't get the Barry criticism. He does have bad games at times, but no worse than any other player in the league. For the price we bought him, I still think (apart from maybe Given) that he is the best piece of business that we have done. His movement and ability on the pitch is pretty much unquestionable, he's also great in a tackle and can pass with the best of them.
Viera is still to early to be judged, purely because you can tell he isn't fit. It's worth noting that the French manager came out yesterday and said that if he is playing regularly, he is going to the WC as French captain, so he is still rated within the game. I don't like how often that he seems to hit passes astray, or to people who simply don't want the ball. Hopefully, he'll tighten up in time. As a pure centre midfielder (which is how we play him, I don't get the DM vibe that others pick up) I hope he can give GazBaz a bit of leeway and a rest.
Unfortunately, that's it for centre mids (I'm not counting Kompany, Zab or Sylvinho there, simply because they aren't natural centre mids). I see we failed to address this problem in the transfer window and De Niro has a point about that. Having four natural centre's in a team that regularly puts three of them on a pitch together is a recipe for disaster. Our season would fall apart if we picked up two injuries in this position.

Defensively and in goal, I think we are pretty strong. I'm quite high on Toure, but I must admit that I've always been partial to a centre back who can take the ball out of defence. With him, Richards, Kompany (who has been fantastic recently), Nedum, Zab, Bridgy, and the young lad Boyata, I think we are pretty sharp here. Definitely as good as the Liverpool defence.

Overall, I'm willing to be patient about Mancini and our squad. We have the required quality, we have a proven winner in charge, and we have a good structure in the club. We aren't playing well, but we still aren't losing, which is the oft used cliche of Champions. All of the talk of a crisis is premature and to be honest, I think that many of the posters who were spouting yesterday would have probably have given a different opinion today. A forum by it's very nature is a place to woman and moan after a 'bad result', and we all need patience with each other as well as the team. I still feel that we are the better placed of any team to hit the top four, and I'm willing to wait until the end of the season before I judge the merits of Mancini as a manager. Actually, that's probably false, I'm more willing to wait until the end of next season (so that he gets a proper run at it), but whether the owners share this patience is debatable.

A well thought out, clearly written argument (something that has been lacking on this forum of late). I agree with a number of the points raised but I am afraid I cannot agree with your assessment of the midfield. I have raised previously that I think this is the main area where Hughes has messed up. The reason why it was not noticed while Hughes was still in charge was because it was overshadowed by our disastrous defending (9 goals conceded in our last 3 matches under Hughes)! All midfields may they be Chelsea's or Real Madrid's have to both defend and attack. Unfortunately our midfield cannot do either convincingly!

De Jong gets a lot of praise on here as we all like to see crunching tackles and players getting in the oppositions faces BUT this has masked De Jong's weaknesses. Quite frankly I find the comparison with Mackele laughable! Yes, Mackele could also put in crunching tackles BUT he could pass the ball (forwards as well as backwards), De Jong's passing is shocking. On countless occasions simple 10 yard passes are intercepted and when you pass the ball you are supposed to move into space (I assume he was sick the day they taught that at kindergarten)! The closest player to Mackele is Essien, and watch how he plays and then compare him to De Jong. I have no idea what is going on with Barry but he has been a massive disappointment since he signed from Villa. Am I the only one who notices how often he falls over. I cannot think of a single player in the world who UNINTENTIONALLY spends more time on the floor!

The Midfield is the heart of any time, Barca's fluent football is built on the back of the Xavi-Iniesta partnership without them the likes of Ronaldinho, Eto'o and Messi would not be able to operate as effectively as they have done over the past decade. Defensive players should be able to pass the ball around with ease, not just win a tackle then play it back to the goalkeeper. Alsono, Mascherano, Essien, Xavi are defensive midfield players but they are brilliant passers of the pall and can all create chances. We do not have anyone in the team who comes close to them in terms of passing ability, which is why we cannot keep possession of the ball and create chances; as much as it pains me to say it even the likes of Carrick and Fletcher are miles better at passing the ball than De Jong and Barry. Mancini can only work with what he has got, to his credit he recognised our weaknesses in midfield straight away when everyone on this forum was still talking about our poor defense and he wanted Mariga, Gago, Flamini in the January window but unfortunately we could not get any of them.

I do not think a complete overhaul of our team is needed in the summer, like many on here have suggested as I just do not think that is healthy, BUT it is imperative that we sort out our central midfield. Achievable targets are Javi Martinez (Spain U-21 captain, crikey Spain really are producing top class central midfield players e.g. Xavi, Iniesta, Alonso, Fabregas!); Mascherano, and Yaya Toure. These are just suggestions I am sure Mancini can find the right players (he has a keen eye for spotting talent, he showed that not just at Inter but also at less fancied teams like Lazio).

