Ireland speaks out [Merged]

IrishMacca said:
Why is it that just because we pay them a lot of money, we think that it's ok to treat players like crap.

I have had little time for Ireland, but last I checked he was superman for most of ye, no one was more loyal, more hard working and commited to the club.
But now suddenly he speaks his mind, someone I thought ye might respect his view and take it into account.

I'm just saying, 1 month ago he was superman, now he's just another fucker who should have stayed nice and quiet and clicked his heals because we pay him a nice sum.
What's just as interesting, if not more interesting, is that a month ago he was the devil in your eyes, and now you're scrambling to join his fan club.
Stevie, you should have left with your head held high and with your dignity intact. Instead you chose to bleat, in a negative manner, about the club we love, to story hungry journalists. Good luck for the future, but don't expect a Dunnie like welcome back at eastlands.
Oh and as for the Villa fan, doesn't he look thrilled to be at Villa...

IrishMacca said:
lloydie said:
Look pal, no-one can talk sense to you, you distort this forums opinions for your own twisted agenda and jump to the defence of anyone who attacks our club. Why don't you go to sadcafe or some Ipswich forum where you can lick Roy Keanes dogs arse to your hearts content, somewhere where it's appreciated.

Not everyone has to toe the line every second of the day, I have defended this club countless of times, I live surrounded by United supporters, more than you know, but I wont just clap my hands and click my heels if I see something wrong with what's been said or what's going on.

Unfortunately that is nearly always followed with insults from people so blinded to have their own opinion.

You have never defended this club on this forum, in fact you have defended the rags more than us, so it's difficult to take any of what you say as anything other than a lie when you suddenly become a defender of Stevie's little outburst's a little taster of your opinions when Stevie was doing well for the club,,,,

Ireland can do whatever it is he likes, he's no character and no fight. He thinks he's a hell lot better than he is.

Ireland gives this sense that he thinks he's more superior, that he's better then this team, he needs to get over that, and if he comes back he needs to do some serious apologizing. He's burned alot of bridges when he decided to turn his back. He needs to be the one who has rebuild them.

Good to see he's so much commitment for City, maybe when he gets bored of it he'll walk away without a word of an apology and only a rumoured excuse.

Good to see him working hard though..not like it's much different then any other player who's working hard at the minute.

I can't be bothered dredging any of your other similarly worthless opinions but as far as a shameless volte face the last ones a humdinger for hypocrisy, please stop the charade before it gets even more embarrassing and we have to go looking for your defence of Keane, Giggs, Hunt, Scholes et al .
You are not a City fan by any stretch of the imagination and though you may net a few newbies on here but it's really not worth your, or our, time.
IrishMacca said:
Shooter 83 said:
You got found out as an gloryhunting rag some time ago, what are you still doing on here? Sad man.

Oh yes, a rag because my opinion didn't agree with EVERY single opinion on here.
But typical, Ireland can fuck off after what he said, I'm a RAG because what I said. No one can speak out here without being called one thing or another.

Consistancy is the key...and you're consistant,I'll give you that.
The strangest City fan I've ever seen...sometimes I just think you say the opposite just for the hell of it.
I've defended Ireland against your outbursts on several occasions...but,surprise surprise-City are at fault here,IMO simply because there's no apparent impact on your national team.Boring,and yet so totally predictable.

For what it's worth-Irelland's outburst about "not caring if we won or not" is at best childish and at worst a disgraceful,inpudent act of an immature little boy who doesn't give a shit about the people who've sung his name for the past five seasons.
He can think what he wants about the way the club is run,say what he wants to others in private at his new club-but not publicly ridicule the support he's had since he made his 1st team debut by kicking the fans in the bollocks.


It's all pretty much confirming what Mancini had intimated towards in the past-that Ireland is a talented player,but with his head screwed on totally the wrong way.

So I genuinely wish good luck to him at Villa-but he should have showed a little more thought towards the City fans than to say what he did...whatever he feels about the management.
Re: "I was neither happy or sad if we lost."

GeorgeHeslop'sTackle. said:
Uber Blue said:
Just heard him give some of the City youngsters some shit too; Something about them walking around with 200 watches on their arms.

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:37 pm --

Just heard him give some of the City youngsters some shit too; Something about them walking around with 200 watches on their arms.

As well as, more money than sense, bloody fat fiancées and "reassuringly expensive" RED & WHITE Audi Rovers I presume.... Good riddance & keep takin' the tablets steve

he said the young ones wear 10000$ watches and thinking they've played 200 premier league games...bastard
Just heard the interview on SSN....................

How the fuck can this kaleidoscope coloured Bentley Turbo driving bald bastard diss the youngsters at the club for wearing flash watches!!!

Stevie, did it ever occur to you that they were following the example that you set for them?

Although Milner was over-priced, we got the more consistant player and the better long-term bet, SO FUCK OFF YOU SLAP-HEAD TWAT!!!!!

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