Ireland speaks out [Merged]

lloydie said:
IrishMacca said:
Not everyone has to toe the line every second of the day, I have defended this club countless of times, I live surrounded by United supporters, more than you know, but I wont just clap my hands and click my heels if I see something wrong with what's been said or what's going on.

Unfortunately that is nearly always followed with insults from people so blinded to have their own opinion.

You have never defended this club on this forum, in fact you have defended the rags more than us, so it's difficult to take any of what you say as anything other than a lie when you suddenly become a defender of Stevie's little outburst's a little taster of your opinions when Stevie was doing well for the club,,,,

Ireland can do whatever it is he likes, he's no character and no fight. He thinks he's a hell lot better than he is.

Ireland gives this sense that he thinks he's more superior, that he's better then this team, he needs to get over that, and if he comes back he needs to do some serious apologizing. He's burned alot of bridges when he decided to turn his back. He needs to be the one who has rebuild them.

Good to see he's so much commitment for City, maybe when he gets bored of it he'll walk away without a word of an apology and only a rumoured excuse.

Good to see him working hard though..not like it's much different then any other player who's working hard at the minute.

I can't be bothered dredging any of your other similarly worthless opinions but as far as a shameless volte face the last ones a humdinger for hypocrisy, please stop the charade before it gets even more embarrassing and we have to go looking for your defence of Keane, Giggs, Hunt, Scholes et al .
You are not a City fan by any stretch of the imagination and though you may net a few newbies on here but it's really not worth your, or our, time.

I have no time for Ireland whatsoever. But ye all did, I got a load of gried having a go at him, for what turns out he actually now is in yere eyes. But I'm curious that ye are so quickly dismissing what a player ye called superman 1 month ago, to just a selfish greedy fucker.

I actually think if you go back and look at when I said those comments (kinda ridiculous that you've nothing better to do with your being a Friday night and all) I was called a RAG for saying so. And ask why all of a sudden ye have all changed ye're minds and wont listen to an opinion of a player ye valued so loyal and commited less than a month ago, just because he's spoken out.
I get called a RAG for catching on to a character of a player long before anyone on here does, and I get called a RAG AGAIN for asking why the sudden change of heart.
I am not defending him in the slightest, I just don't like seeing players, any players, no matter what little opinion I have of them, being treated badly, liked shoved into the reserves, and it being overlooked because we pay such a wage.

But seeing as I don't blab out the same old recycled City phrases again and again and again I'm not a fan. I wont ingore things that I think are wrong even if it puts City in a bad light, like wise I wont insult players endlessly because they don't play for this club.
I will and have defended this club, but I wont close my eyes and pretend things aren't happening like so many of ye do. I think there was something wrong with the way Ireland was treated, and no matter what low of an opinion I have of him, doesn't mean I'll ignore it.

And you wonder why this club has such a small appeal because it will not accept anyone who has a slightly different opinion, ie not praising it like a crazy dicatorship, they're RAGS. Somewhere in the desperation of the fight and the overwhelming impact of the money, this club has become that. Why there are so many Arsenal, Chelsea, United Liverpool fans around the world is because there is a wide appeal, with City, it's oh so very hard down the line exclusive and you can only have one opinion, any other will drive a world of abuse on you if you say differently on here. Whether that's a reflection of City fans in general I don't know, seems to be a large majority.

The club will not bring in more fans this way, and maybe that is what ye want. But this attitude is not attractive, because there will be many, many fans from all over who will not have the same clap your hands and smile and nod attitude of some of you "hardcore" fans.
To be honest, im pretty gutted stevie has gone...yeah hes had his dip in form but he was immense season before last. He's a far more intelligent player than milner and imo a better player than milner. To swap a player of a similar age and pay £16m on top seems ridiculous. But Mancini wants his players in, and it seems that we dont mind upsetting people in the process of where we want to get. I am disappointed with how people like stevies been treated and frozen out, id be pssd off and id say a few things to get them off my chest in the immediate aftermath too, so we shouldnt get on his back. Milner has had imo again 1 cracking season is he really potentially world class though? I thought he looked out of his depth a bit at the world cup, chasing shadows, but maybe im just fed up. Ill still support him because hes now a blue but i wanted to air my thoughts.... Is milner really better than an on form ireland?Is Kolo better than Dunney?? I still think Nedum given a run is a better option at centre back. We've rapidly lost a lot of 'real' city players.... Maybe im just too sentimental??? ctid
I love it when people post things to try and save face, what a certain billy boy says is "yeah but you dont know the real story, emotions run deep" blah blah when really he is thinking is oh shit i have defended my special friend ireland for so long and now he comes out with this crap and makes me look stupid because i have misjudged him myself. quality

and as for ireland himself he has resorted to type he was hardly going to be honest and admit that he wasnt good enough often enough, if you cant blame everyone else who is left?

he would have been better saying nothing apart from he wants to concentrate on his new career with villa, admitting your not good enough is difficult for most people, just a shame he has now tarnished his time at city and will regret that in the future
Shame it didn't work out for him here. Some of the best football I've seen was when he played with Robbie and Elano. He was head and shoulders above most of the creative midfielders. Just a shame he wasn't more consistent. Stevie has my good wishes for the future and I'm convinced Villa have done VERY well out of this deal.
Dribble said:
Just heard the interview on SSN....................

How the fuck can this kaleidoscope coloured Bentley Turbo driving bald bastard diss the youngsters at the club for wearing flash watches!!!

Stevie, did it ever occur to you that they were following the example that you set for them?

Although Milner was over-priced, we got the more consistant player and the better long-term bet, SO FUCK OFF YOU SLAP-HEAD TWAT!!!!!

Didnt we do Ireland a favor by letting him go and get first team football?

Nice way to say thanks.
Bluemoon115 said:

"oh shit, what have I done."
Best wishes Stevie - and take a leaf out of Bellers book in terms of appreciating that you played your part in the transformation of this Club and move on.

Rightly or wrongly football is both ruthless and a business. We've morphed into both in the pursuit of silverware. So rather than spurting a load of old bollocks into the media about your time at MCFC - get yourself focused on being the quality footballer that you've shown you can be.

Good luck.
what a cock, we made him a footballer through our academy, he doesn't moan when he signs a 4 year contract cos he realises he could drown in a days wage. Ungrateful egg, I wish him fuck all.
westy said:
To be honest, im pretty gutted stevie has gone...yeah hes had his dip in form but he was immense season before last. He's a far more intelligent player than milner and imo a better player than milner. To swap a player of a similar age and pay £16m on top seems ridiculous. But Mancini wants his players in, and it seems that we dont mind upsetting people in the process of where we want to get. I am disappointed with how people like stevies been treated and frozen out, id be pssd off and id say a few things to get them off my chest in the immediate aftermath too, so we shouldnt get on his back. Milner has had imo again 1 cracking season is he really potentially world class though? I thought he looked out of his depth a bit at the world cup, chasing shadows, but maybe im just fed up. Ill still support him because hes now a blue but i wanted to air my thoughts.... Is milner really better than an on form ireland?Is Kolo better than Dunney?? I still think Nedum given a run is a better option at centre back. We've rapidly lost a lot of 'real' city players.... Maybe im just too sentimental??? ctid

our new owners have invested heavily in our club and want us to be up there with chelsea and the rags, to do this we cant have players who performed the season before last, we need players who will put in performances most weeks, you have to ask yourself if you would prefer city to finally win something or not, do you think if drogba had a decent season in 2008 only he would still be at chelsea?

if nedum,dunne and ireland were that good why are they now playing for teams that finished below city?

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