Is Cook leaving?

Chicken Kiev said:
I don't think Cooky is all that bad but you can't blame his Mrs for wanting the kids to have an American education over an English one. In fact, you couldn't blame her if She wanted her children educated in outer Mongolia rather than in England. Lets face it the English education system is shit, it always has been shit and it always will be shit.

I would never have my kids educated in the UK. I would never allow them to have religion, political correctness and all that brainwashing shit forced down the throats of my kids.

Where I live its still not considered normal to be gay and it is certainly NOT considered normal for two gay guys to adopt a kid. How can this be normal in any society and whats worse is England forces these issues on to kids and brainwashes them into believing it, Its so, so wrong!!! And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.

Mrs Cook I really don't blame you at all. You really are doing the right thing for your kids.

So you rated the Hitler Youth as an education establishment.... sorry can't agree with anything you have said here.
If I wanted to know about peoples' views re: education, religion etc I would watch the Nicky Campbell show. Why can't we stay on focus and consider Cook's merits or otherwise and the potential for developments if the replacement opportunity arose?
Chicken Kiev said:
I don't think Cooky is all that bad but you can't blame his Mrs for wanting the kids to have an American education over an English one. In fact, you couldn't blame her if She wanted her children educated in outer Mongolia rather than in England. Lets face it the English education system is shit, it always has been shit and it always will be shit.

I would never have my kids educated in the UK. I would never allow them to have religion, political correctness and all that brainwashing shit forced down the throats of my kids.

Where I live its still not considered normal to be gay and it is certainly NOT considered normal for two gay guys to adopt a kid. How can this be normal in any society and whats worse is England forces these issues on to kids and brainwashes them into believing it, Its so, so wrong!!! And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.

Mrs Cook I really don't blame you at all. You really are doing the right thing for your kids.

Yeah it's that shit that all the Uni's are swamped with overseas applicants!
Dubai Blue said:
Chicken Kiev said:
And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.

Like it or not, Britain is multi-cultural and has been for over 2,000 years. I'd much prefer my kids be taught why their classmates may dress differently or be a different colour rather than have them conditioned to be future bigots or right-wing extremists.
I really hope so and if Marwood goes to what a result for the club that would be
both cook and marwood do stirling jobs for the club, a family comes first though so if gary has to go back to the usa then i for one wish him well.

you do know we'll end up with kenyon dont you?
The truth is that most of us on here dont know exactly what he does, or what Marwood does to be honest.

Of what I know of him, I hope he stays. I like him and I think he has done a good job at our club.
Britain is one of the few multi-cultural countries left in the world. There are plenty of other countries that have a more "patriotic" view of immigration. Some would be suprised to learn of some of them I'm pretty sure. The positives/negatives of how they run things will always depend on your own background so it's pointless getting into a debate about all that.

As for Cook, I think he did the best job he could.

He had to shoot his gob off in the months following the takeover, and what he said started making waves everywhere. This was the point - not to gain credibility amongst the critics, rather to get everyone talking about City.

I like City Square too (banger baguettes mmmm! when does the season start!)

He will make way for someone when we're well into Phase 2 of the "plan", it's not unusual for this position to change; just look at Real, when Mourinho fell out with that bloke.
de niro said:
both cook and marwood do stirling jobs for the club, a family comes first though so if gary has to go back to the usa then i for one wish him well.

you do know we'll end up with kenyon dont you?

Glad at least someone realises what a job they do....

Got to laugh at people claiming they could do the job, and branding him shit and clueless, when you can say with 99% certainty they will never achieve what Cook has in his career...
BiBaBo said:
Dubai Blue said:
Chicken Kiev said:
And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.

Like it or not, Britain is multi-cultural and has been for over 2,000 years. I'd much prefer my kids be taught why their classmates may dress differently or be a different colour rather than have them conditioned to be future bigots or right-wing extremists.
That's not what he means & why do you assume the bigots & extremists are resticted to one side of the coin.
I'm afraid,like it or not you have just put yourself in the camp of the people you say you despise.
I'd much prefer my kids be taught why their classmates may dress differently or be a different colour
PMSL,so you don't believe in the school uniform eh!
Sorry but your post just shows your ignorance about schooling in England & particularly the Manchester are.

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