Ireland or Elano

bizzbo said:
MCRJON said:
What about when he found Robinho all alone in the D - Robbie miscontrolled then spooned it over. a better touch and he was in 1 on 1.

tru dat. rob had a shocker in that respect. deciding to shoot when he should have taken a touch or dribbled, and the shots themselves, purlease.

He had a shocker full stop
This has been the trouble this season. We can't get everyone playing well at the same time. Portsmouth, Arsenal and Stoke at home were the only games this season where I think over 95% clicked. It wasn't many matches ago that the Emerald Prince was the nearest thing we had to Puskas (God rest him!). Someone will have to do Elano's heading and tackling so for me it has to be Stevie EYE.
ElanJo said:
Elano played well today, but Ireland offers the goal threat and judging off his contribution throughout the season , does not deserve to be dropped for 1 mediocre game.

Agree ^^
but...did Elano deserve to be dropped after the way he played against wigan?? or any of them as it was such a good all round team performance, yet Ireland was straight back in gainst Newcastle.
id take elano over ireland any day but still think ireland is a quality player and will get better! id play them both and drop either zab (despite recent performances) or micah (and put zab at rb)!
Failsworth_Blue said:
Elano's a better footballer than Ireland

No disrespect FB we all have our opinion but I couldn't disagree more. Irelands a box to box player with a fantastic football brain. Elano's a whinger who's had a few decent games since that free kick. Had a good game today and was probably more effective than Stevie.
citymad said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
Elano's a better footballer than Ireland

No disrespect FB we all have our opinion but I couldn't disagree more. Irelands a box to box player with a fantastic football brain. Elano's a whinger who's had a few decent games since that free kick. Had a good game today and was probably more effective than Stevie.

No worries mate we're all entitled to our own opinion and maybe i didn't word my original post as well as i could have done. Ireland has more to his game in terms of work rate and tackling but as who's better on the ball then for me it's Elano, i'm not saying Irelands not a good player, he's been very good for 6 months but i still think Elano is a better player when he's got the ball
Wow. The opinions on here change so fast. Its ridiculous that people are saying Elano is better than Ireland and should start every game, when only 2 weeks ago the same people couldnt wait to get rid of him. I like Elano. When he plays well he would grace any team. But lets be honest, he has played shite all season apart form the last 2 or 3 games when he has actually put in a bit of effort. Ireland has been a revelation this season. Ireland for me every time.

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