Iran Attack on Israel

Must be pretty terrifying living in Israel right now and seeing these headlines.
I am not sure most people living in Israel are necessarily terrified by this. Many have been here before, with Iran and other entities. And many will see this as an unfortunate expected progression from events before it.

From the WhatsApp chat I have with my family and friends in Israel, it is more a strong apprehension of both the potential severity of the attack and what comes after it. I think the latter element causes more trepidation than anything else, as right now it feels generally like there is an unstoppable spiral down to all out war on numerous fronts, which many there do not support.
The BBC did parrot Hamas propaganda after the Al Ahli explosion. That’s a fact.
You still have not provided any reputable evidence that the BBC’s reporting has lead to attacks on Jewish people on the streets of Britain.

But this is probably a discussion for a separate thread.
It shouldn't be too difficult to show me your working out then surely?
Jeremy Bowen reported that the hospital had been flattened. Where did he get that information from, and why did he report it if it couldn’t be independently verified?

The BBC apologised for its coverage on 24 October last year, and they also apologised in November last year for misquoting a Reuters report about Israeli troops targeting medical teams in a Gaza hospital.

They also apologised in January this year for broadcasting a Hamas claim that the IDF were conducting summary executions, and admitted that they “had not made sufficient effort to seek corroborating evidence to justify reporting the Hamas claim” (their words not mine). Details available on their website.
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Jeremy Bowen reported that the hospital had been flattened. Where did he get that information formation from, and why did he report it if it couldn’t be independently verified?

The BBC apologised for its coverage on 24 October last year, and they also apologised in November last year for misquoting a Reuters report about Israeli troops targeting medical teams in a Gaza hospital.

They also apologised in January this year for broadcasting a Hamas claim that the IDF were conducting summary executions, and admitted that they “had not made sufficient effort to seek corroborating evidence to justify reporting the Hamas claim” (their words not mine). Details available on their website.
Is that it?
You asked for examples, I’ve provided them, including one of the BBC openly admitting to parroting Hamas propaganda around an incredibly serious allegation.

If you can’t handle the facts then you shouldn’t ask for them should you?
But how does BBC issuing corrections/apologies (which every media outlet does regularly) support your assertion that their reporting has lead to attacks on Jewish people in the streets of Britain?

And shouldn’t this be taken to a separate thread?
But how does BBC issuing corrections/apologies (which every media outlet does regularly) support your assertion that their reporting has lead to attacks on Jewish people in the streets of Britain?

And shouldn’t this be taken to a separate thread?
Why don’t you prove to me that it hasn’t, given that you seem to have such a problem with it?

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