Ireland Leaving - Absolute Disaster

TonyM said:
I'll be devastated if Ireland leaves. Not just because he's home grown and someone who genuinely loves the club (IMO) but more importantly because I really can't se us finding better out there. Who's better and available? If we could get someone about the same age and better then great but I struggle to think of any.

Gelsons Dad said:
de niro said:
how sad, i suppose you would'nt have rooney in your team either.

I don't judge based on my preconceptions bill. I just look at the facts.
I certainly would have Rooney in the team as long as he merited a place but I wouldn't keep him in if he was failing miserably. Regardless of how much I idolised him.

agreed, chances of that though are slim.
Re: Ireland Leaving - Absolutely Disaster

dw7 said:
GStar said:
Only going off what he said in a interview a few months back, said the set up didnt feel right and he didnt enjoy it. Surely he didnt have dodgy knees as a kid? He won that trophy for "best young footballer" or something along those lines...

maybe YouR RIGHT ABOUT the united set up but he was defo rejected by a few clubs for dodgy knees when he was younger

Didn't he have Osgood Schlatter's disease?

Would have made performing difficult in a trial, but not impossible. And no long term
effects, fairly common in young kids (I had it and had to ice
my knees daily for weeks).
Don't want him to go. Mainly because I want to see more classy touches and sublime goals from him in a blue shirt, not in any other teams colours.

He seems to be a player that is unsettled if he feels he doesn't "fit in." And his mental attitude has always seemed to be his weakness. He does have an amazing natural intuition for the game though, but any little "setback" in his mind and it seems to go, big time. Sometimes he looks as if he is carrying the world on his shoulders.

However, he needs to do what he did 18 months or so ago. Knuckle down and prove the detractors wrong. I think he is actually quite immature for his age, and also a bit thin skinned.

In a few years that could all change, and I really hope he stays with us, because he has a natural gift that some other players could work at for years and never gain.

Stevie....................please stay and fight for your place. You did it once before and you can do it again.
Read the initial post from DB but havent read the 61 pages of views from city fans with blue tinted specs on. Correct me if i am wrong but i bet half of it is what a disaster it is and what a joke the club would be if we sold him.

Lets face it he has had one brilliant season ssndwiched between several average ones. I love stevie as much as the next blue cause hr is one of our own but he is not the finished article and with his crazy mind he may never reach his potential. Hope he stays but if he doesnt wont be the end of the world.
So the OP go's to coffee mornings with super agents and it generates 61 pages?

You couldn't make it up.

Though i'm certain the op has.)
Definitely a fan of Stevie, but I have to say, he has been very poor this year. In fact, since that incident where I actually thought he was going to collapse and have serious problems (can't remember what game that was) he has seemed like his mind is elsewhere...

I hope he stays, but equally I accept that can only happen if he gets another chance and actually fucking takes it this time, rather than letting the game pass him by.

If he can't do that (or doesn't get another chance - which I would say would be understandable) then we need to get what we can for him from whoever is offering (although preferably not United).
I do like stevie and I hope he can recapture some form before the end f the eason as we're certainly missing a little invention in the middle of the park. He's at the least the kind of guy we need to come off the bench and make a difference.

In the long term however I'm not sure he's going to feature too much. Along with SWP and Ned I think a lot of fans are blind to their flaws because they've come through the ranks. Whilst these players are good solid premier league players I just don't think they're good enough to take us to the next level, at best they'll make good squad players.

I would be surprised to see Arsenal, Chelsea or Scum moving for Stevie unless they felt they could get him on the cheap (I hope we don't let him go for next to nothing). A more likely destination would be a move to one of the teams below the top level, Vlla, Everton, Sunderland,etc.

If we want to be competing for league titles and European cups within the next 5 years we need to be replacing Stevie with the best in the world, Kaka, Fabregas, Xavi. That may be a pipe dream just now but maybe not if we can get ourselves into the champions league.

Here's hoping that Stevie can prove my comments to be misguided before the end of the season anyway!

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