
ribbo said:
I was spouting this all last season, and about Richards.......................... funny that...... now at least 40K today were all in agreement

Why were you spouting it last season re Ireland??
Today was nearly exactly the same team and formation set out that ripped Arsenal to bits at home.
Ireland just needs his confidence back which he wont get sat on the bench, then we'll benefit from him again.
I'm willing to stick by him as i'm not short sighted and remember what he has given the side in the past.
You wont hear dippers fans on Gerrards back as he's been off this season?

Come on Stevie, dig deep, it's in there somewhere, your club needs you!!
ribbo said:
problem this site has is most of its subscribers have this small town mentality... get real if you want to support a top club and stop all this misplaced loyalty crap.

Ireland is crap, he doesnot have 'a bad game today' as you all would like to believe, he just has crap games full stop, he's a shit house never tackles, jumps and squirms even when somebody passes a ball by him in midfield, releases the ball before any physical contact, continues to try and flick the ball all the time,too many touches whenever he gets in the box, runs around with that stupid pigeon chest of his stuck out and if he has a broom up his arse style of his............................ and that my friends was not just today.......................... so thats him sorted............... except to remind you all he is NOT one of our own he's a paddy who has turned his back ( get the pun 'turned his back) on his own country aswell as turning his back on anything which comes near him on the pitch.

Now lets start on the debate about the other shit head you all want to give a chance to .................Richards.

We will never win anything with these 2, Bobby has obviously rumbled Richards hopefully we'll see the back of Ireland and Richards in the summer.

Oh wan't it be shit to win trophies with no young academy players I hear you all stating none of which are Mancs by the way

why do we pay mancini so much when we could get you as manager, O I no why because your fucking a tool posting from his crack den somewhere.

I'm sure anyone who would of gone to the game today would of seen he didnt have a good game but could see him yet again getting into the positions where he's dangerous but not recieving the ball or recieving the ball to late, Ireland needs service like a striker which he isnt getting.

as for richards even a blind man could see he's had quite a good season
Maybe one of these days we could try getting behind our best players when they're short on confidence and give them the support they need instead of constantly slagging them off?

No, sorry, silly idea.
Knob head .............. so you want to see quite a good season from Richards. and you think Ireland needs service.............. he's meant to create the service................ don't need to be the manager to spot all this.......................... suggest you go and take your labrador for a walk
ribbo said:
problem this site has is most of its subscribers have this small town mentality... get real if you want to support a top club and stop all this misplaced loyalty crap.

Ireland is crap, he doesnot have 'a bad game today' as you all would like to believe, he just has crap games full stop, he's a shit house never tackles, jumps and squirms even when somebody passes a ball by him in midfield, releases the ball before any physical contact, continues to try and flick the ball all the time,too many touches whenever he gets in the box, runs around with that stupid pigeon chest of his stuck out and if he has a broom up his arse style of his............................ and that my friends was not just today.......................... so thats him sorted............... except to remind you all he is NOT one of our own he's a paddy who has turned his back ( get the pun 'turned his back) on his own country aswell as turning his back on anything which comes near him on the pitch.

Now lets start on the debate about the other shit head you all want to give a chance to .................Richards.

We will never win anything with these 2, Bobby has obviously rumbled Richards hopefully we'll see the back of Ireland and Richards in the summer.

Oh wan't it be shit to win trophies with no young academy players I hear you all stating none of which are Mancs by the way

Shut the door on the way out you fuckin clown and go hang yourself with your green and yellow scarf!!
Boff said:
KingofDraw said:
Didnt do anything again today, was scared. had a 1 on 1 with reina and he turned away, then had another 1 on 1 and he missed the whole target. lets just do a 4 4 2 pls with barry and de jong in the middle.

Stevie is just getting back into the team, short on confidence and is our only creative player, we looked worse without him.

now the rant...

tbh i'm sick of people getting on the back of players and not supporting them, if u all continue like this we'll end up selling more of our previous players of the season, followed by getting on the manager merry go round like the past, and when we get really in the shit all you badwagon fuckers will leave us alone and we'll finally get back to being the best supporters in the country.

Good 'un Boff. Steven Ireland is the best passer of a ball in the club. Not working at the moment but he only needs a carb tune. Simple turn of the screw to get the timing back. Better today but nowhere near the level he was. Gotta be a reason. He was a regular in the scoring stakes, too but can't remember his last goal.
thepole said:
Fucking hell, this guy actually said he was considering leaving city when he read some of the shit posted on here, you'd think people would learn from it.

He is in bad form, how can any of you possibly know the flash cars and presents have gone to his head? He has been in and out of the team, often playing out of position and as a result, has lost confidence. How about we get behind him and hopefully with a run in the first team he could return to the player we had last season, because look around, he is the only creative central midfielder we have, and could be huge for us if he gets back in to a run of form. Can't believe how fickle some fans are

Exactly Pole. Needs very little to get back to the Stevie who ran, tackled, passed and scored. People will drive him out, he will set up somewhere else and storm through a season. He is ours, he is a little out of sort, cut a bit of slack, and support.
if i was a red or a green&yellow i'd be absolutely pissing myself thinking that wankers like you are campaigning for Ireland,

try looking around even this sites other threads have people who know what there talking about, the boy sorry man doesnt get much good press, perhaps the whole sites been sabotaged........

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