Interesting/Unfortunate Names

I remember we had a Robert Burns at school, and I once knew a Julia Roberts but she was a scouse mutt who lived in the bedsit upstairs. Kept trying to palm me off with her sodding budgie.
Is that some sort of deviant exercise? Similar to hamsters but with feathers?? ARMAGEDDON!!
Miss Hotass as a work customer. I once knew a man who’s surname was Hooligan. It could be Irish? How about calling your kid Elvis!

It was a joke but someone once gave their name as Tony **** at karaoke. I read it out.
Richard William Fiddler was a lad in my class as school.

Met someone once called Russell Sprout, always made laugh that one.
Living in Germany is a godsend for silly names.....Cant move for Kuntz and Wankers (pronounced Vankers) in our street

My ex missus used to work with Fanny Feucht....."Feucht" means "damp", you do the rest..
A girl I knew back in the day was called Zillah Garde.

Apparently much daily chortling in registration up at the girls' school when the teacher was calling out the names...

"Garde, Zillah"
Frank Payne's dental surgery was on west st. The **** pulled 8 of my milk teeth out, must have been on piece work. He drove a red Porsche.
Ronnie Ainslie is/ was the dentist in the old bungalow at the bottom of west street, not saying Franky didn’t have it before Ronnie but he did have a surgery on Acres Lane. Biggest horror story about Franky boy was he couldn’t be arsed doing the numbing injections or if he could he’d simply inject right through from the outside of your face

he called his house “toothache”
Was introduced to a bloke from a polymer company based in the US about 20 years ago..
Randy Beavers..
We all fell about laughing, he wasn't amused..

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