Here's hoping Ireland regains his form and Vieira adapts well to the pace of English football again, as they are the only two players in our team who can move the ball around with consummate ease.

Two cracking posts lads.

I fully agree our midfielders lack the passing style of a true dominating team and I think Mancini has his work cut out until another transfer window opens.
Thanks for the reply, I was starting to think that I'd wrote that and it was ignored!

hbruz80 said:
A well thought out, clearly written argument (something that has been lacking on this forum of late). I agree with a number of the points raised but I am afraid I cannot agree with your assessment of the midfield. I have raised previously that I think this is the main area where Hughes has messed up. The reason why it was not noticed while Hughes was still in charge was because it was overshadowed by our disastrous defending (9 goals conceded in our last 3 matches under Hughes)! All midfields may they be Chelsea's or Real Madrid's have to both defend and attack. Unfortunately our midfield cannot do either convincingly!

I'd disagree with that a little. As wide players, both SWP and Bellamy do their fair share of defending which frees Richards/Bridgy to get forwards on the overlap and whip the ball in.

Centre mid wise, I think a combination of Barry/De Jong/Ireland is pretty strong defensively. All of them can win the ball well, can track the movements of players and are big enough to cause a nuisance to other players. Against every team that I can think of, we have effectively shut down the centre of pitch to the opposition. The last person that I can think of that had a good game against us, centre wise, was Bullard in the first Hull game.
Barry and Ireland also have the ability to attack well, though perhaps they are being told to only go one at a time in the same way that Gerrard/Lampard do it. Maybe they just can't play together, I know that Barry had the same problem at Villa with Petrov, where he looked like a different player when he was on and off the pitch. Someone with a better memory should think about Barry's and Ireland's performances when they weren't on the same pitch.

De Jong gets a lot of praise on here as we all like to see crunching tackles and players getting in the oppositions faces BUT this has masked De Jong's weaknesses. Quite frankly I find the comparison with Mackele laughable! Yes, Mackele could also put in crunching tackles BUT he could pass the ball (forwards as well as backwards), De Jong's passing is shocking. On countless occasions simple 10 yard passes are intercepted and when you pass the ball you are supposed to move into space (I assume he was sick the day they taught that at kindergarten)! The closest player to Mackele is Essien, and watch how he plays and then compare him to De Jong. I have no idea what is going on with Barry but he has been a massive disappointment since he signed from Villa. Am I the only one who notices how often he falls over. I cannot think of a single player in the world who UNINTENTIONALLY spends more time on the floor!

I think what De Jong brings to the table in the centre of midfield, is a warrior spirit that is lacking in the others. Everybody knows that he will chase the ball around and stick a crunching tackle in for 90 minutes. Ok, so he isn't exactly Iniesta passing wise, but he gives us that edge against the stronger teams that we need. The Boltons, Stokes and Burnleys of this world love to bully teams out of games, and De Jong stops this from happening. The United game was a good example of this, where United players got rid of the ball as soon as De Jong went within 10 yards of them.

The Midfield is the heart of any time, Barca's fluent football is built on the back of the Xavi-Iniesta partnership without them the likes of Ronaldinho, Eto'o and Messi would not be able to operate as effectively as they have done over the past decade. Defensive players should be able to pass the ball around with ease, not just win a tackle then play it back to the goalkeeper. Alsono, Mascherano, Essien, Xavi are defensive midfield players but they are brilliant passers of the pall and can all create chances. We do not have anyone in the team who comes close to them in terms of passing ability, which is why we cannot keep possession of the ball and create chances; as much as it pains me to say it even the likes of Carrick and Fletcher are miles better at passing the ball than De Jong and Barry. Mancini can only work with what he has got, to his credit he recognised our weaknesses in midfield straight away when everyone on this forum was still talking about our poor defense and he wanted Mariga, Gago, Flamini in the January window but unfortunately we could not get any of them.

I definitely disagree with your assessment of the passing ability of Barry. Over the years, he has shown that he is one of the best passers in the English game. Why he can't replicate this at City, I'm not sure, but he does have the ability to do it.

I do not think a complete overhaul of our team is needed in the summer, like many on here have suggested as I just do not think that is healthy, BUT it is imperative that we sort out our central midfield. Achievable targets are Javi Martinez (Spain U-21 captain, crikey Spain really are producing top class central midfield players e.g. Xavi, Iniesta, Alonso, Fabregas!); Mascherano, and Yaya Toure. These are just suggestions I am sure Mancini can find the right players (he has a keen eye for spotting talent, he showed that not just at Inter but also at less fancied teams like Lazio).

