Ireland or Elano

What a load of shite this topic is.

Ireland has been our best player all season. The guy is a star. He works hard at tackling back, creates and scores chances and is a driving force in the team.

Elano played some good passes but could have been sent off today not long after coming on. If he'd been sent off you'd have all been slating him.

Team selections based on season long form are better than knee-jerk dropping of players based on one game.
While Zabaleta was superb in midfield when defending a 1-0 lead against Wigan, he doesn't really offer us anything out of the ordinary in that role. I would look at playing Ireland alongside de Jong as he offers more than Elano in a defensive role and play Elano in the middle of the three forward midfield players.
masterwig said:
What a load of shite this topic is.

Ireland has been our best player all season. The guy is a star. He works hard at tackling back, creates and scores chances and is a driving force in the team.

Elano played some good passes but could have been sent off today not long after coming on. If he'd been sent off you'd have all been slating him.

Team selections based on season long form are better than knee-jerk dropping of players based on one game.
How could he have been sent off? Just wondering.
He got booked after about 5 seconds of being on and then he had a huge tirade at the referee. Could easily have been sent off for dissent.
Funny how opinions change after one match isnt it.

fickle as fuck, you lot. wouldnt know your arse from your head tomorrow morning
I can't believe that the majority opinion on this post appears to be that Elano deserves to be in the team more than Ireland. Ireland has been player of the season by a country mile so far (ok, he was ineffective today, but nobody can be perfect all the time!!) Elano, on the other hand, has been shit since January last year!
Should mark hughes take some credit for the re emergence of elano. is this good man management? The lack of creativity by swp, superman and robbie was seriously frustrating. Elano looked better than what was already on the pitch. I still would play stevie first though.
super_city_si said:
Wow. The opinions on here change so fast. Its ridiculous that people are saying Elano is better than Ireland and should start every game, when only 2 weeks ago the same people couldnt wait to get rid of him. I like Elano. When he plays well he would grace any team. But lets be honest, he has played shite all season apart form the last 2 or 3 games when he has actually put in a bit of effort. Ireland has been a revelation this season. Ireland for me every time.


For me it's not even a contest. Yes Elano did well when he came on today but what about the amount of piss poor performances he put in before Christmas? If we had a player of the season poll tomorrow Ireland would win it hands down.
super_city_si said:
Wow. The opinions on here change so fast. Its ridiculous that people are saying Elano is better than Ireland and should start every game, when only 2 weeks ago the same people couldnt wait to get rid of him. I like Elano. When he plays well he would grace any team. But lets be honest, he has played shite all season apart form the last 2 or 3 games when he has actually put in a bit of effort. Ireland has been a revelation this season. Ireland for me every time.

No he hasn't.
kinkladze96 said:
Should mark hughes take some credit for the re emergence of elano. is this good man management?

I'm prepared to give him some credit for the thawing in relations between the two. I think Elano does look a happier player now, and his performances are showing that.

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