Here's hoping Ireland regains his form and Vieira adapts well to the pace of English football again, as they are the only two players in our team who can move the ball around with consummate ease.

I think your assessment is pretty fair overall. The centre of the park is a worrysome issue, and some of the names you are mentioning seem pretty realistic and would definitely help us. The bigger problem in my eyes is to identify why Ireland is off his game. I still think that Barry has had no worse of a season than any other player, he's just in the middle of a bad patch for us. He started very brightly until we played Villa at Villa Park, then he kind of bottled it and has only had the odd game in which he looked like the Barry of old. As the anchor between the more attacking Ireland, and the super defensive De Jong, he is such an integral part of our team and so important to our style of play that when he isn't on top of his form, the whole team suffers. That said, form is temporary, and Barry is right up there as one of the best midfielders in the league, ability wise.
Mattyc55 said:
For anyone who claims that Mourinho sets up with a defensive 3 in midfield at Inter really doesnt have a clue about the way in which they play.

Inter use Milito and Eto'o up front with a sort of diamond midfield (similar to Ancelotti) with Sneijder at the tip of it, Muntari and Zanetti tucking in with Cambiasso as the combative man.

This is tweaked when Jose wants to play "Super Mario", but usually thats how they set up, and its quite fun to watch as Sneijder is a wonderful footballer.

Not sure if this was aimed at me, but will respond. I didn't concern his set ups at Inter with my post, but the way he set Chelsea up. Usually 2 defensive midfielders with a goalscoring midfielder, and a hard working centre forward (Drogba). Mancini set us up in a similar way yesterday, with Ireland being the goalscoring midfielder but as we know, he is not in form. Unless Mourinho comes in and does a complete clearout and buying spree in the summer where he has 12 weeks, we would roll out a similar formation as to what Mancini did yesterday.

Source - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tions.html</a>

"Perhaps the best illustration of 4-5-1 in full flow is Jose Mourinho’s system. Both as manager of FC Porto and Chelsea, Mourinho founded his sides on strong defensive line-ups and an excellent holding midfielder, while the attack relied on a hard-working front man and a goal-scorer in midfield. At Chelsea, his defensive stalwarts were the captain and central defender John Terry and the holding midfielder Claude Makélélé. Alongside the Frenchman, Frank Lampard provided the bulk of goals from central midfield, ably supported by Joe Cole and Arjen Robben on the wings and Didier Drogba’s efforts up front. The side was extremely successful, picking up back-to-back Premiership titles in 2005 and 2006, building on Mourinho’s previous achievement at Porto in winning the 2004 Champions League trophy.
Mattyc55 said:
For anyone who claims that Mourinho sets up with a defensive 3 in midfield at Inter really doesnt have a clue about the way in which they play.

Inter use Milito and Eto'o up front with a sort of diamond midfield (similar to Ancelotti) with Sneijder at the tip of it, Muntari and Zanetti tucking in with Cambiasso as the combative man.

This is tweaked when Jose wants to play "Super Mario", but usually thats how they set up, and its quite fun to watch as Sneijder is a wonderful footballer.

mancini and mourinho here at Inter play the same 4-3-1-2 , with 3 defensive midfielder , one of them being zanetti who is more a RB than a real midfielder and is used to cover the maicon break on the right side.

mancini was playng

...................... cesar.......................

and mourinho is playng the same


no difference at all.
mancmackem said:
Mattyc55 said:
For anyone who claims that Mourinho sets up with a defensive 3 in midfield at Inter really doesnt have a clue about the way in which they play.

Inter use Milito and Eto'o up front with a sort of diamond midfield (similar to Ancelotti) with Sneijder at the tip of it, Muntari and Zanetti tucking in with Cambiasso as the combative man.

This is tweaked when Jose wants to play "Super Mario", but usually thats how they set up, and its quite fun to watch as Sneijder is a wonderful footballer.

Not sure if this was aimed at me, but will respond. I didn't concern his set ups at Inter with my post, but the way he set Chelsea up. Usually 2 defensive midfielders with a goalscoring midfielder, and a hard working centre forward (Drogba). Mancini set us up in a similar way yesterday, with Ireland being the goalscoring midfielder but as we know, he is not in form. Unless Mourinho comes in and does a complete clearout and buying spree in the summer where he has 12 weeks, we would roll out a similar formation as to what Mancini did yesterday.

Source - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tions.html</a>

"Perhaps the best illustration of 4-5-1 in full flow is Jose Mourinho’s system. Both as manager of FC Porto and Chelsea, Mourinho founded his sides on strong defensive line-ups and an excellent holding midfielder, while the attack relied on a hard-working front man and a goal-scorer in midfield. At Chelsea, his defensive stalwarts were the captain and central defender John Terry and the holding midfielder Claude Makélélé. Alongside the Frenchman, Frank Lampard provided the bulk of goals from central midfield, ably supported by Joe Cole and Arjen Robben on the wings and Didier Drogba’s efforts up front. The side was extremely successful, picking up back-to-back Premiership titles in 2005 and 2006, building on Mourinho’s previous achievement at Porto in winning the 2004 Champions League trophy.

To be honest mate, in my opinion the 4-5-1 of Mourinho was so successful at Chelsea due to how quickly that formation could/can become a 4-3-3, likewise with United on many occasions this season. City however, dont have the central midfield firepower to make this work at the moment, the lack of a Frank Lampard, a Carrick/Fletcher is painfully obvious at this moment in time for me.
Thanks for your response. Again, very well argued.

hbruz80 said:
A well thought out, clearly written argument (something that has been lacking on this forum of late). I agree with a number of the points raised but I am afraid I cannot agree with your assessment of the midfield. I have raised previously that I think this is the main area where Hughes has messed up. The reason why it was not noticed while Hughes was still in charge was because it was overshadowed by our disastrous defending (9 goals conceded in our last 3 matches under Hughes)! All midfields may they be Chelsea's or Real Madrid's have to both defend and attack. Unfortunately our midfield cannot do either convincingly!

I'd disagree with that a little. As wide players, both SWP and Bellamy do their fair share of defending which frees Richards/Bridgy to get forwards on the overlap and whip the ball in.

Yup, I would agree with that, but my main concern is with the centre of midfield, although SWP does not seem to me to be playing well when he defends or when he attacks, but we all know he is a top player when on form, and hopefully the goal yesterday (scrappy as it was) will give him the confidence he needs to regain his form.

Centre mid wise, I think a combination of Barry/De Jong/Ireland is pretty strong defensively. All of them can win the ball well, can track the movements of players and are big enough to cause a nuisance to other players. Against every team that I can think of, we have effectively shut down the centre of pitch to the opposition. The last person that I can think of that had a good game against us, centre wise, was Bullard in the first Hull game.
Barry and Ireland also have the ability to attack well, though perhaps they are being told to only go one at a time in the same way that Gerrard/Lampard do it. Maybe they just can't play together, I know that Barry had the same problem at Villa with Petrov, where he looked like a different player when he was on and off the pitch. Someone with a better memory should think about Barry's and Ireland's performances when they weren't on the same pitch.

When we play all three, then yes we are better defensively, but my point is that we suffer as we cannot link midfield to attack, and our play becomes disjointed not the fluid style that everyone on here craves. I am sorry but i just do not feel that are central midfield is good enough to both defend and attack (something which is essential for all top sides). Just trying to stop the opposition from playing is not good enough for the type of side we want to be. Interesting point about Barry and Ireland not being able to play well with each other, if it is true then it is worrying as we already lack options in the middle of the park.

De Jong gets a lot of praise on here as we all like to see crunching tackles and players getting in the oppositions faces BUT this has masked De Jong's weaknesses. Quite frankly I find the comparison with Mackele laughable! Yes, Mackele could also put in crunching tackles BUT he could pass the ball (forwards as well as backwards), De Jong's passing is shocking. On countless occasions simple 10 yard passes are intercepted and when you pass the ball you are supposed to move into space (I assume he was sick the day they taught that at kindergarten)! The closest player to Mackele is Essien, and watch how he plays and then compare him to De Jong. I have no idea what is going on with Barry but he has been a massive disappointment since he signed from Villa. Am I the only one who notices how often he falls over. I cannot think of a single player in the world who UNINTENTIONALLY spends more time on the floor!

I think what De Jong brings to the table in the centre of midfield, is a warrior spirit that is lacking in the others. Everybody knows that he will chase the ball around and stick a crunching tackle in for 90 minutes. Ok, so he isn't exactly Iniesta passing wise, but he gives us that edge against the stronger teams that we need. The Boltons, Stokes and Burnleys of this world love to bully teams out of games, and De Jong stops this from happening. The United game was a good example of this, where United players got rid of the ball as soon as De Jong went within 10 yards of them.

I agree about De Jong's spirit, but I am afraid at this level that alone is not sufficient. I am not saying that he does not do a lot of things well, but a central midfield player has to be able to pass the ball very well, and he just cannot do it. Whenever he gets the ball his first instinct is to turn and face our defence and pass it back to them, we need more than that if we are to compete with the big boys!

The Midfield is the heart of any time, Barca's fluent football is built on the back of the Xavi-Iniesta partnership without them the likes of Ronaldinho, Eto'o and Messi would not be able to operate as effectively as they have done over the past decade. Defensive players should be able to pass the ball around with ease, not just win a tackle then play it back to the goalkeeper. Alsono, Mascherano, Essien, Xavi are defensive midfield players but they are brilliant passers of the pall and can all create chances. We do not have anyone in the team who comes close to them in terms of passing ability, which is why we cannot keep possession of the ball and create chances; as much as it pains me to say it even the likes of Carrick and Fletcher are miles better at passing the ball than De Jong and Barry. Mancini can only work with what he has got, to his credit he recognised our weaknesses in midfield straight away when everyone on this forum was still talking about our poor defense and he wanted Mariga, Gago, Flamini in the January window but unfortunately we could not get any of them.

I definitely disagree with your assessment of the passing ability of Barry. Over the years, he has shown that he is one of the best passers in the English game. Why he can't replicate this at City, I'm not sure, but he does have the ability to do it.

Again, I agree he has shown for Villa and England that he can play a good ball, unfortunately I have not seen enough evidence of that in a City shirt. He has been very inconsistent this season and he seems to be making far too many mistakes. He gives away a lot of silly free-kicks, and although he wins many tackles, he rarely comes out with the ball, which kind of defeats the point of tackling!

I do not think a complete overhaul of our team is needed in the summer, like many on here have suggested as I just do not think that is healthy, BUT it is imperative that we sort out our central midfield. Achievable targets are Javi Martinez (Spain U-21 captain, crikey Spain really are producing top class central midfield players e.g. Xavi, Iniesta, Alonso, Fabregas!); Mascherano, and Yaya Toure. These are just suggestions I am sure Mancini can find the right players (he has a keen eye for spotting talent, he showed that not just at Inter but also at less fancied teams like Lazio).

Here's hoping Ireland regains his form and Vieira adapts well to the pace of English football again, as they are the only two players in our team who can move the ball around with consummate ease.

I think your assessment is pretty fair overall. The centre of the park is a worrysome issue, and some of the names you are mentioning seem pretty realistic and would definitely help us. The bigger problem in my eyes is to identify why Ireland is off his game. I still think that Barry has had no worse of a season than any other player, he's just in the middle of a bad patch for us. He started very brightly until we played Villa at Villa Park, then he kind of bottled it and has only had the odd game in which he looked like the Barry of old. As the anchor between the more attacking Ireland, and the super defensive De Jong, he is such an integral part of our team and so important to our style of play that when he isn't on top of his form, the whole team suffers. That said, form is temporary, and Barry is right up there as one of the best midfielders in the league, ability wise.

Again, I just do not think that we can afford to have one player who can only defend, and one who can only attack and have someone to link the play between them. That is fine for a mid table team or even a top 6 side, but if we want to compete for the title and do well in Europe, we need players who can pass the ball. Not just simple 10 yard passes, but move the ball from one side of the pitch to the other, players who can play 40 yard diagonal balls and actually create chances and most importantly players who can keep possession of the ball. It is easy to criticise players like Adebayor for not doing enough, but he needs good service, if we can create chances, he will put them away. Essien, Lampard (for Chelsea, not England), Ballack, Gerard (despite a poor season), Mascherano, Fabregas are top midfield players, the players we have cannot compete with them, and when we look at the next best, Carrick, Fletcher, Milner, Modric, without blue tinted specs on, at least on this season's performances, I struggle to add De Jong, Barry and Ireland to that list.
Mancio, would you refer to Muntari as a defensive midfielder, if so, do you put Michael Ballack in the same mould simply because he plays as the midfielder who tucks in and forms a three with Essien and Mikel. I seem to remember Muntari being a left sided midfielder at Pompey and the likes of him and Ballack are far more positive choices in a three than Vieira, De Jong, and Barry; one being the definition of a pure defensive midfielder, and the other two being "water carriers" (especially in Barry's case). As for Cambiasso, hes so much more than the likes of De Jong in terms of technical ability, and this is also crucial when you need a link between both the forwards, and getting Sneijder fully involved.

Final point, you yourself made the point about the importance of David Santon and Maicon and their impact on the team, but we dont have the outlet that Inter have with such quality full backs, the same going for Ashley Cole at Chelsea.

At this moment in time, in my opinion we DONT have the right players to take on this formation with any kind of effective blend, and Mourinho's team selection is being labelled wrongly; again in my opinion.

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